FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A’ freagairt gairm na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Bha Pòl Moireach a’ fuireach agus ag obair ann an Leòdhas mus do cho-dhùin e gairm na ministrealachd a fhreagairt. Airson a’ chiad bhliadhna anns an t-Seminary tha e air a bhean, Amanda, agus an nighean bheag aca, Màiri Belle, fhàgail às a dhèidh. Feumaidh e dèanamh air a shon fhèin a-rithist. Anns a’ bheagan ùine a tha aig Pòl eadar crìoch nan clasaichean agus dol chun na coinneimh sheachdainich ann an Lìte tha e trang anns a’ flat aige a’ dèanamh na dìnneir dha fhèin agus oileanach eile anns a’ mhinistrealachd, Daibhidh Dòmhnallach.

[Pòl] Tha mi a’ dèanamh beef stir fry. A dh’innse na fìrinn, cha chreid mi gun do rinn mi beef stir fry riamh. Tha a’ choinneamh ùrnaigh againn a-nochd. Mar as trice bidh mise a’ dol ann thuige-san oidhche Chiadain ron choinneimh no bidh esan a’ tighinn a-nall an seo. Chionn tha e nas fhasa, tha sinn a-staigh nas anmoiche feasgar Diciadain ’s mar sin tha e nas fhasa dìreach cuideigin againn còcaireachd. Nì mi a’ chùis anns a’ chidsin, chan eil mi ro dhèidheil air a bhith a’ còcaireachd, a dh’innse na fìrinn. ’S chaomh leam a bhith ga dhèanamh ’s dòcha oidhche Haoine no oidhche Shathairne nuair a tha beagan a bharrachd de thìde agad, ach tron t-seachdain chan eil mi cho keen air idir, a dh’innse na fìrinn. Tha Amanda air tòrr bìdh a dhèanamh dhomh. Rinn i lasagne ’s rinn i sausage stew ’s rudan mar sin agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh nach eil agamsa ach ri buntàta a chur air no ri tiops a chur air agus, a dh’innse na fìrinn, sin a bh’ agam a-raoir agus a’ bhon-raoir.

[Pòl] Seo rud beag embarrassing ach nuair a bhios mis’ a’ gearradh uinnean bidh mo shùilean a’ dol really dona so nuair a phòs sinn fhuair sinn onion goggles bho chuideigin. Cha robh fhios agamsa gun robh an leithid de rud ann ach tha iad really handy so excuse me. Go for it.

[Pòl] An rud mu dheidhinn nan h-onion goggles chan eil thu a’ faicinn cho math nuair a tha iad ort! Rudeigin cunnartach nuair a tha sgian agad na do làimh.

[Pòl] Bho thàinig mi sìos an seo tha mi air a bhith a’ dol dhan Eaglais Shaoir ann an Lìte, Leith Free Church. Ministear a th’ againn, Eadailteach a th’ ann, Gavino Fioretti an t-ainm a th’ air. Tha Gavino air a bhith a’ bruidhinn rium mu bhith a’ searmonachadh mar-thà. Cha d’ fhuair mi deit bhuaithe fhathast ach a h-uile cothrom ’s mathaid ro na Christmas holidays no ’s mathaid às dèidh nan Christmas holidays.

[Pòl] I’m just about to put the stir fry on so you can just head over just now if you’re ready…

[Dàibhidh] You’re interrupting me watching Neighbours.

[Pòl] You can pause Neighbours.

[Dàibhidh] Okay, I’ll be round shortly.

[Pòl] Okay, right thanks.

[Pòl] Duine saoghalta a tha a’ coimhead Neighbours agus Emmerdale aige later on, tha e ag ràdh. Chan eil fhios ’m dè seòrsa ministeir a bhios a’ coimhead Emmerdale ach uill, it takes all sorts!



Answering the call of the ministry

English Beurla

[Presenter] Paul Murray was living and working in Lewis before he decided to answer the call to ministry. For the first year in the Seminary he has left behind his wife, Amanda, and their little girl, Màiri Belle. He must make do for himself again. In the little time that Paul has between finishing classes and going to the weekly meeting in Leith he is busy in his flat making dinner for himself and other ministry student, David MacDonald.

[Paul] I’m making beef stir fry. To tell the truth, I don’t think that I’ve ever made beef stir fry. We have the prayer meeting tonight. Usually I go to him on Wednesday night before the meeting or he comes across here. Because it’s easier, we are in later on a Wednesday afternoon and therefore it is easier just for one of us to cook. I can manage in the kitchen, I’m not too fond of cooking, to tell the truth. I like to do it on perhaps a Friday night or Saturday night when you have a little more time, but during the week I’m not so keen on it at all, telling the truth. Amanda has made lots of food for me. She made lasagne and she made sausage stew and things like that and that means that I only have to put potatoes or chips on and, to tell the truth, that’s what I had last night and the night before.

[Paul] This is a little bit embarrassing but when I cut onions my eyes get really bad so when we married we got onion goggles from someone. I didn’t know that there was even such a thing but they’re really handy so excuse me. Go for it.

[Paul] The thing about the onion goggles is that you can’t see so well when you’re wearing them! Somewhat dangerous when you have a knife in your hand.

[Paul] Since I came down here I’ve been going to the Free Church in Leith, Leith Free Church. Our minister, he’s Italian, Gavino Fioretti is his name. Gavino has been speaking to me about preaching already. I haven’t had a date from him yet but there’s every chance perhaps before the Christmas holidays no perhaps after the Christmas holidays.

[Pòl] I’m just about to put the stir fry on so you can just head over just now if you’re ready…

[Dàibhidh] You’re interrupting me watching Neighbours.

[Pòl] You can pause Neighbours.

[Dàibhidh] Okay, I’ll be round shortly.

[Pòl] Okay, right thanks.

[Paul] A worldly man watching Neighbours and he’s got Emmerdale later on, he says. I don’t know what sort of minister watches Emmerdale but well, it takes all sorts!

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.



A’ freagairt gairm na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Bha Pòl Moireach a’ fuireach agus ag obair ann an Leòdhas mus do cho-dhùin e gairm na ministrealachd a fhreagairt. Airson a’ chiad bhliadhna anns an t-Seminary tha e air a bhean, Amanda, agus an nighean bheag aca, Màiri Belle, fhàgail às a dhèidh. Feumaidh e dèanamh air a shon fhèin a-rithist. Anns a’ bheagan ùine a tha aig Pòl eadar crìoch nan clasaichean agus dol chun na coinneimh sheachdainich ann an Lìte tha e trang anns a’ flat aige a’ dèanamh na dìnneir dha fhèin agus oileanach eile anns a’ mhinistrealachd, Daibhidh Dòmhnallach.

[Pòl] Tha mi a’ dèanamh beef stir fry. A dh’innse na fìrinn, cha chreid mi gun do rinn mi beef stir fry riamh. Tha a’ choinneamh ùrnaigh againn a-nochd. Mar as trice bidh mise a’ dol ann thuige-san oidhche Chiadain ron choinneimh no bidh esan a’ tighinn a-nall an seo. Chionn tha e nas fhasa, tha sinn a-staigh nas anmoiche feasgar Diciadain ’s mar sin tha e nas fhasa dìreach cuideigin againn còcaireachd. Nì mi a’ chùis anns a’ chidsin, chan eil mi ro dhèidheil air a bhith a’ còcaireachd, a dh’innse na fìrinn. ’S chaomh leam a bhith ga dhèanamh ’s dòcha oidhche Haoine no oidhche Shathairne nuair a tha beagan a bharrachd de thìde agad, ach tron t-seachdain chan eil mi cho keen air idir, a dh’innse na fìrinn. Tha Amanda air tòrr bìdh a dhèanamh dhomh. Rinn i lasagne ’s rinn i sausage stew ’s rudan mar sin agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh nach eil agamsa ach ri buntàta a chur air no ri tiops a chur air agus, a dh’innse na fìrinn, sin a bh’ agam a-raoir agus a’ bhon-raoir.

[Pòl] Seo rud beag embarrassing ach nuair a bhios mis’ a’ gearradh uinnean bidh mo shùilean a’ dol really dona so nuair a phòs sinn fhuair sinn onion goggles bho chuideigin. Cha robh fhios agamsa gun robh an leithid de rud ann ach tha iad really handy so excuse me. Go for it.

[Pòl] An rud mu dheidhinn nan h-onion goggles chan eil thu a’ faicinn cho math nuair a tha iad ort! Rudeigin cunnartach nuair a tha sgian agad na do làimh.

[Pòl] Bho thàinig mi sìos an seo tha mi air a bhith a’ dol dhan Eaglais Shaoir ann an Lìte, Leith Free Church. Ministear a th’ againn, Eadailteach a th’ ann, Gavino Fioretti an t-ainm a th’ air. Tha Gavino air a bhith a’ bruidhinn rium mu bhith a’ searmonachadh mar-thà. Cha d’ fhuair mi deit bhuaithe fhathast ach a h-uile cothrom ’s mathaid ro na Christmas holidays no ’s mathaid às dèidh nan Christmas holidays.

[Pòl] I’m just about to put the stir fry on so you can just head over just now if you’re ready…

[Dàibhidh] You’re interrupting me watching Neighbours.

[Pòl] You can pause Neighbours.

[Dàibhidh] Okay, I’ll be round shortly.

[Pòl] Okay, right thanks.

[Pòl] Duine saoghalta a tha a’ coimhead Neighbours agus Emmerdale aige later on, tha e ag ràdh. Chan eil fhios ’m dè seòrsa ministeir a bhios a’ coimhead Emmerdale ach uill, it takes all sorts!



Answering the call of the ministry

English Beurla

[Presenter] Paul Murray was living and working in Lewis before he decided to answer the call to ministry. For the first year in the Seminary he has left behind his wife, Amanda, and their little girl, Màiri Belle. He must make do for himself again. In the little time that Paul has between finishing classes and going to the weekly meeting in Leith he is busy in his flat making dinner for himself and other ministry student, David MacDonald.

[Paul] I’m making beef stir fry. To tell the truth, I don’t think that I’ve ever made beef stir fry. We have the prayer meeting tonight. Usually I go to him on Wednesday night before the meeting or he comes across here. Because it’s easier, we are in later on a Wednesday afternoon and therefore it is easier just for one of us to cook. I can manage in the kitchen, I’m not too fond of cooking, to tell the truth. I like to do it on perhaps a Friday night or Saturday night when you have a little more time, but during the week I’m not so keen on it at all, telling the truth. Amanda has made lots of food for me. She made lasagne and she made sausage stew and things like that and that means that I only have to put potatoes or chips on and, to tell the truth, that’s what I had last night and the night before.

[Paul] This is a little bit embarrassing but when I cut onions my eyes get really bad so when we married we got onion goggles from someone. I didn’t know that there was even such a thing but they’re really handy so excuse me. Go for it.

[Paul] The thing about the onion goggles is that you can’t see so well when you’re wearing them! Somewhat dangerous when you have a knife in your hand.

[Paul] Since I came down here I’ve been going to the Free Church in Leith, Leith Free Church. Our minister, he’s Italian, Gavino Fioretti is his name. Gavino has been speaking to me about preaching already. I haven’t had a date from him yet but there’s every chance perhaps before the Christmas holidays no perhaps after the Christmas holidays.

[Pòl] I’m just about to put the stir fry on so you can just head over just now if you’re ready…

[Dàibhidh] You’re interrupting me watching Neighbours.

[Pòl] You can pause Neighbours.

[Dàibhidh] Okay, I’ll be round shortly.

[Pòl] Okay, right thanks.

[Paul] A worldly man watching Neighbours and he’s got Emmerdale later on, he says. I don’t know what sort of minister watches Emmerdale but well, it takes all sorts!

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.