FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about abilities and permission A’ bruidhinn mu chomasan agus cead

I'm far too tiredTha mi fada ro sgìth

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

cha toigh leam … I dislike …

is beag orm ... I hate …

fada ro fhuar far too cold

is beag orm goilf I hate golf

tha i fada ro fhuar it is far too cold

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman Bha siud math, nach robh? That was good, wasn’t it?
Man Bha. 's toigh leam Holly Hunter.
Seo a ghràidh, chan urrainn dhomh dràibheadh.
Tha mi fada ro sgìth.
I like Holly Hunter.
Here, dear, I can’t drive.
I’m far too tired.
Woman Ceart gu leòr. Alright.
Golfer Siuthad!
Suas leat, a bhalaich.
Suas leat.
Thì, ’s beag orm goilf!
Go on!
Up you go, boy.
Up you go.
Oh my, I hate golf!
Woman Feumaidh mi an uinneag a dhùnadh.
Tha i fada ro fhuar.
Chan urrainn dhomh.
Feuch thu fhèin i, a Sheumais.
I need to close the window.
It’s far too cold.
I can’t.
Try it yourself, James.
Seumas Feuchaidh. I’ll try.
Woman Tapadh leat. Thank you.