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Talking about consumer issues A’ bruidhinn mu chùisean luchd-caitheimh

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

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Nurse Halò.
Room Service.
Cha do ghabh thu do bhiadh, tha mi a’ faicinn.
A bheil rudeigin ceàrr ortsa?
’S dòcha gu bheil thu ag iarraidh rudeigin eile na àite.
Chan eil?
Ò uill, ’s fheàrr dhomh falbh ma-thà.
Coma leatsa.
Cha robh mi ag iarraidh tip co-dhiù.
Room Service.
You didn’t have your meal, I see.
Is there something wrong with you?
You probably want something else instead.
Oh well, I better go then.
Never you mind.
I didn’t want a tip anyway.
Nurse Tha i gu math ìseal an-diugh, tha eagal orm. She’s in a bad way today, I’m afraid.
Ceit Tha. Yes.
Nurse Tha cuideigin à Uibhist a Deas ann an Ward 7c.
Thàinig e a-steach an-dè.
’S dòcha gu bheil thu eòlach air.
’S e Seumas Dòmhnallach an t-ainm a th’ air.
Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil e gu math ìseal.
There’s someone from South Uist in Ward 7c.
He came in yesterday.
You might know him?
His name’s James MacDonald.
They say that he is in a bad way.
Ceit Seumas?
Seumas Dòmhnallach?
James MacDonald?
Nurse Duine òg.
Tha e a’ fuireach ann an Langshaws.
A young man.
He stays in Langshaws.
Ceit Mo chreach ’s a thàinig. Oh my goodness me.
Murchadh A Sheumais, halò?
Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh?
A bheil thu a’ faireachdainn nas fheàrr?
Seall seo.
Cheannaich mi measan dhut.
Agus cairt.
Tha measan math dhut.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun còrd a’ chairt riut.
Seall, tha cracker de bhoireannach oirre.
A bheil thu ga faicinn?
A bheil thu idir ga mo chluinntinn?
Och uill, dè an diofar.
Tha sinn gu math sàmhach anns a’ gharaids an-dràsta.
Chan eil duine sam bith airson càr a cheannach.
Ma bhios prìs àrd air, canaidh iad: “Tha e ro dhaor”; ma bhios prìs ìseal air, canaidh iad: “Feumaidh gu bheil rudeigin ceàrr air.”
O a Sheumais.
Tha mi cho duilich a bhith gad fhaicinn mar seo.
Tha mi cho duilich.
James, hello?
How are you today?
Are you feeling better?
Look at this.
I bought fruit for you.
And a card.
Fruit is good for you.
I think you’ll like the card.
Look, there’s a cracker of a woman on it.
Can you see her?
Can you hear me at all?
Och well, what does it matter.
We are fairly quiet in the garage just now.
Nobody wants to buy a car. If it’s a high price, they say: “It’s too expensive”; if it’s a low price, they say: “There must be something wrong with it.”
Oh James.
I’m so sorry to see you like this.
I’m so sorry.
Ceit A Sheumais.
A Sheumais, dè rinn thu ort fhèin?
Am faod mi suidhe an seo?
James, what did you do to yourself?
May I sit here?
Murchadh Faodaidh. Yes.
Ceit Ceit NicAoidh. Kate Mackay
Murchadh Murchadh MacPhàil. Murdo MacFale
Ceit Seumas bochd. Poor James.
Murchadh Seumas bochd. Poor James.
Ceit A h-uile duine cho trang.
Chan eil ùine againn airson daoine a chuideachadh.
Abair càirdeas.
Everyone so busy.
We don’t have time to help people.
Talk about friendship.
Murchadh Bha e ag obair dhomhsa anns a’ gharaids.
’S e mise a chuir às an dreuchd aige.
Abair càirdeas.
He was working for me in the garage.
I’m the one who fired him.
Talk about friendship.
Ceit Na bi cho cruaidh ort fhèin.
Tha sinn uile a’ faireachdainn duilich.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
We all feel bad.
Murchadh Bu chòir dhuinn “Tìoraidh” a ràdh ri Seumas mus fhalbh sinn.
A bheil thu ag iarraidh deoch an dèidh làimhe?
We should say “Cheerio” to James before we leave.
Do you want a drink afterwards?
Ceit Chòrdadh sin rium glè mhath.
Ach chan fhaod mi bhith anmoch.
Tha mi a’ falbh a Thiriodh sa mhadainn a-màireach.
I’d enjoy that very much.
But I can’t be late.
I’m leaving for Tiree tomorrow morning.
Murchadh Tiriodh? Tiree?
Ceit A bheil thu eòlach air? Do you know it?
Murchadh ’S ann à Tiriodh a tha mi.
Carson a tha thu a' dol ann?
I’m from Tiree.
Why are you going there?
Ceit Tha mi a’ lorg obair.
Ann an àite sam bith ach ann an Glaschu.
A bheil Tiriodh snog?
I’m looking for work.
Anywhere but Glasgow.
Is Tiree nice?
Murchadh Tha e glè shnog.
Ach bu chòir dhut a bhith cinnteach gu bheil thu airson a dhol ann, nach eil thu a’ ruith air falbh bho rudeigin eile, neo cuideigin eile?
It’s very nice.
But you should be sure that you want to go, that you’re not running away from something else, or somebody else?
Nurse Wow, tha cèilidh a’ dol an seo a-nis.
Ach chan eil deoch aig duine sam bith.
’S e droch sheirbheis a th’ ann, nach e, sir?
A bheil sibh ag iarraidh òran fhad ’s a tha sibh a’ feitheamh?
“’S ann an Ìle, Ìle, Ìle, ’s ann an Ìle a...”
Wow, there’s a ceilidh going on now.
But no one has any drink.
It’s bad service, isn’t it, sir?
Do you want a song while you’re waiting?
“’S ann an Ìle, Ìle, Ìle, ’s ann an Ìle a..”
Ceit Ist.
Tha fhios nach eil sin a’ còrdadh ri Seumas bochd.
Surely poor James isn’t enjoying that.
Seumas Ist thu fhèin, a Cheit.
’S e cracker de bhoireannach a th’ innte. Airson ban-Ìleach
You be quiet yourself, Kate.
She’s a cracker of a woman. For a woman from Islay.