FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Chun taigh-spadaidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Tha slàinte nam beathaichean agamsa uabhasach cudromach dhomh agus tha mi den bheachd ma tha beathach air a dheagh choimhead às an dèidh agus cofhurtail gum bi na h-uain no an fheòil a gheibhear bhuapa gu math nas fheàrr.

[Sweeny] Tha seo fìor dha na mucan cuideachd agus chan fhada gum bi mi a’ faighinn a-mach dìreach cho blasta ’s a bhios iad. ’S ann airson sin a tha iad ann an seo aig deireadh an latha.

[Sweeny] ’S e Glouster Oldspots a th’ anns na mucan seo so fhuair mis’ iad nuair a bha iad seachd no ochd seachdainean a dh’aois. Chan eil cuimhne ’m dè cho aost’ ’s a bha iad. Tha iad air fàs math. Tha iad math. Tha iad peatail. Tha iad ... Chan eil iad a’ briseadh a-mach às an fheans’. OK, tha mi a’ feuchainn ri gnìomhachas beag a bhith ann an seo agus gur e ... gun toir e ... gum bi teachd a-steach ann ach bhithinn-s’ a’ dèanamh seo co-dhiù. Tha mucan air a bhith agam trì no ceithir tursan a-nis so ’s e rud a bhios mise a’ dèanamh co-dhiù so tha e a’ còrdadh rium. Tha an fheòil math ach tha am process gu lèir a’ còrdadh rium. Bho bhith gam faighinn, coimhead às an dèidh agus bhith gan ith’ a’ còrdadh rium co-dhiù.

[Sweeny] Tha e a’ dol a chosg trì fichead not gam marbhadh so tha a hundred and ten agad ann an sin mar-thà. Tha tunna feeding stuff, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e faisg air ceithir ceud not. Cha do sheall mi ris ceart fhathast. Cheannaich mi tunna so tha sin eadar ceithir ac’ so tha sin, can, co-dhiù ceud not eile am beathach so tha sin dà cheud not agus bidh feeding stuff a bharrachd ann cuideachd so tha e ... tha e daor.

[Sweeny] Air sgàth ’s gur ann son reic mar feòil a tha mise a’ togail nam beathaichean a th’ agam air an lot feumaidh mi an toirt chun taigh-spadaidh. Tha an lagh glè theann air an obair seo agus feumaidh a h-uile càil a bhith mar bu chòir son dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na beathaichean cho cofhurtail ’s a ghabhas.

[Sweeny] Tha sinn gu math fortanach gu bheil an goireas seo againn faisg air làimh agus ged a tha e a’ cosg dhuinn a chleachdadh tha e gu math nas saoire do chroitearan na a bhith a’ cur nam beathaichean gu tìr-mòr. Mura biodh an goireas seo cha bhiodh e gu feum dhòmhsa feuchainn ri feòil sam bith a reic.

[Sweeny] Tha eagal orm, tha mi a’ creidsinn, gu bheil e ... ’s e pian a th’ ann ach tha e cudromach, feumaidh a h-uile càil a bhith air a chlàradh agus feumaidh tags a bhith anns na beathaichean, tags eileagtronaigeach anns na beathaichean agus a h-uile càil a bhith ceart. Tha sin ... tha e ceart ann an seo co-dhiù so tha mi a’ creidsinn gur e rud feumail a th’ ann cuideachd son faodaidh mise a dhol air an eadar-lìon agus faicinn cà’ deach beathaichean a reic ’s rudan mar sin. Agus cuideachd chan eil mise cho math air a bhith a’ cumail note dhen a h-uile càil so tha e gu math feumail dìreach a dhol air a’ choimpiutair agus rud a lorg an uair sin cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



To the abbatoir

English Beurla

[Sweeny] The health of my animals is very important to me and I believe that if an animal is well looking after and comfortable that the lambs or the meat that comes from them will be much better.

[Sweeny] This is true for the pigs too and it’s not long until I’ll find out just how tasty they’ll be. It’s for this reason that they’re here at the end of the day.

[Sweeny] These pigs are Glouster Oldspots so I got them when they were seven or eight weeks old. I can’t remember how old they were. They have grown well. They are good. They are like a pet. They are ... They don’t break out of the fence. OK, I’m trying to have a wee business here and it’s ... it will bring ... that there’ll be income but I’d be doing this anyway. I’ve had pigs three or four times now so it’s something that I do anyway so I enjoy it. The meat is good but I enjoy the entire process. From getting them, looking after them and I enjoy eating them anyway.

[Sweeny] It’s going to cost sixty pounds to slaughter them so you’ve got a hundred and ten there already. A ton of feeding stuff, I think that it’s close to four hundred pounds. I haven’t looked at it properly yet. I bought a ton so that’s between four of them so that’s, say, at least another hundred pounds per animal so that’s two hundred and there’s extra feeding stuff too so it’s … it’s expensive.

[Sweeny] Because I’m raising the animals that I have on the croft to sell as meat I must take them to the abbatoir. The law is very strict on this work and everything must be as it should to make sure that the animals are as comfortable as possible.

[Sweeny] We’re fortunate that we’ve got this facility close by and although we pay to use it it’s much cheaper for crofters than sending the animals to the mainland. If it wasn’t for this facility it would be no use me trying to sell any meat.

[Sweeny] I’m afraid, I think, that it’s ... it’s pain but it’s important, everything must be recorded and the animals must have tags, electronic tags on the animals and everything must be correct. That’s ... it’s correct here anyway so I think that it’s a useful thing too because I can go on the internet and see where animals were sold and things like that. And also I’m not so good at keeping a note of everything so it’s very useful just to go on the computer to find something then too.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV



Chun taigh-spadaidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Tha slàinte nam beathaichean agamsa uabhasach cudromach dhomh agus tha mi den bheachd ma tha beathach air a dheagh choimhead às an dèidh agus cofhurtail gum bi na h-uain no an fheòil a gheibhear bhuapa gu math nas fheàrr.

[Sweeny] Tha seo fìor dha na mucan cuideachd agus chan fhada gum bi mi a’ faighinn a-mach dìreach cho blasta ’s a bhios iad. ’S ann airson sin a tha iad ann an seo aig deireadh an latha.

[Sweeny] ’S e Glouster Oldspots a th’ anns na mucan seo so fhuair mis’ iad nuair a bha iad seachd no ochd seachdainean a dh’aois. Chan eil cuimhne ’m dè cho aost’ ’s a bha iad. Tha iad air fàs math. Tha iad math. Tha iad peatail. Tha iad ... Chan eil iad a’ briseadh a-mach às an fheans’. OK, tha mi a’ feuchainn ri gnìomhachas beag a bhith ann an seo agus gur e ... gun toir e ... gum bi teachd a-steach ann ach bhithinn-s’ a’ dèanamh seo co-dhiù. Tha mucan air a bhith agam trì no ceithir tursan a-nis so ’s e rud a bhios mise a’ dèanamh co-dhiù so tha e a’ còrdadh rium. Tha an fheòil math ach tha am process gu lèir a’ còrdadh rium. Bho bhith gam faighinn, coimhead às an dèidh agus bhith gan ith’ a’ còrdadh rium co-dhiù.

[Sweeny] Tha e a’ dol a chosg trì fichead not gam marbhadh so tha a hundred and ten agad ann an sin mar-thà. Tha tunna feeding stuff, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e faisg air ceithir ceud not. Cha do sheall mi ris ceart fhathast. Cheannaich mi tunna so tha sin eadar ceithir ac’ so tha sin, can, co-dhiù ceud not eile am beathach so tha sin dà cheud not agus bidh feeding stuff a bharrachd ann cuideachd so tha e ... tha e daor.

[Sweeny] Air sgàth ’s gur ann son reic mar feòil a tha mise a’ togail nam beathaichean a th’ agam air an lot feumaidh mi an toirt chun taigh-spadaidh. Tha an lagh glè theann air an obair seo agus feumaidh a h-uile càil a bhith mar bu chòir son dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na beathaichean cho cofhurtail ’s a ghabhas.

[Sweeny] Tha sinn gu math fortanach gu bheil an goireas seo againn faisg air làimh agus ged a tha e a’ cosg dhuinn a chleachdadh tha e gu math nas saoire do chroitearan na a bhith a’ cur nam beathaichean gu tìr-mòr. Mura biodh an goireas seo cha bhiodh e gu feum dhòmhsa feuchainn ri feòil sam bith a reic.

[Sweeny] Tha eagal orm, tha mi a’ creidsinn, gu bheil e ... ’s e pian a th’ ann ach tha e cudromach, feumaidh a h-uile càil a bhith air a chlàradh agus feumaidh tags a bhith anns na beathaichean, tags eileagtronaigeach anns na beathaichean agus a h-uile càil a bhith ceart. Tha sin ... tha e ceart ann an seo co-dhiù so tha mi a’ creidsinn gur e rud feumail a th’ ann cuideachd son faodaidh mise a dhol air an eadar-lìon agus faicinn cà’ deach beathaichean a reic ’s rudan mar sin. Agus cuideachd chan eil mise cho math air a bhith a’ cumail note dhen a h-uile càil so tha e gu math feumail dìreach a dhol air a’ choimpiutair agus rud a lorg an uair sin cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



To the abbatoir

English Beurla

[Sweeny] The health of my animals is very important to me and I believe that if an animal is well looking after and comfortable that the lambs or the meat that comes from them will be much better.

[Sweeny] This is true for the pigs too and it’s not long until I’ll find out just how tasty they’ll be. It’s for this reason that they’re here at the end of the day.

[Sweeny] These pigs are Glouster Oldspots so I got them when they were seven or eight weeks old. I can’t remember how old they were. They have grown well. They are good. They are like a pet. They are ... They don’t break out of the fence. OK, I’m trying to have a wee business here and it’s ... it will bring ... that there’ll be income but I’d be doing this anyway. I’ve had pigs three or four times now so it’s something that I do anyway so I enjoy it. The meat is good but I enjoy the entire process. From getting them, looking after them and I enjoy eating them anyway.

[Sweeny] It’s going to cost sixty pounds to slaughter them so you’ve got a hundred and ten there already. A ton of feeding stuff, I think that it’s close to four hundred pounds. I haven’t looked at it properly yet. I bought a ton so that’s between four of them so that’s, say, at least another hundred pounds per animal so that’s two hundred and there’s extra feeding stuff too so it’s … it’s expensive.

[Sweeny] Because I’m raising the animals that I have on the croft to sell as meat I must take them to the abbatoir. The law is very strict on this work and everything must be as it should to make sure that the animals are as comfortable as possible.

[Sweeny] We’re fortunate that we’ve got this facility close by and although we pay to use it it’s much cheaper for crofters than sending the animals to the mainland. If it wasn’t for this facility it would be no use me trying to sell any meat.

[Sweeny] I’m afraid, I think, that it’s ... it’s pain but it’s important, everything must be recorded and the animals must have tags, electronic tags on the animals and everything must be correct. That’s ... it’s correct here anyway so I think that it’s a useful thing too because I can go on the internet and see where animals were sold and things like that. And also I’m not so good at keeping a note of everything so it’s very useful just to go on the computer to find something then too.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV