Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Tha Ramsay a’ falbh gu Cill Rìmhinn
[Ramsay] Madainn mhath, tha mi air mo chois gu math tràth mar a chluinneas sibh air mo ghuth. ’S chan eil ann ach mi fhìn ‘s na delivery men agus na h-eòin. Ach, seacaid spaideil airson àite spaideil. Mach à seo a Chill Rìmhinn.
[Ramsay] Seo a-nist, tha mi air falbh a Chill Rìmhinn, àite gu math sònraichte dhòmhsa. Bha mise ann an shin aig an oilthigh airson cha mhòr ceithir bliadhna. ’S ann a rinn mi Gearmailtais an sin. Agus tha dàimh gu math dlùth eadarainn air sgàth ’s gun deach mo phàrantan dhan oilthigh an sin cuideachd. Mar sin, tha an teaghlach air fad gu math measail air an àite. ’S e àite gu math leòmach a th’ ann, chanadh cuid ach leig iad a-staigh mise so feumaidh nach eil e buileach cho leòmach sin.
[Ramsay] Cha bheir mi fiù ’s dà uair an uaireadair a’ dol gu Cill Rìmhinn leis a’ chàr ach mus rug mi an t-àite air a bheil mi cho eòlach, lùbadh beag air fhiaradh. Tha mi a’ dol air an Secret Bunker, àite nach eil cho dìomhair an-diugh ’s an làrach sgeadaichte le tancaichean agus gunnaichean mòra. Ach ri linn a’ chogaidh fhuair cha robh sìon ri fhaicinn an seo a dhùsgadh droch amharas sam bith. Ach ann an naoi ceud deug naochad sa ceithir, dh’fhalbh sgleò na dìomhaireachd. Airson a’ chiad uair on a thogadh e, dh’fhaodadh duine sam bith a’ gabhail a-staigh, sìos tron tunail, ceud is ceathrad meatair tro na dorsan a sheasadh ri spreadhadh gu àite falaich’ a chumadh feadhainn sàbhailte às dèidh ionnsaigh niùclasach. Trithead meatair fon talamh, an doimhneachd fhèin air dà ùrlar mar gum biodh dà raon ball-coise air muin a chèile.
[Ramsay] Fàilte dhan secret bunker! Ach fhuair mi lorg air, chan eil e cho secret sin a-niste. Right, tha sinn a’ dol a-staigh. Feumaidh sinn a bhith modhail a-nise. Sìos an staidhre ’s tha i a’ fàs fuar agus tha i a’ fàs dorcha. Is seo na tha romham. Mood lighting aca shìos ann an seo. Seall sin sìos is sìos. Central Government Operations.
[Ramsay] ‘S ann an seo tha mi a’ creidsinn a bhiodh an riaghaltas nan tachradh sìon sam bith ann an Alba. Chìthear na deasgaichean a bhiodh aig a h-uile duine a bhiodh ann – Department of Transport, Treasury, Social Security and Employment Department. Bhiodh iad uileadh ag obair tha mi a’ creidsinn a-bhos an seo gu sàbhailte nam biodh rudeigin air tachairt agus a’ cumail sùil air dè na bha a’ dol.
[Ramsay] Tha e dìreach air leth, mar a tha iad a’ cur thairis, gu bheil an rèidio aca a’ dol le mar sia prògraman a bhiodh a’ dol aig an àm sin. Prògram naidheachdan, agus bha iad a’ dèanamh hot desking ach le leapannan `ch bhiodh dithis anns a h-uile leabaidh agus bhiodh iad an uair sin ag atharrachadh le na shifts a bh’ aca ri obair. Dìreach iongantach, bunk beds.
[Ramsay] Tha e cho follaiseach gun robh an t-eagal orra gun robh tubaist a’ dol a thachairt ann an Breatainn leis na th’ aca a-bhos an seo. Cha chreideadh tu gu bràth na th’ aca de dh’uidheamachd agus de rudan a chumadh sàbhailte ar dùthaich nan tachradh sìon. ‘S dh’fhaodainnsa an latha a chur seachad an seo.
Ramsay’s off to St Andrews
[Ramsay] Good morning, I’ve woken up very early as you can hear from my voice. And there’s only myself and the delivery men and the birds. But, a smart jacket for a smart place. Out of here! To St. Andrews.
[Ramsay] Now, I’m going to St. Andrews, a very special place for me. I was there at university for almost four years. I actually did German there. And there’s a very close connection between us because my parents went to university there too. So, the whole family are very keen on the place. It’s a very fancy place some would say but they let me in so it must not be quite as fancy as that.
[Ramsay] I will only take two hours going to St. Andrews with the car, but before I reach the place I know so well a wee detour. I’m going to the Secret Bunker, a place that isn’t so secret today, with the site is covered in tanks and big guns. But during the war, there wasn’t anything to see here that would raise any suspicions. But in 1994, the mist of secrecy lifted. For the first time since it was built, anyone could go in, down through the tunnel, 140m through the doors that would stand against an explosion to a hidden place that would keep some safe after a nuclear attack. 30m beneath the ground, the depth of the two floors is equivalent to two football fields one on top of the other.
[Ramsay] Welcome to the secret bunker! But I found it, it’s not that secret now. Right, we’re going in. We have to be well behaved now. Down the stairs and it’s getting cold and it’s getting dark. And this is what’s ahead of me. They have mood lighting down here. Look at that. Down and down. Central Government Operations.
[Ramsay] It’s here I believe that the government would be if anything happened in Scotland. You can see the desks that everyone who would be here would have Department of Transport, Treasury, Social Security and Employment Department. They would all be working I believe safely over here if something had happened and keeping an eye on what was happening.
[Ramsay] It’s just amazing, as they’re getting across, that they have a radio going with about six programmes that would be going at that time. A news programme, and they were hot desking but with beds, but two people would be in each bed and they would then change with the shifts they had to work. Just amazing, bunk beds.
[Ramsay] It’s so clear that they were scared that an accident would happen in Britain with what they have over here. You wouldn’t believe how much equipment and things they have that would keep our country safe if something happened. And I could spend the day here.
Tha Ramsay a’ falbh gu Cill Rìmhinn
[Ramsay] Madainn mhath, tha mi air mo chois gu math tràth mar a chluinneas sibh air mo ghuth. ’S chan eil ann ach mi fhìn ‘s na delivery men agus na h-eòin. Ach, seacaid spaideil airson àite spaideil. Mach à seo a Chill Rìmhinn.
[Ramsay] Seo a-nist, tha mi air falbh a Chill Rìmhinn, àite gu math sònraichte dhòmhsa. Bha mise ann an shin aig an oilthigh airson cha mhòr ceithir bliadhna. ’S ann a rinn mi Gearmailtais an sin. Agus tha dàimh gu math dlùth eadarainn air sgàth ’s gun deach mo phàrantan dhan oilthigh an sin cuideachd. Mar sin, tha an teaghlach air fad gu math measail air an àite. ’S e àite gu math leòmach a th’ ann, chanadh cuid ach leig iad a-staigh mise so feumaidh nach eil e buileach cho leòmach sin.
[Ramsay] Cha bheir mi fiù ’s dà uair an uaireadair a’ dol gu Cill Rìmhinn leis a’ chàr ach mus rug mi an t-àite air a bheil mi cho eòlach, lùbadh beag air fhiaradh. Tha mi a’ dol air an Secret Bunker, àite nach eil cho dìomhair an-diugh ’s an làrach sgeadaichte le tancaichean agus gunnaichean mòra. Ach ri linn a’ chogaidh fhuair cha robh sìon ri fhaicinn an seo a dhùsgadh droch amharas sam bith. Ach ann an naoi ceud deug naochad sa ceithir, dh’fhalbh sgleò na dìomhaireachd. Airson a’ chiad uair on a thogadh e, dh’fhaodadh duine sam bith a’ gabhail a-staigh, sìos tron tunail, ceud is ceathrad meatair tro na dorsan a sheasadh ri spreadhadh gu àite falaich’ a chumadh feadhainn sàbhailte às dèidh ionnsaigh niùclasach. Trithead meatair fon talamh, an doimhneachd fhèin air dà ùrlar mar gum biodh dà raon ball-coise air muin a chèile.
[Ramsay] Fàilte dhan secret bunker! Ach fhuair mi lorg air, chan eil e cho secret sin a-niste. Right, tha sinn a’ dol a-staigh. Feumaidh sinn a bhith modhail a-nise. Sìos an staidhre ’s tha i a’ fàs fuar agus tha i a’ fàs dorcha. Is seo na tha romham. Mood lighting aca shìos ann an seo. Seall sin sìos is sìos. Central Government Operations.
[Ramsay] ‘S ann an seo tha mi a’ creidsinn a bhiodh an riaghaltas nan tachradh sìon sam bith ann an Alba. Chìthear na deasgaichean a bhiodh aig a h-uile duine a bhiodh ann – Department of Transport, Treasury, Social Security and Employment Department. Bhiodh iad uileadh ag obair tha mi a’ creidsinn a-bhos an seo gu sàbhailte nam biodh rudeigin air tachairt agus a’ cumail sùil air dè na bha a’ dol.
[Ramsay] Tha e dìreach air leth, mar a tha iad a’ cur thairis, gu bheil an rèidio aca a’ dol le mar sia prògraman a bhiodh a’ dol aig an àm sin. Prògram naidheachdan, agus bha iad a’ dèanamh hot desking ach le leapannan `ch bhiodh dithis anns a h-uile leabaidh agus bhiodh iad an uair sin ag atharrachadh le na shifts a bh’ aca ri obair. Dìreach iongantach, bunk beds.
[Ramsay] Tha e cho follaiseach gun robh an t-eagal orra gun robh tubaist a’ dol a thachairt ann an Breatainn leis na th’ aca a-bhos an seo. Cha chreideadh tu gu bràth na th’ aca de dh’uidheamachd agus de rudan a chumadh sàbhailte ar dùthaich nan tachradh sìon. ‘S dh’fhaodainnsa an latha a chur seachad an seo.
Ramsay’s off to St Andrews
[Ramsay] Good morning, I’ve woken up very early as you can hear from my voice. And there’s only myself and the delivery men and the birds. But, a smart jacket for a smart place. Out of here! To St. Andrews.
[Ramsay] Now, I’m going to St. Andrews, a very special place for me. I was there at university for almost four years. I actually did German there. And there’s a very close connection between us because my parents went to university there too. So, the whole family are very keen on the place. It’s a very fancy place some would say but they let me in so it must not be quite as fancy as that.
[Ramsay] I will only take two hours going to St. Andrews with the car, but before I reach the place I know so well a wee detour. I’m going to the Secret Bunker, a place that isn’t so secret today, with the site is covered in tanks and big guns. But during the war, there wasn’t anything to see here that would raise any suspicions. But in 1994, the mist of secrecy lifted. For the first time since it was built, anyone could go in, down through the tunnel, 140m through the doors that would stand against an explosion to a hidden place that would keep some safe after a nuclear attack. 30m beneath the ground, the depth of the two floors is equivalent to two football fields one on top of the other.
[Ramsay] Welcome to the secret bunker! But I found it, it’s not that secret now. Right, we’re going in. We have to be well behaved now. Down the stairs and it’s getting cold and it’s getting dark. And this is what’s ahead of me. They have mood lighting down here. Look at that. Down and down. Central Government Operations.
[Ramsay] It’s here I believe that the government would be if anything happened in Scotland. You can see the desks that everyone who would be here would have Department of Transport, Treasury, Social Security and Employment Department. They would all be working I believe safely over here if something had happened and keeping an eye on what was happening.
[Ramsay] It’s just amazing, as they’re getting across, that they have a radio going with about six programmes that would be going at that time. A news programme, and they were hot desking but with beds, but two people would be in each bed and they would then change with the shifts they had to work. Just amazing, bunk beds.
[Ramsay] It’s so clear that they were scared that an accident would happen in Britain with what they have over here. You wouldn’t believe how much equipment and things they have that would keep our country safe if something happened. And I could spend the day here.