FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An tofaidh-brisg aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Shona] Traybake uabhasach soirbh a th’ ann. Tha e caran coltach ris an chocolate crispy a bhios a h-uile duine a’ dèanamh ach chan e a h-uile duine as toigh leotha teòclaid so tha mi ga dhèanamh beagan eadar-dhealaichte agus tha marshmallows gu bhith a-staigh na bhroinn an àite an teòclaid agus beagan tofaidh cuideachd.

[Shona] A’ chiad rud a tha a’ dol ann ’s e ceud gram de dh’ìm. A’ dol a-staigh dhan phana. Tha an uair sin poca slàn de mharshmallows. A h-uile sgath a’ dol a-staigh còmhla. Agus tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh dà bhar tofaidh.

[Màiri] Agus bha thu ag ràdh gur e tofaidh sònraichte a tha ag obrachadh ann an seo.

[Shona] Yeah tofaidh a bh’ againn nuair a bha sinn òg agus cha robh mi cinnteach fhathast am b’ urrainn dhuinn fhaighinn. Tha dùil agamsa gun robh an companaidh air a dhol à bith ach chan eil a rèir coltais. Mar a tha a h-uile càil, chan eil e a’ coimhead cho math sin an-dràsta ach air teine a’ chooker agus tha sinn a’ dol ga leaghadh sìos aig teas gu math ìosal.

[Màiri] Gu socair.

[Shona] Gu socair gus nach loisg e ’s gus nach steig e.

[Màiri] Tòisichidh sinn ma-thà.

[Shona] Ok.

[Shona] Ceart. Nise tha seo uile, tha e fhathast.

[Màiri] Nis, seo an seòrsa cèic as toigh leamsa.

[Shona] Saoil an gabh thu fhèin pìos ma-thà?

[Màiri] Ò cha chreid mi nach fheum mi!

[Shona] Nise, chan eil mi a’ dol a chur a-staigh a h-uile biod dheth aig an aon àm. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol ga chur a-staigh gus an tèid a chòmhdach, gus nach eil e rofhliuch. Uaireannan chuireadh tu cus a-staigh agus tha e a’ dol fada ro thioram. Nise, chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bithinn ag iarraidh cus.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ coimhead fìor mhath mar sin, nach eil?

[Shona] Nach eil? Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil gu leòr ann, nach eil?

[Màiri] Chanainn gu bheil.

[Shona] So tha sin, a h-uile rud air a chòmhdach agus mar sin tha mi dìreach a’ cleachdadh bobhla le beagan greaseproof paper air a’ bhonn. B’ àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ cleachdadh ’s dòcha beagan ime no rudeigin ach dìreach glè glè bheag ach an uair sin gheibh thu blas an ìm air do bhèicearachd agus chan eil sin. Ceart, tha seo dìreach a’ dol a-staigh mar a sheòllas e ’s i cho sticky. Mar sin na marshmallows.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh seo math le teòclaid geal air.

[Shona] See cha chòrdadh sin riumsa idir. Chan eil mi cho dèidheil sin air teòclaid geal idir. So tha mi dìreach a’ dol ga.

[Màiri] Tha am fàileadh dìreach fìor mhath.

[Shona] Nach eil? Bhiodh e glè mhath air ice cream às aonais nan rice crispies. Nise, tha mi a’ dol ga chur a-staigh dhan frids dìreach an-dràsta airson seatadh oir bheir e cothrom dhomh dìreach an teòclaid fhaighinn air.

[Shona] Sin agad an teòclaid air leaghadh gu math. Chì sinn nach eil cnapan ann. Tha mi ga dhèanamh gu math slaodach. Abair thusa gu bheil fàileadh math far na eòclaid a tha seo.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach nuair a tha thu a’ dèanamh rud mar seo gur e deagh theòclaid a chleachdas tu cuideachd.

[Shona] Feumaidh tu rud math agus tha mi a’ smaoineachadh a-rithist, feumaidh tu an rud a tha thu fhèin cleachdte ris a chleachdadh. Nan cleachdainn-sa an-dràsta teòclaid sam bith eile chan obraicheadh e buileach ceart. ’S toigh leam gearradh nam pìosan aig na h-oirean airson nuair a tha thu a’ cur càil a-staigh gu fèill no fèill reic no càil mar sin chan urrainn dhut really na pìosan sin a chur a-staigh agus tha againn ri iad sin a chumail aig an taigh airson ithe.

[Shona] Chan eil sin ro thiugh idir. Air a chòmhdach a-nis agus leigidh sinn leis fuarachadh mus gabh a gheàrradh.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Shona MacDonald’s toffee crisp

English Beurla

[Shona] It is a terribly easy traybake. It is quite similar to the chocolate crispy that everyone makes but not everyone likes chocolate so I make it a little differently and there will be marshmallows in amongst it instead of chocolate and a little toffee too.

[Shona] The first thing that is going in is a hundred grams of butter. Going into the pan. And then a whole bag of marshmallows. Everything going in together. And I am going to use two bars of toffee.

[Màiri] And you were saying that it is a special toffee that works here.

[Shona] Yeah toffee that we had when we were young and I wasn’t sure if we could still get it. I thought that the company had folded but apparently not. As everything is, it doesn’t look that good just now but on the heat of the cooker and we are going to melt it down at a very low heat.

[Màiri] Gently.

[Shona] Gently so that it doesn’t burn and so that it doesn’t stick.

[Màiri] We will start then.

[Shona] Ok.

[Shona] Right. Now this is all, it is still.

[Màiri] Now, this is the sort of cake that I like.

[Shona] I wonder if you will take a piece then?

[Màiri] Oh I think I might need to!

[Shona] Now, I am not going to add it all at the same time. I am just going to put it in until it is coated, until it is not too wet. Sometimes you could put too much in and it goes far too dry. Now, I don’t think that I would want too much.

[Màiri] It looks really good like that, doesn’t it?

[Shona] Doesn’t it? I think that there is enough, isn’t there?

[Màiri] I would say so.

[Shona] So that is, everything is covered and so I am just using a bowl with a little greaseproof paper on the base. I used to use maybe a little butter or something but just very very little but then you can get the taste of the butter in your baking and that is not . Right, this is just going in as it falls and it is so sticky. As are the marshmallows.

[Màiri] I think that this would be good with white chocolate on it.

[Shona] See I would not like that at all. I am not that fond of white chocolate at all. So I am just going to ...

[Màiri] The smell is just so good.

[Shona] Isn’t it? It would be very good on ice cream without the rice crispies. Now, I am just going to put it into the fridge just now to set and that will give me an opportunity to just get the chocolate on it.

[Shona] There you have the melted chocolate. We can see that there are no lumps. I do it very slowly. There is certainly a good smell from this chocolate.

[Màiri] I think that it is important when you are making something like this that it is good chocolate that you use too.

[Shona] You need something good and I think again, you need the thing that you are used to using. Just now if I used any other chocolate it would not work completely right. I like to cut the pieces at the edges because when you submit anything to a sale or anything like that you cannot really submit those pieces and we have to keep those at home to eat.

[Shona] That is not too thick at all. Covered now and we will let it chill before it can be cut.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



An tofaidh-brisg aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Shona] Traybake uabhasach soirbh a th’ ann. Tha e caran coltach ris an chocolate crispy a bhios a h-uile duine a’ dèanamh ach chan e a h-uile duine as toigh leotha teòclaid so tha mi ga dhèanamh beagan eadar-dhealaichte agus tha marshmallows gu bhith a-staigh na bhroinn an àite an teòclaid agus beagan tofaidh cuideachd.

[Shona] A’ chiad rud a tha a’ dol ann ’s e ceud gram de dh’ìm. A’ dol a-staigh dhan phana. Tha an uair sin poca slàn de mharshmallows. A h-uile sgath a’ dol a-staigh còmhla. Agus tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh dà bhar tofaidh.

[Màiri] Agus bha thu ag ràdh gur e tofaidh sònraichte a tha ag obrachadh ann an seo.

[Shona] Yeah tofaidh a bh’ againn nuair a bha sinn òg agus cha robh mi cinnteach fhathast am b’ urrainn dhuinn fhaighinn. Tha dùil agamsa gun robh an companaidh air a dhol à bith ach chan eil a rèir coltais. Mar a tha a h-uile càil, chan eil e a’ coimhead cho math sin an-dràsta ach air teine a’ chooker agus tha sinn a’ dol ga leaghadh sìos aig teas gu math ìosal.

[Màiri] Gu socair.

[Shona] Gu socair gus nach loisg e ’s gus nach steig e.

[Màiri] Tòisichidh sinn ma-thà.

[Shona] Ok.

[Shona] Ceart. Nise tha seo uile, tha e fhathast.

[Màiri] Nis, seo an seòrsa cèic as toigh leamsa.

[Shona] Saoil an gabh thu fhèin pìos ma-thà?

[Màiri] Ò cha chreid mi nach fheum mi!

[Shona] Nise, chan eil mi a’ dol a chur a-staigh a h-uile biod dheth aig an aon àm. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol ga chur a-staigh gus an tèid a chòmhdach, gus nach eil e rofhliuch. Uaireannan chuireadh tu cus a-staigh agus tha e a’ dol fada ro thioram. Nise, chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bithinn ag iarraidh cus.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ coimhead fìor mhath mar sin, nach eil?

[Shona] Nach eil? Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil gu leòr ann, nach eil?

[Màiri] Chanainn gu bheil.

[Shona] So tha sin, a h-uile rud air a chòmhdach agus mar sin tha mi dìreach a’ cleachdadh bobhla le beagan greaseproof paper air a’ bhonn. B’ àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ cleachdadh ’s dòcha beagan ime no rudeigin ach dìreach glè glè bheag ach an uair sin gheibh thu blas an ìm air do bhèicearachd agus chan eil sin. Ceart, tha seo dìreach a’ dol a-staigh mar a sheòllas e ’s i cho sticky. Mar sin na marshmallows.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh seo math le teòclaid geal air.

[Shona] See cha chòrdadh sin riumsa idir. Chan eil mi cho dèidheil sin air teòclaid geal idir. So tha mi dìreach a’ dol ga.

[Màiri] Tha am fàileadh dìreach fìor mhath.

[Shona] Nach eil? Bhiodh e glè mhath air ice cream às aonais nan rice crispies. Nise, tha mi a’ dol ga chur a-staigh dhan frids dìreach an-dràsta airson seatadh oir bheir e cothrom dhomh dìreach an teòclaid fhaighinn air.

[Shona] Sin agad an teòclaid air leaghadh gu math. Chì sinn nach eil cnapan ann. Tha mi ga dhèanamh gu math slaodach. Abair thusa gu bheil fàileadh math far na eòclaid a tha seo.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach nuair a tha thu a’ dèanamh rud mar seo gur e deagh theòclaid a chleachdas tu cuideachd.

[Shona] Feumaidh tu rud math agus tha mi a’ smaoineachadh a-rithist, feumaidh tu an rud a tha thu fhèin cleachdte ris a chleachdadh. Nan cleachdainn-sa an-dràsta teòclaid sam bith eile chan obraicheadh e buileach ceart. ’S toigh leam gearradh nam pìosan aig na h-oirean airson nuair a tha thu a’ cur càil a-staigh gu fèill no fèill reic no càil mar sin chan urrainn dhut really na pìosan sin a chur a-staigh agus tha againn ri iad sin a chumail aig an taigh airson ithe.

[Shona] Chan eil sin ro thiugh idir. Air a chòmhdach a-nis agus leigidh sinn leis fuarachadh mus gabh a gheàrradh.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Shona MacDonald’s toffee crisp

English Beurla

[Shona] It is a terribly easy traybake. It is quite similar to the chocolate crispy that everyone makes but not everyone likes chocolate so I make it a little differently and there will be marshmallows in amongst it instead of chocolate and a little toffee too.

[Shona] The first thing that is going in is a hundred grams of butter. Going into the pan. And then a whole bag of marshmallows. Everything going in together. And I am going to use two bars of toffee.

[Màiri] And you were saying that it is a special toffee that works here.

[Shona] Yeah toffee that we had when we were young and I wasn’t sure if we could still get it. I thought that the company had folded but apparently not. As everything is, it doesn’t look that good just now but on the heat of the cooker and we are going to melt it down at a very low heat.

[Màiri] Gently.

[Shona] Gently so that it doesn’t burn and so that it doesn’t stick.

[Màiri] We will start then.

[Shona] Ok.

[Shona] Right. Now this is all, it is still.

[Màiri] Now, this is the sort of cake that I like.

[Shona] I wonder if you will take a piece then?

[Màiri] Oh I think I might need to!

[Shona] Now, I am not going to add it all at the same time. I am just going to put it in until it is coated, until it is not too wet. Sometimes you could put too much in and it goes far too dry. Now, I don’t think that I would want too much.

[Màiri] It looks really good like that, doesn’t it?

[Shona] Doesn’t it? I think that there is enough, isn’t there?

[Màiri] I would say so.

[Shona] So that is, everything is covered and so I am just using a bowl with a little greaseproof paper on the base. I used to use maybe a little butter or something but just very very little but then you can get the taste of the butter in your baking and that is not . Right, this is just going in as it falls and it is so sticky. As are the marshmallows.

[Màiri] I think that this would be good with white chocolate on it.

[Shona] See I would not like that at all. I am not that fond of white chocolate at all. So I am just going to ...

[Màiri] The smell is just so good.

[Shona] Isn’t it? It would be very good on ice cream without the rice crispies. Now, I am just going to put it into the fridge just now to set and that will give me an opportunity to just get the chocolate on it.

[Shona] There you have the melted chocolate. We can see that there are no lumps. I do it very slowly. There is certainly a good smell from this chocolate.

[Màiri] I think that it is important when you are making something like this that it is good chocolate that you use too.

[Shona] You need something good and I think again, you need the thing that you are used to using. Just now if I used any other chocolate it would not work completely right. I like to cut the pieces at the edges because when you submit anything to a sale or anything like that you cannot really submit those pieces and we have to keep those at home to eat.

[Shona] That is not too thick at all. Covered now and we will let it chill before it can be cut.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV