FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Am piotsa aog Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Airson a’ phiotsa seo tha mi a’ cleachdadh dà sheòrsa flùir – flùr làidir airson aran a dhèanamh agus flùr plèan – agus uile còmhla agus còig gram beirm, dà làn spàin-tì salainn agus an treas cuid de phinnt uisge blàth. Uile còmhla agus dìreach ga chur timcheall. Tha ola ri dhol ann cuideachd ach cuiridh mi seo uile còmhla an toiseach agus an uair sin ola an lùib a’ chòrr.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ tighinn air falbh bho thaobh a-muigh a’ bhobhla. Nis, tha mi a’ dol a chur làn spàin mhòr ola agus dìreach a’ cur sin an lùib na taoise. Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha thu ag obrachadh na taoise le bhith ga phutadh bhuat le do bhois an uair sin ga phasgadh ri chèile agus ga chur mun chuairt. Lean ort mar seo airson suas ri cairteal na h-uarach gus am bi an taois mìn, sùbailte.

[Màiri] Chì sibh a-nis tha cruth na taoise air atharrachadh agus nuair a phutas mi mo chorrag na broinn tha an taois ag èirigh. Tha sin a’ sealltainn dhomh gu bheil sinn a’ tighinn gu ìre far a bheil sinn gus a bhith deiseil. Chan eil buileach fhathast ach dìreach ga h-obrachadh mar seo. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil sin deiseil.

[Màiri] Nis, tha e agam ann am ball cruinn. Tha bobhla agam ann an seo. Drùthag bheag ola airson ’s nach steig an taois ris a’ bhobhla. Am ball a-staigh dhan bhobhla. Clobhd tais ga chòmhdach agus dìreach ga fhàgail a-rithist ann an àite blàth, gun a bhith ro theth, airson uair an uaireadair.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis sabhs airson na tomatoes a chur air muin a’ phiotsa. Nis, chanainn-sa ’s dòcha trì pìosan garlic dìreach air a chur air feadh nan tomatoes. Dìreach fhad ’s a tha rud beag air gach fear. Crathadh beag salainn, piobair agus làn spàin-tì siùcair dìreach ga chur air feadh. Agus ola. Còig spàinean mòra ola. A-rithist tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gheibh thu sabhs tomàto air a cheannach gu math furasta anns na bùithtean ach chan eil e faisg cho math ri fear a nì thu fhèin a-staigh. Agus vinegar balsamic an uair sin. Dìreach ga dhòrtadh. Agus sin e. Dhan àmhainn a-nis aig teas mu dhà cheud anns an àmhainn airson fichead mionaid.

[Màiri] Aon uair ’s gum bi na tomàtothan bruich tha mi a’ gabhail thuca le measgaichear. Agus an uair sin gan cur tro shìoltagan a ghlacas gach fras ’s pìos craicinn. Mun àm a tha sin deiseil tha an taois air èirigh agus air dùblachadh agus gabhaidh a roileagadh a-mach. Tha mise air pìos taoise mu mheudachadh liomain a chleachdadh airson gach piotsa.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis, an sabhs tomàto. Dìreach ga chur gu math tana. Agus beagan mozzerella.

[Màiri] Faodaidh tu rud math sam bith a th’ agad a-staigh a chur air mullach a’ phiotsa.

[Màiri] Parma ham air an fhear seo.

[Màiri] Tha dùil agam basail a th’ agam ann an seo ach fàgaidh mi sin gu às dèidh làimhe airson a chur air bàrr a’ phiotsa seo. So tha mi a’ smaoineachadh tha an dà phiotsa deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn a-nis.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Màiri's pizza

English Beurla

[Mairi] For this pizza I am using two types of flour – strong flour for making bread and plain flour – and all together and five grams of yeast, two full teaspoons of salt and a third of a pint of warm water. All together and just mix it. Oil has to go in too but I will mix this all together first and then mix oil in with the rest.

[Mairi] It is coming away from the outside of the bowl. Now, I am going to add a full tablespoon of oil and just put that into the dough. There now.

[Mairi] You work the dough by pushing it away from you with the palm of your palm, then fold it together and move it round. Continue like this for up to quarter of an hour until the dough is smooth and pliable.

[Mairi] You can now see the form of the dough has changed and when I push my finger into it the dough rises. That shows me that we are coming to a stage where we are about to be ready. Not quite yet but just working it like this. I think that that is ready.

[Mairi] Now, I have it in a round ball. I have a bowl here. A little drop of oil so that the dough does not stick to the bowl. The ball into the bowl. A damp cloth covering it and just leave it again in a warm place, without being too hot, for an hour.

[Mairi] Now here’s a sauce for putting the tomatoes on top of the pizza. Now, I would say maybe three pieces of garlic just placed throughout the tomatoes. Just as long as there is a little on each one. A little shake of salt, pepper and a full teaspoon of sugar just added throughout. And oil. Five large spoons of oil. Again I think you can easily buy tomato sauce in the shops but it is not nearly as good as one that you make yourself at home. And then balsamic vinegar. Just pouring it. And that is it. Into the oven now at a temperature of about two hundred in the oven for twenty minutes.

[Mairi] Once the tomatoes are cooked I take to them with the blender. And then put them through a sieve that catches each seed and piece of skin. Around the time that that is ready the dough has risen and doubled and it can be rolled out. I have used a piece of dough about the size of a lemon for each pizza.

[Mairi] Now then, the tomato sauce. Just put it very thinly. And a little mozzarella.

[Mairi] You can put anything good that you’ve got in on top of the pizza.

[Mairi] Parma ham on this one.

[Mairi] I am going to put the basil that I have here on top of this pizza but I will leave that until afterwards. So I think the two pizzas are ready to go into the oven now.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Am piotsa aog Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Airson a’ phiotsa seo tha mi a’ cleachdadh dà sheòrsa flùir – flùr làidir airson aran a dhèanamh agus flùr plèan – agus uile còmhla agus còig gram beirm, dà làn spàin-tì salainn agus an treas cuid de phinnt uisge blàth. Uile còmhla agus dìreach ga chur timcheall. Tha ola ri dhol ann cuideachd ach cuiridh mi seo uile còmhla an toiseach agus an uair sin ola an lùib a’ chòrr.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ tighinn air falbh bho thaobh a-muigh a’ bhobhla. Nis, tha mi a’ dol a chur làn spàin mhòr ola agus dìreach a’ cur sin an lùib na taoise. Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha thu ag obrachadh na taoise le bhith ga phutadh bhuat le do bhois an uair sin ga phasgadh ri chèile agus ga chur mun chuairt. Lean ort mar seo airson suas ri cairteal na h-uarach gus am bi an taois mìn, sùbailte.

[Màiri] Chì sibh a-nis tha cruth na taoise air atharrachadh agus nuair a phutas mi mo chorrag na broinn tha an taois ag èirigh. Tha sin a’ sealltainn dhomh gu bheil sinn a’ tighinn gu ìre far a bheil sinn gus a bhith deiseil. Chan eil buileach fhathast ach dìreach ga h-obrachadh mar seo. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil sin deiseil.

[Màiri] Nis, tha e agam ann am ball cruinn. Tha bobhla agam ann an seo. Drùthag bheag ola airson ’s nach steig an taois ris a’ bhobhla. Am ball a-staigh dhan bhobhla. Clobhd tais ga chòmhdach agus dìreach ga fhàgail a-rithist ann an àite blàth, gun a bhith ro theth, airson uair an uaireadair.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis sabhs airson na tomatoes a chur air muin a’ phiotsa. Nis, chanainn-sa ’s dòcha trì pìosan garlic dìreach air a chur air feadh nan tomatoes. Dìreach fhad ’s a tha rud beag air gach fear. Crathadh beag salainn, piobair agus làn spàin-tì siùcair dìreach ga chur air feadh. Agus ola. Còig spàinean mòra ola. A-rithist tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gheibh thu sabhs tomàto air a cheannach gu math furasta anns na bùithtean ach chan eil e faisg cho math ri fear a nì thu fhèin a-staigh. Agus vinegar balsamic an uair sin. Dìreach ga dhòrtadh. Agus sin e. Dhan àmhainn a-nis aig teas mu dhà cheud anns an àmhainn airson fichead mionaid.

[Màiri] Aon uair ’s gum bi na tomàtothan bruich tha mi a’ gabhail thuca le measgaichear. Agus an uair sin gan cur tro shìoltagan a ghlacas gach fras ’s pìos craicinn. Mun àm a tha sin deiseil tha an taois air èirigh agus air dùblachadh agus gabhaidh a roileagadh a-mach. Tha mise air pìos taoise mu mheudachadh liomain a chleachdadh airson gach piotsa.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis, an sabhs tomàto. Dìreach ga chur gu math tana. Agus beagan mozzerella.

[Màiri] Faodaidh tu rud math sam bith a th’ agad a-staigh a chur air mullach a’ phiotsa.

[Màiri] Parma ham air an fhear seo.

[Màiri] Tha dùil agam basail a th’ agam ann an seo ach fàgaidh mi sin gu às dèidh làimhe airson a chur air bàrr a’ phiotsa seo. So tha mi a’ smaoineachadh tha an dà phiotsa deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn a-nis.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Màiri's pizza

English Beurla

[Mairi] For this pizza I am using two types of flour – strong flour for making bread and plain flour – and all together and five grams of yeast, two full teaspoons of salt and a third of a pint of warm water. All together and just mix it. Oil has to go in too but I will mix this all together first and then mix oil in with the rest.

[Mairi] It is coming away from the outside of the bowl. Now, I am going to add a full tablespoon of oil and just put that into the dough. There now.

[Mairi] You work the dough by pushing it away from you with the palm of your palm, then fold it together and move it round. Continue like this for up to quarter of an hour until the dough is smooth and pliable.

[Mairi] You can now see the form of the dough has changed and when I push my finger into it the dough rises. That shows me that we are coming to a stage where we are about to be ready. Not quite yet but just working it like this. I think that that is ready.

[Mairi] Now, I have it in a round ball. I have a bowl here. A little drop of oil so that the dough does not stick to the bowl. The ball into the bowl. A damp cloth covering it and just leave it again in a warm place, without being too hot, for an hour.

[Mairi] Now here’s a sauce for putting the tomatoes on top of the pizza. Now, I would say maybe three pieces of garlic just placed throughout the tomatoes. Just as long as there is a little on each one. A little shake of salt, pepper and a full teaspoon of sugar just added throughout. And oil. Five large spoons of oil. Again I think you can easily buy tomato sauce in the shops but it is not nearly as good as one that you make yourself at home. And then balsamic vinegar. Just pouring it. And that is it. Into the oven now at a temperature of about two hundred in the oven for twenty minutes.

[Mairi] Once the tomatoes are cooked I take to them with the blender. And then put them through a sieve that catches each seed and piece of skin. Around the time that that is ready the dough has risen and doubled and it can be rolled out. I have used a piece of dough about the size of a lemon for each pizza.

[Mairi] Now then, the tomato sauce. Just put it very thinly. And a little mozzarella.

[Mairi] You can put anything good that you’ve got in on top of the pizza.

[Mairi] Parma ham on this one.

[Mairi] I am going to put the basil that I have here on top of this pizza but I will leave that until afterwards. So I think the two pizzas are ready to go into the oven now.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV