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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na Foileagan aig Iseabail Ghreumach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iseabail] Pancakes no dropscones, againn ’s e napancakes an fheadhainn as fhlata ach na dropscones ’s e an fheadhainn a bhios gu math tiugh a bhios mise a’ dèanamh. Gu math tiugh an fheadhainn. Ceithir uighean. Agus an uair sin cupa siùcair.

[Màiri] Chan eil sibhse a’ tomhas sìon, ’s e dìreach a’ cleachdadh cupa.

[Iseabail] Cha bhi mi a’ tomhas, uill even ag ùisigeadh chupannan an àite a bhith ag ùisigeadh chupannan nas motha ’s chan eil fhios a’m am bi e nas fheàrr le cupannan ùisigeadh. So an uair sin a’ mixeadh, mix thu na h-uighean agus an siùcar gus an tig e, can, double an size. Bidh e gu math tiugh. Èirigh e suas. Bidh e gu math àrd. An uair sin a’ cur spàin sioraip na lùib.

[Màiri] Agus an rachadh e ceàrr nam fàgadh tu e a’ dol timcheall ro fhada?

[Iseabail] Tha iad a’ dol ceàrr ma tha thu gam fàgail airson deich mionaidean.

[Iseabail] Tha mi a’ dol ga stad an-dràsta ’s tha mi a’ cur ann cupa bainne. ’S dòcha gun cuir mi ann cupa agus beagan eile ’s ann airson mu leth-phinnt a tha mi ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Dè na chuir sibh ann de shiorap?

[Iseabail] Mar gum biodh spàin, aon spàin airson sioraip. Ach a-nis tha mi a’ dol a chur ann a’ mhin ach bidh fhios a’m fhìn dè mixture a tha mi ag iarraidh so cha leig mi leas a thomhas. Ok so dòrtaidh mi ann, can, ’s dòcha mu dhà chupa, chanainn, ach cuiridh mi ann aon chupa an-dràsta ’s mixidh mi suas e.

[Iseabail] Bidh e gu math tiugh. ’S dòcha even beagan nas tighe na siud.

[Iseabail] Feuchaidh mi dè cho tiugh ’s a tha e a-nis. Tha e dìreach feumach air rud beag eile de dh’fhlùr so cuiridh sinn ann mu leth-chupa.

[Iseabail] Tha an gille agamsa, ’s toigh leis-san a bhith a’ còcaireachd.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rud?

[Iseabail] ’S e biadh as toigh leis. Chan e cèicean idir.

[Màiri] Tha mi cinnteach gun robh e eòlach gu leòr air fhaicinn.

[Iseabail] Bha esan daonnan a-muigh. ’S ann a’ serveadh sa restuarant a bha e.

[Màiri] Am bi e a’ dèanamh rudan a chunnaic e sibhse a’ dèanamh?

[Iseabail] Bidh, uh huh. Right seo a-nis, feumaidh sinn na pancakes a bhruich air a’ ghriodail. Bhiodh na cailleachan, nuair a bha iad a’ feuchainn dè cho teth ’s a bha an griodail bhiodh iad a’ tilgeil smugaid air a’ ghriodail ’s nan leumadh an smugaid bhon ghriodail bha e teth gu leòr.

[Màiri] Na dèan sin an-diugh idir!

[Iseabail] Chan fheuch mi idir e. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil e teth gu leòr. Canaidh sinn gu bheil co-dhiù. So dìreach làn spàin air a’ ghriodail. Sin agad e.

[Màiri] Agus an griodail, chanainn gu bheil i gu math sean.

[Iseabail] Ò tha, tha i sean. Aig mo mhàthair a bha i agus bha mise ga h-ùisigeadh airson tri fhichead bliadhna a-nisagus chan eil fhios a’m cò às a fhuair i e ach tha i uabhasach fhèin math airson gabhaidh i tòrr phancakes a chur air aig an aon uair.

[Màiri] A-rithist, am bi sibh a’ dèanamh pancakes mar phuddings san taigh-òsta? Am bi sibh a’ dèanamh seo gu tric?

[Iseabail] Ò b’ àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ dèanamh pancakes gu math tric ach,

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rudan a bhiodh sibh a’ dèanamh leotha?

[Iseabail] Uill dh’fhaodadh tu ice cream pancakes, caramel sauce, banana ’s caramel sauce cuideachd. Agus chì thu nuair a tha iad gus a bhith bruich. Chì thu na bubbles a’ tighinn suas agus iad a’ tòiseachadh air burstadh agus tha am fear seo deiseil. Seall sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Am feum e a bhith teth teth airson?

[Iseabail] Chan fheum, ò chan fheum. Ma tha e ro theth loisgidh iad. Dìreach aig, can dìreach.

[Màiri] Teas meadhanach?

[Iseabail] Am fear as ìsle a bhios agad. Uill tha bubbles a’ tighinn air an fhear seo so ’s dòcha gu bheil am fear seo deiseil. Tha.

[Màiri] Ò tha.

[Màiri] A’ coimhead fìor mhath.

[Iseabail] Agus tha còir aig an fhear sin a bhith deiseil. Tha. Sin agad a dhà. Agus dìreach mionaid airson an fheadhainn seo agus bidh iad deiseil cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Isobel Graham's pancakes

English Beurla

[Isobel] Pancakes or dropscones, for us pancakes are the flatter ones but the dropscones are the very thick ones that I make. These ones are very thick. Four eggs. And then a cup of sugar.

[Mairi] You don’t measure anything, just using a cup.

[Isobel] I don’t measure, well even using cups instead of using bigger cups and I don’t know if it will be any better using cups. So then mixing, mix the eggs and the sugar until it becomes, say, double the size. It will be very thick. It will rise up. It will be very high. Then put a spoon of syrup into it.

[Mairi] And would it go wrong if you left it mixing too long?

[Isobel] It goes wrong if you leave it for ten minutes

[Isobel] I am going to stop it just now and I am adding a cup of milk. Maybe I will add a cup and a little bit more because it is about half a pint that I want.

[Mairi] How much syrup did you add?

[Isobel] As though a spoon, one spoon for the syrup. But now I am going to add the flour but I will know myself what mixture I want so I don’t need to bother measuring. Ok so I will pour it in, say, maybe about two cups, I would say, but I will add one cup just now and I will mix it up.

[Isobel] It will be very thick. Maybe even a little bit thicker than that.

[Isobel] I will see how thick it is now. It just needs a little bit more flour so I will add about half a cup.

[Isobel] My son, he likes to cook.

[Mairi] What sort of thing?

[Isobel] It’s food that he likes. Not cakes at all.

[Mairi] I am sure that he was familiar enough with seeing it.

[Isobel] He was always out. He was serving in the restaurant.

[Mairi] Does he make things that he saw you making?

[Isobel] He does, uh huh. Right here we go now, we must cook the pancakes on the griddle. The old women would when they were testing how hot the griddle was they would throw spit on the griddle and if the spit jumped from the griddle it was hot enough.

[Mairi] Don’t do that today at all!

[Isobel] I won’t try it at all. I think that it is hot enough. We will say that it is anyway. So just spoonful on the griddle. That’s it.

[Mairi] And the griddle, I would say that it’s very old.

[Isobel] Oh it is, it is old. It was my mother’s and I have been using it for 60 years now and I don’t know where she got it from but it is really good because it can take lots of pancakes at the same time.

[Mairi] Again, do you make pancakes as puddings in the hotel? Do you make this often?

[Isobel] Oh I used to make pancakes very often but.

[Mairi] What sort of things would you make with them?

[Isobel] Well you could make ice cream pancakes, caramel sauce, banana and caramel sauce too. And you can see when they are nearly cooked. You can see the bubbles coming up and them starting to burst and this one is ready. Look at that now.

[Mairi] Does it need to be really hot for?

[Isobel] It doesn’t, oh it doesn’t. If it is too hot they will burn. Just at, say just.

[Mairi] A moderate heat?

[Isobel] The lowest that you have. Well bubbles are forming on this one so maybe this one is ready. It is.

[Mairi] Oh it is.

[Mairi] Looking really good.

[Isobel] And that one ought to be ready. It is. That’s two. And just a minute for these ones and they will be ready too.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Na Foileagan aig Iseabail Ghreumach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iseabail] Pancakes no dropscones, againn ’s e napancakes an fheadhainn as fhlata ach na dropscones ’s e an fheadhainn a bhios gu math tiugh a bhios mise a’ dèanamh. Gu math tiugh an fheadhainn. Ceithir uighean. Agus an uair sin cupa siùcair.

[Màiri] Chan eil sibhse a’ tomhas sìon, ’s e dìreach a’ cleachdadh cupa.

[Iseabail] Cha bhi mi a’ tomhas, uill even ag ùisigeadh chupannan an àite a bhith ag ùisigeadh chupannan nas motha ’s chan eil fhios a’m am bi e nas fheàrr le cupannan ùisigeadh. So an uair sin a’ mixeadh, mix thu na h-uighean agus an siùcar gus an tig e, can, double an size. Bidh e gu math tiugh. Èirigh e suas. Bidh e gu math àrd. An uair sin a’ cur spàin sioraip na lùib.

[Màiri] Agus an rachadh e ceàrr nam fàgadh tu e a’ dol timcheall ro fhada?

[Iseabail] Tha iad a’ dol ceàrr ma tha thu gam fàgail airson deich mionaidean.

[Iseabail] Tha mi a’ dol ga stad an-dràsta ’s tha mi a’ cur ann cupa bainne. ’S dòcha gun cuir mi ann cupa agus beagan eile ’s ann airson mu leth-phinnt a tha mi ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Dè na chuir sibh ann de shiorap?

[Iseabail] Mar gum biodh spàin, aon spàin airson sioraip. Ach a-nis tha mi a’ dol a chur ann a’ mhin ach bidh fhios a’m fhìn dè mixture a tha mi ag iarraidh so cha leig mi leas a thomhas. Ok so dòrtaidh mi ann, can, ’s dòcha mu dhà chupa, chanainn, ach cuiridh mi ann aon chupa an-dràsta ’s mixidh mi suas e.

[Iseabail] Bidh e gu math tiugh. ’S dòcha even beagan nas tighe na siud.

[Iseabail] Feuchaidh mi dè cho tiugh ’s a tha e a-nis. Tha e dìreach feumach air rud beag eile de dh’fhlùr so cuiridh sinn ann mu leth-chupa.

[Iseabail] Tha an gille agamsa, ’s toigh leis-san a bhith a’ còcaireachd.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rud?

[Iseabail] ’S e biadh as toigh leis. Chan e cèicean idir.

[Màiri] Tha mi cinnteach gun robh e eòlach gu leòr air fhaicinn.

[Iseabail] Bha esan daonnan a-muigh. ’S ann a’ serveadh sa restuarant a bha e.

[Màiri] Am bi e a’ dèanamh rudan a chunnaic e sibhse a’ dèanamh?

[Iseabail] Bidh, uh huh. Right seo a-nis, feumaidh sinn na pancakes a bhruich air a’ ghriodail. Bhiodh na cailleachan, nuair a bha iad a’ feuchainn dè cho teth ’s a bha an griodail bhiodh iad a’ tilgeil smugaid air a’ ghriodail ’s nan leumadh an smugaid bhon ghriodail bha e teth gu leòr.

[Màiri] Na dèan sin an-diugh idir!

[Iseabail] Chan fheuch mi idir e. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil e teth gu leòr. Canaidh sinn gu bheil co-dhiù. So dìreach làn spàin air a’ ghriodail. Sin agad e.

[Màiri] Agus an griodail, chanainn gu bheil i gu math sean.

[Iseabail] Ò tha, tha i sean. Aig mo mhàthair a bha i agus bha mise ga h-ùisigeadh airson tri fhichead bliadhna a-nisagus chan eil fhios a’m cò às a fhuair i e ach tha i uabhasach fhèin math airson gabhaidh i tòrr phancakes a chur air aig an aon uair.

[Màiri] A-rithist, am bi sibh a’ dèanamh pancakes mar phuddings san taigh-òsta? Am bi sibh a’ dèanamh seo gu tric?

[Iseabail] Ò b’ àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ dèanamh pancakes gu math tric ach,

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rudan a bhiodh sibh a’ dèanamh leotha?

[Iseabail] Uill dh’fhaodadh tu ice cream pancakes, caramel sauce, banana ’s caramel sauce cuideachd. Agus chì thu nuair a tha iad gus a bhith bruich. Chì thu na bubbles a’ tighinn suas agus iad a’ tòiseachadh air burstadh agus tha am fear seo deiseil. Seall sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Am feum e a bhith teth teth airson?

[Iseabail] Chan fheum, ò chan fheum. Ma tha e ro theth loisgidh iad. Dìreach aig, can dìreach.

[Màiri] Teas meadhanach?

[Iseabail] Am fear as ìsle a bhios agad. Uill tha bubbles a’ tighinn air an fhear seo so ’s dòcha gu bheil am fear seo deiseil. Tha.

[Màiri] Ò tha.

[Màiri] A’ coimhead fìor mhath.

[Iseabail] Agus tha còir aig an fhear sin a bhith deiseil. Tha. Sin agad a dhà. Agus dìreach mionaid airson an fheadhainn seo agus bidh iad deiseil cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Isobel Graham's pancakes

English Beurla

[Isobel] Pancakes or dropscones, for us pancakes are the flatter ones but the dropscones are the very thick ones that I make. These ones are very thick. Four eggs. And then a cup of sugar.

[Mairi] You don’t measure anything, just using a cup.

[Isobel] I don’t measure, well even using cups instead of using bigger cups and I don’t know if it will be any better using cups. So then mixing, mix the eggs and the sugar until it becomes, say, double the size. It will be very thick. It will rise up. It will be very high. Then put a spoon of syrup into it.

[Mairi] And would it go wrong if you left it mixing too long?

[Isobel] It goes wrong if you leave it for ten minutes

[Isobel] I am going to stop it just now and I am adding a cup of milk. Maybe I will add a cup and a little bit more because it is about half a pint that I want.

[Mairi] How much syrup did you add?

[Isobel] As though a spoon, one spoon for the syrup. But now I am going to add the flour but I will know myself what mixture I want so I don’t need to bother measuring. Ok so I will pour it in, say, maybe about two cups, I would say, but I will add one cup just now and I will mix it up.

[Isobel] It will be very thick. Maybe even a little bit thicker than that.

[Isobel] I will see how thick it is now. It just needs a little bit more flour so I will add about half a cup.

[Isobel] My son, he likes to cook.

[Mairi] What sort of thing?

[Isobel] It’s food that he likes. Not cakes at all.

[Mairi] I am sure that he was familiar enough with seeing it.

[Isobel] He was always out. He was serving in the restaurant.

[Mairi] Does he make things that he saw you making?

[Isobel] He does, uh huh. Right here we go now, we must cook the pancakes on the griddle. The old women would when they were testing how hot the griddle was they would throw spit on the griddle and if the spit jumped from the griddle it was hot enough.

[Mairi] Don’t do that today at all!

[Isobel] I won’t try it at all. I think that it is hot enough. We will say that it is anyway. So just spoonful on the griddle. That’s it.

[Mairi] And the griddle, I would say that it’s very old.

[Isobel] Oh it is, it is old. It was my mother’s and I have been using it for 60 years now and I don’t know where she got it from but it is really good because it can take lots of pancakes at the same time.

[Mairi] Again, do you make pancakes as puddings in the hotel? Do you make this often?

[Isobel] Oh I used to make pancakes very often but.

[Mairi] What sort of things would you make with them?

[Isobel] Well you could make ice cream pancakes, caramel sauce, banana and caramel sauce too. And you can see when they are nearly cooked. You can see the bubbles coming up and them starting to burst and this one is ready. Look at that now.

[Mairi] Does it need to be really hot for?

[Isobel] It doesn’t, oh it doesn’t. If it is too hot they will burn. Just at, say just.

[Mairi] A moderate heat?

[Isobel] The lowest that you have. Well bubbles are forming on this one so maybe this one is ready. It is.

[Mairi] Oh it is.

[Mairi] Looking really good.

[Isobel] And that one ought to be ready. It is. That’s two. And just a minute for these ones and they will be ready too.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV