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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An Lof Chrùsta Gheal aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha còrr ’s punnd flùir làidir – chan e flùr àbhaisteach airson bèicearachd idir – flùr làidir airson aran geal agam an seo. Agus unnsa gu leth ime , dìreach bog. Dà spàin-tì salainn aig an taobh seo den bhobhla, agus tha e coltach tha seo cudromach, agus air taobh eile a’ bhobhla tha mi a’ cur dusan gram beirm, yeast, agus tha mi a’ cur seo uile còmhla le taobh ceàrr na spàine. Agus dìreach ga chur timcheall gus an tig am flùr agus an t-ìm còmhla. Bheir e greis bheag. Tha seo a’ còrdadh ri daoine a-staigh againne ach chan eil an ùine agam a bhith ga dhèanamh a h-uile latha. Tha leth-phinnt uisge ann an seo, dìreach blàth, agus tha mi a’ dol a chur seo an lùib an ime ’s a’ fhlùir dìreach air mo shocair. Rud beag an toiseach ’s ga chur timcheall.

[Màiri] Steall eile.

[Màiri] Chì sibh tha e a’ tighinn còmhla agus cha mhòr nach eil e dìreach na bhall. Tha mi a-nis a’ cur rud beag ola, dìreach drùthag bheag, air a’ chlàr airson ’s nach steig an lof nuair a bheir mi às a’ bhobhla e.

[Màiri] Nis chì sibh tha seo dìreach deiseil a-nis agus nuair a bhruthas mi mo chorragan a-staigh ann tha an taois ag èirigh. Sin ag innse dhomh gu bheil e deiseil. Agus tha mi a’ dol ga fhàgail airson uair an uaireadair le ... tha searbhadair agam an seo. Nis, tha e tais. Chan eil e buileach fluich ach ... Feumaidh e àite blàth airson ’s gun obraich a’ bheirm ach gun a bhith ro theth no obraichidh e ro luath agus chan eil sinn airson ’s gun tachair sin nas motha. Dìreach fàgaidh mi sin airson uair an uaireadair agus chì sinn ciamar a tha e a’ coimhead an uair sin.

[Màiri] Ò sgoinneil. Nis, chì sibh tha seo air dùblachadh agus nis tha mi a’ dol ... ga thoirt a-mach agus a’ dol ga bhualadh airson ’s gun tig èadhar a-mach às. Chì sibh gu bheil mi a’ slaodadh nan taobhannan a-staigh dhan mheadhan ’s ga obrachadh timcheall. Agus a’ toirt shape snog, cruinn air a-nis. Agus tha ... Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhàgail seo an-dràsta airson uair an uaireadair airson ’s gun dùblaich e ann an size agus tha mi a’ cur seo dìreach gun a bhith ro theann, clingfilm le rud beag ola air airson ’s nach steig an taois ri siìn sam bith. Tha flùr air bonn an tion’ agus ola air am film agus dìreach ga fhàgail ann an àite meadhanach blàth, gun a bhith ro theth, airson uair an uaireadair eile agus tha còir gum bi an taois air fàs gu mòr nuair a choimheadas mi air an uair sin.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis, tha an lof air a bhith dìreach a’ seasamh ann an seo fad uair ’s tha deagh chumadh oirre. Mus tèid i dhan àmhainn dìreach ... Crathadh beag flùir. ’S fàgaidh mi mar seo i dìreach airson còig mionaidean, a’ leigeil leis an seo seatlaigeadh agus an uair sin dhan àmhainn airson leth-uair aig teas ceud agus ceithir fichead.

[Màiri] Agus aig bonn an àmhainn tha mi a’ dol a chur steall uisge dìreach airson rud beag èadhair fhluich a chruthachadh anns an àmhainn agus tha e coltach gu bheil sin a’ cuideachadh an lof gus a bhith brisg ’s tha e a’ toirt gleans math dhan lof so tha còir gun coimhead i glè shnog aig deireadh gnothaich. Leth-uair eile aig teas ceud agus ceithir fichead.

[Màiri] Tha sin a’ coimhead glè mhath.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Mairi’s Crusty White Loaf

English Beurla

[Mairi] I have here more than a pound of strong flour – not ordinary flour for baking at all – stong flour for white bread. And an ounce and a half of butter, just soft. Two teaspoons for salt at this side of the bowl, and it seems this is important, and on the other side of the bowl I am adding twelve grams of yeast, and I am mixing this all together with the wrong side of the spoon. And just mixing it until the flour and the butter come together. It will take a wee while. The people in this house like this but I don’t have the time to make it every day. I have half a pint of water here, just warm, and I am going to add this into the butter and the flour just gradually. A little bit at first and mix it.

[Mairi] Another splash.

[Mairi] You can see it is coming together and it is nearly just a ball. I am now putting a little bit of oil, just a little drop, on the worktop so that the loaf doesn’t stick when I take it out of the bowl.

[Mairi] Now you can see this is now just ready and when I press my fingers into it the dough rises. That tells me that it is ready. And I am going to leave it for an hour with ... I have a towel here. Now, it is damp. It isn’t totally wet but ... It needs a warm place so that the yeast can work but not too hot or it will work too quickly and we don’t want that to happen either. I will just leave that for an hour and we will see how it looks then.

[Mairi] Oh brilliant. Now, you can see this has doubled and now I am going ... to take it out and going to strike it so that the air comes out of it. You can see that I am pulling the sides into the middle and working it around. And giving it a nice, round shape. And ... I am going to leave this just now for an hour so that it doubles in size and I am just putting this without being too tight, clingfilm with a little bit of oil on it so that the dough doesn’t stick to anything. There is flour on the bottom of the tin and oil on the clingfilm and just leaving it a reasonably warm place, without being too hot, for another hour and the dough should have growly greatly when I look at it then.

[Mairi] Here now, the loaf has just been resting? here for an hour and it has a good shape. Before it going into the oven just ... A little shake of flour. And I will leave it like this just for five minutes, letting this settle and then into the oven for half an hour at a temperature of a hundred and eighty.

[Mairi] And at the bottom of the oven I am going to put a splash of water just to create a little wet air in the oven and it seems that that helps the loaf crispen and it gives the loaf a good shine so it should look very nice in the end. Another half hour at a temperature of a hundred and eighty.

[Mairi] That looks very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



An Lof Chrùsta Gheal aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha còrr ’s punnd flùir làidir – chan e flùr àbhaisteach airson bèicearachd idir – flùr làidir airson aran geal agam an seo. Agus unnsa gu leth ime , dìreach bog. Dà spàin-tì salainn aig an taobh seo den bhobhla, agus tha e coltach tha seo cudromach, agus air taobh eile a’ bhobhla tha mi a’ cur dusan gram beirm, yeast, agus tha mi a’ cur seo uile còmhla le taobh ceàrr na spàine. Agus dìreach ga chur timcheall gus an tig am flùr agus an t-ìm còmhla. Bheir e greis bheag. Tha seo a’ còrdadh ri daoine a-staigh againne ach chan eil an ùine agam a bhith ga dhèanamh a h-uile latha. Tha leth-phinnt uisge ann an seo, dìreach blàth, agus tha mi a’ dol a chur seo an lùib an ime ’s a’ fhlùir dìreach air mo shocair. Rud beag an toiseach ’s ga chur timcheall.

[Màiri] Steall eile.

[Màiri] Chì sibh tha e a’ tighinn còmhla agus cha mhòr nach eil e dìreach na bhall. Tha mi a-nis a’ cur rud beag ola, dìreach drùthag bheag, air a’ chlàr airson ’s nach steig an lof nuair a bheir mi às a’ bhobhla e.

[Màiri] Nis chì sibh tha seo dìreach deiseil a-nis agus nuair a bhruthas mi mo chorragan a-staigh ann tha an taois ag èirigh. Sin ag innse dhomh gu bheil e deiseil. Agus tha mi a’ dol ga fhàgail airson uair an uaireadair le ... tha searbhadair agam an seo. Nis, tha e tais. Chan eil e buileach fluich ach ... Feumaidh e àite blàth airson ’s gun obraich a’ bheirm ach gun a bhith ro theth no obraichidh e ro luath agus chan eil sinn airson ’s gun tachair sin nas motha. Dìreach fàgaidh mi sin airson uair an uaireadair agus chì sinn ciamar a tha e a’ coimhead an uair sin.

[Màiri] Ò sgoinneil. Nis, chì sibh tha seo air dùblachadh agus nis tha mi a’ dol ... ga thoirt a-mach agus a’ dol ga bhualadh airson ’s gun tig èadhar a-mach às. Chì sibh gu bheil mi a’ slaodadh nan taobhannan a-staigh dhan mheadhan ’s ga obrachadh timcheall. Agus a’ toirt shape snog, cruinn air a-nis. Agus tha ... Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhàgail seo an-dràsta airson uair an uaireadair airson ’s gun dùblaich e ann an size agus tha mi a’ cur seo dìreach gun a bhith ro theann, clingfilm le rud beag ola air airson ’s nach steig an taois ri siìn sam bith. Tha flùr air bonn an tion’ agus ola air am film agus dìreach ga fhàgail ann an àite meadhanach blàth, gun a bhith ro theth, airson uair an uaireadair eile agus tha còir gum bi an taois air fàs gu mòr nuair a choimheadas mi air an uair sin.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis, tha an lof air a bhith dìreach a’ seasamh ann an seo fad uair ’s tha deagh chumadh oirre. Mus tèid i dhan àmhainn dìreach ... Crathadh beag flùir. ’S fàgaidh mi mar seo i dìreach airson còig mionaidean, a’ leigeil leis an seo seatlaigeadh agus an uair sin dhan àmhainn airson leth-uair aig teas ceud agus ceithir fichead.

[Màiri] Agus aig bonn an àmhainn tha mi a’ dol a chur steall uisge dìreach airson rud beag èadhair fhluich a chruthachadh anns an àmhainn agus tha e coltach gu bheil sin a’ cuideachadh an lof gus a bhith brisg ’s tha e a’ toirt gleans math dhan lof so tha còir gun coimhead i glè shnog aig deireadh gnothaich. Leth-uair eile aig teas ceud agus ceithir fichead.

[Màiri] Tha sin a’ coimhead glè mhath.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Mairi’s Crusty White Loaf

English Beurla

[Mairi] I have here more than a pound of strong flour – not ordinary flour for baking at all – stong flour for white bread. And an ounce and a half of butter, just soft. Two teaspoons for salt at this side of the bowl, and it seems this is important, and on the other side of the bowl I am adding twelve grams of yeast, and I am mixing this all together with the wrong side of the spoon. And just mixing it until the flour and the butter come together. It will take a wee while. The people in this house like this but I don’t have the time to make it every day. I have half a pint of water here, just warm, and I am going to add this into the butter and the flour just gradually. A little bit at first and mix it.

[Mairi] Another splash.

[Mairi] You can see it is coming together and it is nearly just a ball. I am now putting a little bit of oil, just a little drop, on the worktop so that the loaf doesn’t stick when I take it out of the bowl.

[Mairi] Now you can see this is now just ready and when I press my fingers into it the dough rises. That tells me that it is ready. And I am going to leave it for an hour with ... I have a towel here. Now, it is damp. It isn’t totally wet but ... It needs a warm place so that the yeast can work but not too hot or it will work too quickly and we don’t want that to happen either. I will just leave that for an hour and we will see how it looks then.

[Mairi] Oh brilliant. Now, you can see this has doubled and now I am going ... to take it out and going to strike it so that the air comes out of it. You can see that I am pulling the sides into the middle and working it around. And giving it a nice, round shape. And ... I am going to leave this just now for an hour so that it doubles in size and I am just putting this without being too tight, clingfilm with a little bit of oil on it so that the dough doesn’t stick to anything. There is flour on the bottom of the tin and oil on the clingfilm and just leaving it a reasonably warm place, without being too hot, for another hour and the dough should have growly greatly when I look at it then.

[Mairi] Here now, the loaf has just been resting? here for an hour and it has a good shape. Before it going into the oven just ... A little shake of flour. And I will leave it like this just for five minutes, letting this settle and then into the oven for half an hour at a temperature of a hundred and eighty.

[Mairi] And at the bottom of the oven I am going to put a splash of water just to create a little wet air in the oven and it seems that that helps the loaf crispen and it gives the loaf a good shine so it should look very nice in the end. Another half hour at a temperature of a hundred and eighty.

[Mairi] That looks very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV