FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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400 bliadhna on a chaidh Eaglais nam Manach Liath a stèidheachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Angaidh Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha Eaglais nam Manach Liath ann an Dùn Èideann a’ comharrachadh ceithir cheud bliadhna bhon a chaidh i a steidheachadh. Thathar air a bhith a’ cumail sheirbheisean Gàidhlig san Eaglais gach Sàbaid airson iomadh bliadhna. Thèid sreath de thachartasan a chumail airson a’ chlach-mhìle a chomharrachadh, leithid cuirmean, fèisean agus filmichean. Thadhal Caitriana Deeprose air an Eaglais dhuinne.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] ’S dòcha gu bheil Bobby nas ainmeile na Eaglais nam Manach Liath fhèin. Thèid sreath de thachartasan a chumail am-bliadhna gus ceithir cheud bliadhna a chomharrachadh.

[An t-Oll Dtr Richard Frazer] It’s 400 years since Greyfriars was opened for business, if you like, in 1620. It was actually on Christmas Day in 1620. And during those 400 years, we’ve seen the development of modernity, the development of the modern world, development of democratic institutions and a lot of those ideas of democracy and representative democracy have their roots in the reformed tradition in the Church of Scotland where the idea of individual human rights and individual conscience that matters was celebrated and taken seriously by the reformers and also by the covenanters. And in 1638, the National Covenant was signed and that was almost like the first declaration of the universality of human rights.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] ’S e eaglais gu math sònraichte a tha seo dha na Gàidheil is seirbhisean Gàidhlig fhathast ga chumail gach Là na Sàbaid. An aon eaglais air tìr-mòr na h-Alba far a bheil sin a’ tachairt.

[Matthew MacÌomhair] Seo an eaglais anns a bheil coitheanal Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann a’ coinneachadh a h-uile Sàbaid agus tha coitheanal Gàidhlig air a bhith a’ coinneachadh ann an Dùn Èideann a h-uile Sàbaid bho chionn dà cheud gu leth bliadhna. ’S e sinne an aon choitheanal, a-nise, a tha mi a’ tuigsinn air tìr-mòr ann an Alba aig a bheil seirbhis Gàidhlig a h-uile seachdain agus chan eil mòran anns na h-Eileanan aig a bheil na seirbhisean a h-uile seachdain cuideachd. So, tha mi smaointinn gu bheil e cudromach, chan e a-mhàin a bhith a’ tighinn an seo ach a’ toirt taic dhan Eaglais anns an dòigh anns a bheil iadsan a’ toirt taic dhuinne.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] Tha dòchas ann gun tèid tachartasan Gàidhlig a chumail cuideachd. Caitriana Deeprose, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



400 years since Greyfriars Kirk was established

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison – Anchor] Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh is celebrating 400 years since it was established. Gaelic services have been held in the church every Sunday for many years. A series of events will be held to celebrate the milestone, such as concerts, festivals and films. Caitriana Deeprose visited the church for us.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] Maybe Bobby is more famous than Greyfriars Kirk itself. A series of events will be held this year to mark 400 years.

[Rev Dr Richard Frazer] It’s 400 years since Greyfriars was opened for business, if you like, in 1620. It was actually on Christmas Day in 1620. And during those 400 years, we’ve seen the development of modernity, the development of the modern world, development of democratic institutions and a lot of those ideas of democracy and representative democracy have their roots in the reformed tradition in the Church of Scotland where the idea of individual human rights and individual conscience that matters was celebrated and taken seriously by the reformers and also by the covenanters. And in 1638, the National Covenant was signed and that was almost like the first declaration of the universality of human rights.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] This is a very special church to the Gaels and Gaelic services are still held every Sunday. The only church on the mainland where that still takes place.

[Matthew MacÌomhair] This is the church where the Gaelic congregation of Edinburgh meets every Sunday and a Gaelic congregation has been meeting in Edinburgh every Sunday for 250 years. We are the one congregation, now, I understand, on the mainland in Scotland which has a Gaelic service each week and there are not many in the Islands who have services every week too. So, I think that it is important, not only to come here but to support the church in the same way that they support us.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] There is hope that a Gaelic service will be held too. Caitriana Deeprose, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



400 bliadhna on a chaidh Eaglais nam Manach Liath a stèidheachadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Angaidh Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha Eaglais nam Manach Liath ann an Dùn Èideann a’ comharrachadh ceithir cheud bliadhna bhon a chaidh i a steidheachadh. Thathar air a bhith a’ cumail sheirbheisean Gàidhlig san Eaglais gach Sàbaid airson iomadh bliadhna. Thèid sreath de thachartasan a chumail airson a’ chlach-mhìle a chomharrachadh, leithid cuirmean, fèisean agus filmichean. Thadhal Caitriana Deeprose air an Eaglais dhuinne.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] ’S dòcha gu bheil Bobby nas ainmeile na Eaglais nam Manach Liath fhèin. Thèid sreath de thachartasan a chumail am-bliadhna gus ceithir cheud bliadhna a chomharrachadh.

[An t-Oll Dtr Richard Frazer] It’s 400 years since Greyfriars was opened for business, if you like, in 1620. It was actually on Christmas Day in 1620. And during those 400 years, we’ve seen the development of modernity, the development of the modern world, development of democratic institutions and a lot of those ideas of democracy and representative democracy have their roots in the reformed tradition in the Church of Scotland where the idea of individual human rights and individual conscience that matters was celebrated and taken seriously by the reformers and also by the covenanters. And in 1638, the National Covenant was signed and that was almost like the first declaration of the universality of human rights.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] ’S e eaglais gu math sònraichte a tha seo dha na Gàidheil is seirbhisean Gàidhlig fhathast ga chumail gach Là na Sàbaid. An aon eaglais air tìr-mòr na h-Alba far a bheil sin a’ tachairt.

[Matthew MacÌomhair] Seo an eaglais anns a bheil coitheanal Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann a’ coinneachadh a h-uile Sàbaid agus tha coitheanal Gàidhlig air a bhith a’ coinneachadh ann an Dùn Èideann a h-uile Sàbaid bho chionn dà cheud gu leth bliadhna. ’S e sinne an aon choitheanal, a-nise, a tha mi a’ tuigsinn air tìr-mòr ann an Alba aig a bheil seirbhis Gàidhlig a h-uile seachdain agus chan eil mòran anns na h-Eileanan aig a bheil na seirbhisean a h-uile seachdain cuideachd. So, tha mi smaointinn gu bheil e cudromach, chan e a-mhàin a bhith a’ tighinn an seo ach a’ toirt taic dhan Eaglais anns an dòigh anns a bheil iadsan a’ toirt taic dhuinne.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-naidheachd] Tha dòchas ann gun tèid tachartasan Gàidhlig a chumail cuideachd. Caitriana Deeprose, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



400 years since Greyfriars Kirk was established

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison – Anchor] Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh is celebrating 400 years since it was established. Gaelic services have been held in the church every Sunday for many years. A series of events will be held to celebrate the milestone, such as concerts, festivals and films. Caitriana Deeprose visited the church for us.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] Maybe Bobby is more famous than Greyfriars Kirk itself. A series of events will be held this year to mark 400 years.

[Rev Dr Richard Frazer] It’s 400 years since Greyfriars was opened for business, if you like, in 1620. It was actually on Christmas Day in 1620. And during those 400 years, we’ve seen the development of modernity, the development of the modern world, development of democratic institutions and a lot of those ideas of democracy and representative democracy have their roots in the reformed tradition in the Church of Scotland where the idea of individual human rights and individual conscience that matters was celebrated and taken seriously by the reformers and also by the covenanters. And in 1638, the National Covenant was signed and that was almost like the first declaration of the universality of human rights.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] This is a very special church to the Gaels and Gaelic services are still held every Sunday. The only church on the mainland where that still takes place.

[Matthew MacÌomhair] This is the church where the Gaelic congregation of Edinburgh meets every Sunday and a Gaelic congregation has been meeting in Edinburgh every Sunday for 250 years. We are the one congregation, now, I understand, on the mainland in Scotland which has a Gaelic service each week and there are not many in the Islands who have services every week too. So, I think that it is important, not only to come here but to support the church in the same way that they support us.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Journalist] There is hope that a Gaelic service will be held too. Caitriana Deeprose, BBC An Là, Dùn Èideann.



Eaglais nam Manach Liath

Greyfriars Kirk


special, unique

Là na Sàbaid






o chionn


