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Faclair Dictionary
Loma-làn le abairtean, gnàthsan-cainnt is iomadh facal Find words, names and placenames –
Bidh sinn tric a’ cur ris an stòras seo Our dictionary follows the new spelling rules (GOC), is updated regularly and has audio for many of the terms
Co-fhaclair Thesaurus
Lorg dòigh eile air rudeigin a ràdh Find a synonym for common Gaelic words
Tha ar co-fhaclair a' cleachdadh an aon seòrsa teicneòlas fèin-choileanadh sa tha ar faclair Our thesaurus uses the same autocomplete technology as our dictionary
Lorg Cùrsa Find A Course
Lorg cùrsa a tha faisg ort an-diugh! Find the right course for you today!
Stòr-dàta chùrsaichean Gàidhlig den a h-uile seòrsa a tha a’ dol Every Gaelic course available in Scotland, and many international ones too
Taidhpeadh sa Ghàidhlig Typing in Gaelic
Gàidhlig agus do choimpiutair Gaelic and your computer
Tha beagan fiosrachaidh againn mu thaidhpeadh sa Ghàidhlig. Gheibhear stiùireadh a bharrachd air iGàidhlig We have some information on typing in Gaelic. If you want more, have a look at iGàidhlig