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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An t-aran-cridhe aig Flòraidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Flòraidh] Uill tha mi an toiseach a’ dol a chur cupa uisge ann agus tha mi an uair sin a’ dol a chur cupa siùcair, siùcar dìreach fear a bhios agad, cuir e dhan tì. Chan e fear mìn idir, dìreach granulated mar a chanas iad sa Bheurla. ’S e boiled method a chanas iad air an gingerbread a tha seo.

[Màiri] Agus tha sibh ag innse dhomh nach urrainn seo a dhol ceàrr?

[Flòraidh] Chan urrainn dha a dhol ceàrr do dhuine sam bith. Faodaidh duine sam bith...

[Màiri] A bheil sibh cinnteach?

[Flòraidh] Tha mi cinnteach. Dh’fhaodadh tu fhèin fheuchainn, a Mhàiri, agus tha mi cinnteach nach tigeadh e ceàrr dhut co-dhiù. Tha a h-uile sgath cho furasta a thomhas. Cupa dhan... An aon rud a tha mi a’ cur air an scale ’s e an t-ìm. ’S tha a h-uile sgath eile ga thomhas anns a’ chupa a tha seo.

[Flòraidh] Tha sin a’ dol dhan phana agus ceithir unnsaichean ime.

[Màiri] ’S cò às a fhuair sibh an reasabaidh a tha seo?

[Flòraidh] Aig mo mhàthair agus mo mhàthair chèile, nach maireann. Bhiodh an dithis aca a’ cleachdadh an reasabaidh a tha seo agus chan eil fhios agam càite an d’ fhuair iadsan e. An ann à leabhar no rud eile ach chaidh, mar a chanas iad, a chur sìos tro na... thugam fhìn? Agus mar a tha mi ag radh cha tig e ceàrr uair sam bith. ’S tha spàin tì sòda arain, dà spàin mixed spice, spàin tì. Deagh fhàileadh às a’ mhixed spice , nach eil?

[Màiri] ’S a bharrachd air an gingerbread dè eile a bhios sibh, dè a’ bhèicearchd eile a bhios sibh a’ dèanamh?

[Flòraidh] Spàin dhinnseir.

[Flòraidh] Uill bidh mi a’ dèanamh rud sam bith. Uill ’s e còcaireachd a tha mi a’ dèanamh airson m’ obair latha agus bidh mi a’ dèanamh bèicearachd ann an sin cuideachd ach ’s fìor thoil leam a bhith a’ dèanamh cheesecake. Agus a-nis sin a’ dol air bàrr a’chucair ‘’s ga bhruich airson mu dheich mionaidean.

[Flòraidh] Seo a-nis, a Mhàiri, tha seo a-nis air fuarachadh gu leòr airson tha dà ugh a’ dol ann a-nis agus seo sinn ma-thà.

[Màiri] A bheil na fir anns an taigh agaibh, a bheil iadsan dèidheil air fuine ’s bèicearachd?

[Flòraidh] Chan eil iad dèidheil air a bhith ga dhèanamh ach tha iad dèidheil gu leòr ga ithe. Agus ’s àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ bèicearachd, gu h-àraidh sa gheamhradh. Tha, bidh mi a’ dèanamh rudeigin cha mhòr a h-uile Disathairne agus a’ dèanamh rudeigin airson lònach, airson na dìnneir. ’S an uair sin às dèidh sin, tha dà chupa de self-raising flùr a’ dol ann. So chì thu dìreach cho furasta ’s a tha seo a dhèanamh agus tha dìreach a’ tomhas a-mach a h-uile sgath anns a’ chupa.

[Màiri] Tha lofa mar seo, tha i math sa freezer cuideachd, mairidh i airson ...

[Flòraidh]: Tha.

[Màiri] Greis.

[Flòraidh] Tha, mairidh i airson greis. Tha, sàilleibh cuideachd, nuair a bhios mi a’ dèanamh seo mar as trice bidh mi a’ dèanamh a dhà dhiubh. Tha, sàilleibh, bhiodh fasan aig, uill, mo mhàthair, nach maireann, bhiodh i ag radh “uill ma tha thu a’ dol a dhèanamh bèicearachd feuch gun dèan thu fiach as saora a chumas a’ dol thu seach a bhith a’ cur an àmhainn air airson aon rud”. ’S tha an uair sin rud beag de chream of tartar a’ dol am measg sin. Agus sin agad e. Sin e ullamh agus tha an uair sin dìreach ga mhixeadh air fad le chèile agus tha e an uair sin a’ dol ann an tiona bèicearchd mar sin, dà phunnd. ’S tha na liners a tha sin, tha iad uabhasach fhèin handy. Sàbhalaidh e a bhith a’cur ìm no rud eile air a’ chrogan. Tha thu dìreach a’ cur fear dhiubh sin ann agus sàbhalaidh e do chorragan fhaighinn salach no làn ime, mar a chanas iad. Agus sin agad e. Tha e a-nis deiseil.

[Màiri] Tha fàileadh brèagha às mar-tha.

[Flòraidh] Fàileadh dìreach sgoinneil às an dinnsear, fàileadh àlainn fhèin às. Agus cuideachd bhiodh iad ag ràdh feuch gum faigh thu a h-uile biod dhan mhixture a-mach às a’ phana air sgàth, airson nach tig sgath a dholaidh. Agus sin e.

[Màiri] Dè cho fada san àmhainn a-nis?

[Flòraidh] Bheir e a-nis mu dhà fhichead no gu deich air fhichead mionaidean san àmhainn, a rèir dè an àmhainn a th’ agad.

[Màiri] Dè an seòrsa teas?

[Flòraidh] Teas ceud ’s trì fichead agus sin agad e. ’S bidh e ann an sin gus am bi e bruich ’s thig fàileadh. Uaireannan canaidh iad ma gheibh thu fàileadh den bhèicearachd tha sin a’ toirt soidhne dhut gu bheil e gus a bhith bruich.

[Màiri] A bheil sinn a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn pìos bheag den seo mathà, a Fhlòrag?

[Flòraidh] Tha fhios gu bheil, a Mhàiri. Tha e a’ coimhead alright ach mar a chanas iad ’s e am blas sin a bhios ag innse dhut a bheil e gus a bhith math gus nach eil.

[Màiri] Seo a’ chiad gingerbread a chunnaic mi le measan troimhe.

[Flòraidh] Right.

[Màiri] ’S tha e a’ coimhead snog.

[Flòraidh] Uill tha, bidh mi a’ dèanamh fear eile gun mheasan ach seo am fear as eòlaiche mi a bhith a’dèanamh. Agus dìreach ...

[Màiri] Is tha fàileadh nan spices gu math làidir, snog troimhe.

[Flòraidh] Nis feuch dè do bharail air an sin.

[Màiri] Fìor mhath. Aotrom.

[Flòraidh] Tha e aotrom, tha.

[Màiri] Toilichte leis?

[Flòraidh] Tha, tha e glè mhath.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Flora’s gingerbread

English Beurla

[Flora] Well I’m first of all going to put a cup of water in and I’m then going to put a cup of sugar, just the type of sugar that you put in your tea. Not a fine one at all, just granulated as they say in English. They call this gingerbread the boiled method.

[Mairi] And you’re telling me that this can’t go wrong?

[Flora] It can’t go wrong for anyone. Anyone may...

[Mairi] Are you sure?

[Flora] I’m sure. You could try it yourself, Mairi, and I’m sure that it wouldn’t go wrong for you anyway. Everything is so easy to measure. A cup in... The only thing that I put on the scale is the butter. And everything else is measured in this cup.

[Flora] That goes in the pan with four ounces of butter.

[Mairi] And where did you get this recipe from?

[Flora] From my late mother and my mother-in-law. The two of them used this recipe and I don’t know where they got it from. Was it from a book or something else but it was, as they say, passed down through the... to me. And as I say it never goes wrong. And a spoon of bread soda, two spoons of mixed spice, a teaspoon. Lovely smell from the mixed spice, isn’t there?

[Mairi] And apart from the gingerbread what else do you, what other baking do you do?

[Flora] A spoon of ginger.

[Flora] Well I make anything. Well it’s cooking that I do as my day job and I do baking there too but I really like making cheesecake. And now that’s going on the top of the cooker to boil for about ten minutes.

[Flora] Here now, Mairi, this has now cooled enough because two eggs are going in now andthat’s us then.

[Mairi] Are the men in your house, are they fond of baking?

[Flora] They aren’t fond of making it but they are fond enough eating it. And I usually bake, especially in the winter. I make something nearly every Saturday and make something for lunch, for the dinner. And then after that, two cups of self-raising flour go in. So you can see how easy this is to make, just measuring everything in the cup.

[Mairi] A loaf like this, it is good in the freezer as well, it will last for...

[Flora] Yes.

[Mairi]... a while.

[Flora] Yes, it will last for a while. Yes, because also, when I make this usually I make two of them. Because it was of custom of, well, my late mother, she would say “well if you are going to do baking make sure that you make the cheapest thing that will keep you going instead of putting the oven on for one thing”. And then a little bit of cream of tartar is mixed in with that. And that’s it. That’s it prepared and it is then just mixed all together and it then goes in a baking tin like that, two pounds. And those liners, they are very handy. Itsaves putting butter or something else on the tin. You just put one of those in and it saves you getting your fingers dirty or full of butter, as they say. And that’s it. It’s now ready.

[Mairi] Lovely smell from it already.

[Flora] Such a brilliant smell from the ginger, a really lovely smell from it. And as well they would say try and get every bit of the mixture out of the pan because, so that none is wasted. And that’s it.

[Mairi] How long in the oven now?

[Flora] It will now take about forty or fifty minutes in the oven, depending on what oven you have.

[Mairi] What kind of heat?

[Flora] A heat of one hundred and soxty and that’s it. And it will be in there until it’s cooked and a smell comes. Sometimes they say if you get the smell the of baking that gives you a sign that it is nearly cooked.

[Mairi] Are we going to try a wee piece of this then, Flora?

[Flora] Of course, Mairi. It looks alright but as they say it’s that smell that tells you if it’s going to be good or not.

[Mairi] This is the first gingerbread that I have seen with fruit through it.

[Flory] Right.

[Mairi] And it looks nice.

[Flory] Well I make another one without the fruit but this is the one that I am most used to making. And just...

[Mairi] And the smell of the spices is very strong and nice through it.

[Flory] Now what do you think of that.

[Mairi] Very good. Light.

[Flora] It is light, yes.

[Mairi] Happy with it?

[Flora] Yes, it’s very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



An t-aran-cridhe aig Flòraidh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Flòraidh] Uill tha mi an toiseach a’ dol a chur cupa uisge ann agus tha mi an uair sin a’ dol a chur cupa siùcair, siùcar dìreach fear a bhios agad, cuir e dhan tì. Chan e fear mìn idir, dìreach granulated mar a chanas iad sa Bheurla. ’S e boiled method a chanas iad air an gingerbread a tha seo.

[Màiri] Agus tha sibh ag innse dhomh nach urrainn seo a dhol ceàrr?

[Flòraidh] Chan urrainn dha a dhol ceàrr do dhuine sam bith. Faodaidh duine sam bith...

[Màiri] A bheil sibh cinnteach?

[Flòraidh] Tha mi cinnteach. Dh’fhaodadh tu fhèin fheuchainn, a Mhàiri, agus tha mi cinnteach nach tigeadh e ceàrr dhut co-dhiù. Tha a h-uile sgath cho furasta a thomhas. Cupa dhan... An aon rud a tha mi a’ cur air an scale ’s e an t-ìm. ’S tha a h-uile sgath eile ga thomhas anns a’ chupa a tha seo.

[Flòraidh] Tha sin a’ dol dhan phana agus ceithir unnsaichean ime.

[Màiri] ’S cò às a fhuair sibh an reasabaidh a tha seo?

[Flòraidh] Aig mo mhàthair agus mo mhàthair chèile, nach maireann. Bhiodh an dithis aca a’ cleachdadh an reasabaidh a tha seo agus chan eil fhios agam càite an d’ fhuair iadsan e. An ann à leabhar no rud eile ach chaidh, mar a chanas iad, a chur sìos tro na... thugam fhìn? Agus mar a tha mi ag radh cha tig e ceàrr uair sam bith. ’S tha spàin tì sòda arain, dà spàin mixed spice, spàin tì. Deagh fhàileadh às a’ mhixed spice , nach eil?

[Màiri] ’S a bharrachd air an gingerbread dè eile a bhios sibh, dè a’ bhèicearchd eile a bhios sibh a’ dèanamh?

[Flòraidh] Spàin dhinnseir.

[Flòraidh] Uill bidh mi a’ dèanamh rud sam bith. Uill ’s e còcaireachd a tha mi a’ dèanamh airson m’ obair latha agus bidh mi a’ dèanamh bèicearachd ann an sin cuideachd ach ’s fìor thoil leam a bhith a’ dèanamh cheesecake. Agus a-nis sin a’ dol air bàrr a’chucair ‘’s ga bhruich airson mu dheich mionaidean.

[Flòraidh] Seo a-nis, a Mhàiri, tha seo a-nis air fuarachadh gu leòr airson tha dà ugh a’ dol ann a-nis agus seo sinn ma-thà.

[Màiri] A bheil na fir anns an taigh agaibh, a bheil iadsan dèidheil air fuine ’s bèicearachd?

[Flòraidh] Chan eil iad dèidheil air a bhith ga dhèanamh ach tha iad dèidheil gu leòr ga ithe. Agus ’s àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ bèicearachd, gu h-àraidh sa gheamhradh. Tha, bidh mi a’ dèanamh rudeigin cha mhòr a h-uile Disathairne agus a’ dèanamh rudeigin airson lònach, airson na dìnneir. ’S an uair sin às dèidh sin, tha dà chupa de self-raising flùr a’ dol ann. So chì thu dìreach cho furasta ’s a tha seo a dhèanamh agus tha dìreach a’ tomhas a-mach a h-uile sgath anns a’ chupa.

[Màiri] Tha lofa mar seo, tha i math sa freezer cuideachd, mairidh i airson ...

[Flòraidh]: Tha.

[Màiri] Greis.

[Flòraidh] Tha, mairidh i airson greis. Tha, sàilleibh cuideachd, nuair a bhios mi a’ dèanamh seo mar as trice bidh mi a’ dèanamh a dhà dhiubh. Tha, sàilleibh, bhiodh fasan aig, uill, mo mhàthair, nach maireann, bhiodh i ag radh “uill ma tha thu a’ dol a dhèanamh bèicearachd feuch gun dèan thu fiach as saora a chumas a’ dol thu seach a bhith a’ cur an àmhainn air airson aon rud”. ’S tha an uair sin rud beag de chream of tartar a’ dol am measg sin. Agus sin agad e. Sin e ullamh agus tha an uair sin dìreach ga mhixeadh air fad le chèile agus tha e an uair sin a’ dol ann an tiona bèicearchd mar sin, dà phunnd. ’S tha na liners a tha sin, tha iad uabhasach fhèin handy. Sàbhalaidh e a bhith a’cur ìm no rud eile air a’ chrogan. Tha thu dìreach a’ cur fear dhiubh sin ann agus sàbhalaidh e do chorragan fhaighinn salach no làn ime, mar a chanas iad. Agus sin agad e. Tha e a-nis deiseil.

[Màiri] Tha fàileadh brèagha às mar-tha.

[Flòraidh] Fàileadh dìreach sgoinneil às an dinnsear, fàileadh àlainn fhèin às. Agus cuideachd bhiodh iad ag ràdh feuch gum faigh thu a h-uile biod dhan mhixture a-mach às a’ phana air sgàth, airson nach tig sgath a dholaidh. Agus sin e.

[Màiri] Dè cho fada san àmhainn a-nis?

[Flòraidh] Bheir e a-nis mu dhà fhichead no gu deich air fhichead mionaidean san àmhainn, a rèir dè an àmhainn a th’ agad.

[Màiri] Dè an seòrsa teas?

[Flòraidh] Teas ceud ’s trì fichead agus sin agad e. ’S bidh e ann an sin gus am bi e bruich ’s thig fàileadh. Uaireannan canaidh iad ma gheibh thu fàileadh den bhèicearachd tha sin a’ toirt soidhne dhut gu bheil e gus a bhith bruich.

[Màiri] A bheil sinn a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn pìos bheag den seo mathà, a Fhlòrag?

[Flòraidh] Tha fhios gu bheil, a Mhàiri. Tha e a’ coimhead alright ach mar a chanas iad ’s e am blas sin a bhios ag innse dhut a bheil e gus a bhith math gus nach eil.

[Màiri] Seo a’ chiad gingerbread a chunnaic mi le measan troimhe.

[Flòraidh] Right.

[Màiri] ’S tha e a’ coimhead snog.

[Flòraidh] Uill tha, bidh mi a’ dèanamh fear eile gun mheasan ach seo am fear as eòlaiche mi a bhith a’dèanamh. Agus dìreach ...

[Màiri] Is tha fàileadh nan spices gu math làidir, snog troimhe.

[Flòraidh] Nis feuch dè do bharail air an sin.

[Màiri] Fìor mhath. Aotrom.

[Flòraidh] Tha e aotrom, tha.

[Màiri] Toilichte leis?

[Flòraidh] Tha, tha e glè mhath.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Flora’s gingerbread

English Beurla

[Flora] Well I’m first of all going to put a cup of water in and I’m then going to put a cup of sugar, just the type of sugar that you put in your tea. Not a fine one at all, just granulated as they say in English. They call this gingerbread the boiled method.

[Mairi] And you’re telling me that this can’t go wrong?

[Flora] It can’t go wrong for anyone. Anyone may...

[Mairi] Are you sure?

[Flora] I’m sure. You could try it yourself, Mairi, and I’m sure that it wouldn’t go wrong for you anyway. Everything is so easy to measure. A cup in... The only thing that I put on the scale is the butter. And everything else is measured in this cup.

[Flora] That goes in the pan with four ounces of butter.

[Mairi] And where did you get this recipe from?

[Flora] From my late mother and my mother-in-law. The two of them used this recipe and I don’t know where they got it from. Was it from a book or something else but it was, as they say, passed down through the... to me. And as I say it never goes wrong. And a spoon of bread soda, two spoons of mixed spice, a teaspoon. Lovely smell from the mixed spice, isn’t there?

[Mairi] And apart from the gingerbread what else do you, what other baking do you do?

[Flora] A spoon of ginger.

[Flora] Well I make anything. Well it’s cooking that I do as my day job and I do baking there too but I really like making cheesecake. And now that’s going on the top of the cooker to boil for about ten minutes.

[Flora] Here now, Mairi, this has now cooled enough because two eggs are going in now andthat’s us then.

[Mairi] Are the men in your house, are they fond of baking?

[Flora] They aren’t fond of making it but they are fond enough eating it. And I usually bake, especially in the winter. I make something nearly every Saturday and make something for lunch, for the dinner. And then after that, two cups of self-raising flour go in. So you can see how easy this is to make, just measuring everything in the cup.

[Mairi] A loaf like this, it is good in the freezer as well, it will last for...

[Flora] Yes.

[Mairi]... a while.

[Flora] Yes, it will last for a while. Yes, because also, when I make this usually I make two of them. Because it was of custom of, well, my late mother, she would say “well if you are going to do baking make sure that you make the cheapest thing that will keep you going instead of putting the oven on for one thing”. And then a little bit of cream of tartar is mixed in with that. And that’s it. That’s it prepared and it is then just mixed all together and it then goes in a baking tin like that, two pounds. And those liners, they are very handy. Itsaves putting butter or something else on the tin. You just put one of those in and it saves you getting your fingers dirty or full of butter, as they say. And that’s it. It’s now ready.

[Mairi] Lovely smell from it already.

[Flora] Such a brilliant smell from the ginger, a really lovely smell from it. And as well they would say try and get every bit of the mixture out of the pan because, so that none is wasted. And that’s it.

[Mairi] How long in the oven now?

[Flora] It will now take about forty or fifty minutes in the oven, depending on what oven you have.

[Mairi] What kind of heat?

[Flora] A heat of one hundred and soxty and that’s it. And it will be in there until it’s cooked and a smell comes. Sometimes they say if you get the smell the of baking that gives you a sign that it is nearly cooked.

[Mairi] Are we going to try a wee piece of this then, Flora?

[Flora] Of course, Mairi. It looks alright but as they say it’s that smell that tells you if it’s going to be good or not.

[Mairi] This is the first gingerbread that I have seen with fruit through it.

[Flory] Right.

[Mairi] And it looks nice.

[Flory] Well I make another one without the fruit but this is the one that I am most used to making. And just...

[Mairi] And the smell of the spices is very strong and nice through it.

[Flory] Now what do you think of that.

[Mairi] Very good. Light.

[Flora] It is light, yes.

[Mairi] Happy with it?

[Flora] Yes, it’s very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV