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Dùthchannan eile

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Dùthchannan eile

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dùthchannan Eile

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Feumaidh mi aideachadh nach eil cus ùidh agam ann an siubhal. Ach, bu ghlè thoigh leam a dhol dhan ear-thuath - oir dhearbh deuchainn-fala gur ann à Stabhangar, ann an Nirribhidh, a thàinig cuid dhem dhaoine. Mar sin tha mi càirdeach dha na Lochlannaich a thàinig a-nall a dh'Alba anns na longan-fhada aca bho chionn cheudan de bhliadhnaichean.

Chòrdadh e rium cainnt nan Nirribheach a chluinntinn. Agus chumainn orm na b' fhaide gu sear cuideachd - dhan t-Suain - oir bhiodh muinntir na Suaine a cheart cho tarraingeach ri na Nirribhich.

'S dòcha cuideachd gun gabhainn sùil a-null an taobh eile - dhan iar-thuath. Bha piuthar m' athar ann an Innis Tìle, agus chòrd e glan rithe, ged bha an àrainneachd buailteach atharrachadh aig àm sam bith - air sgàth bheanntanteine!

'S carson nach seallainn an iar-thuath air Innis Tìle - air a' Ghraonlainn, an teilean as motha san t-saoghal? Ghabhainn sùil cuideachd sìos chun an taoibh an ear - dhan Danmhairg.

Is fhad 's a tha mo smuaintean air an Roinn Eòrpa: chaidh mo phiuthar dhan Fhraing bho chionn ghreis. Chaidh i gu Paris, àite a shaoil i a bha romansach. Ach bha i duilich nach deach aice air bràmair fhaighinn bho phrìomh bhaile na Frainge!

Ghabh mi fhèin ceum, aon uair, sìos gu deas air an Fhraing, dhan Spàinn. Bha sluagh na Spàinne laghach, agus dh'ionnsaich mi rud mun deidhinn nach b' aithne dhomh roimhe sin. Fhad 's a bha sinn ann am Barcelona thuirt muinntir na sgìre nach b' e Spàinntich a bh' anntasan idir, ach Catalònianaich!

A-nis, às dèidh dhomh sealltainn mu thuath, mu dheas, gu sear is gu siar 's dòcha nach biodh siubhal cho dona 's a bha mi an dùil. Ach 's ann a tha mi anis dhen bheachd gum bu ghlè thoigh leam beagan siubhail a dhèanamh. Ach càit' an tòisichinn?

Sùil air ais

dhan ear-thuath
ann an Nirribhidh
cainnt nan Nirribheach
dhan t-Suain
muinntir na Suaine
dhan iar-thuath
ann an Innis Tìle
a' Ghraonlainn
chun an taoibh an ear - dhan Danmhairg
dhan Fhraing
bho phrìomh bhaile na Frainge
dhan Spàinn
sluagh na Spàinne
>mu thuath, mu dheas, gu sear is gu siar

Other Countries

English Beurla

Other Countries

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] I must admit that I don't have much interest in travelling. But I would really love to go to the north-east - because a blood test determined that some of my ancestors came from Stavanger in Norway. That means I'm related to the Vikings who came across to Scotland in their longships hundreds of years ago.

I would enjoy hearing the Norwegian language. And I'd carry on farther to the east too - to Sweden - because the Swedish people would be just as attractive as the Norwegians.

Perhaps I might take a look at the other side too - to the north-west. My father's sister went to Iceland, and she really liked it there although the environment was liable to change at any time - because of volcanoes!

And why wouldn't I look north-west of Iceland - to Greenland, the largest island in the world? I would also look down towards the east - to Denmark.

And while my thoughts are on Europe: my sister went to France a while ago. She went to Paris, a place she thought was so romantic. But she was disappointed that she was unable to find a boyfriend from the capital of France!

I took a trip myself once, south of France, to Spain. The Spanish people were really nice, and I learnt something about them that I hadn't known before. While we were in Barcelona the local people said they weren't Spaniards at all, but Catalans!

Now, having looked north, south, east and west, perhaps travelling wouldn't be as bad as I thought. In fact, I now believe that would really like to do a little travelling. But where to begin?

Look back

to the north-east
in Norway
the Norwegian language
to Sweden
the people of Sweden
to the north-west
in Iceland
to the east - to Denmark
to France
from the capital of France
to Spain
the people of Spain
to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west

Dùthchannan eile

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dùthchannan Eile

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Feumaidh mi aideachadh nach eil cus ùidh agam ann an siubhal. Ach, bu ghlè thoigh leam a dhol dhan ear-thuath - oir dhearbh deuchainn-fala gur ann à Stabhangar, ann an Nirribhidh, a thàinig cuid dhem dhaoine. Mar sin tha mi càirdeach dha na Lochlannaich a thàinig a-nall a dh'Alba anns na longan-fhada aca bho chionn cheudan de bhliadhnaichean.

Chòrdadh e rium cainnt nan Nirribheach a chluinntinn. Agus chumainn orm na b' fhaide gu sear cuideachd - dhan t-Suain - oir bhiodh muinntir na Suaine a cheart cho tarraingeach ri na Nirribhich.

'S dòcha cuideachd gun gabhainn sùil a-null an taobh eile - dhan iar-thuath. Bha piuthar m' athar ann an Innis Tìle, agus chòrd e glan rithe, ged bha an àrainneachd buailteach atharrachadh aig àm sam bith - air sgàth bheanntanteine!

'S carson nach seallainn an iar-thuath air Innis Tìle - air a' Ghraonlainn, an teilean as motha san t-saoghal? Ghabhainn sùil cuideachd sìos chun an taoibh an ear - dhan Danmhairg.

Is fhad 's a tha mo smuaintean air an Roinn Eòrpa: chaidh mo phiuthar dhan Fhraing bho chionn ghreis. Chaidh i gu Paris, àite a shaoil i a bha romansach. Ach bha i duilich nach deach aice air bràmair fhaighinn bho phrìomh bhaile na Frainge!

Ghabh mi fhèin ceum, aon uair, sìos gu deas air an Fhraing, dhan Spàinn. Bha sluagh na Spàinne laghach, agus dh'ionnsaich mi rud mun deidhinn nach b' aithne dhomh roimhe sin. Fhad 's a bha sinn ann am Barcelona thuirt muinntir na sgìre nach b' e Spàinntich a bh' anntasan idir, ach Catalònianaich!

A-nis, às dèidh dhomh sealltainn mu thuath, mu dheas, gu sear is gu siar 's dòcha nach biodh siubhal cho dona 's a bha mi an dùil. Ach 's ann a tha mi anis dhen bheachd gum bu ghlè thoigh leam beagan siubhail a dhèanamh. Ach càit' an tòisichinn?

Sùil air ais

dhan ear-thuath
ann an Nirribhidh
cainnt nan Nirribheach
dhan t-Suain
muinntir na Suaine
dhan iar-thuath
ann an Innis Tìle
a' Ghraonlainn
chun an taoibh an ear - dhan Danmhairg
dhan Fhraing
bho phrìomh bhaile na Frainge
dhan Spàinn
sluagh na Spàinne
>mu thuath, mu dheas, gu sear is gu siar

Other Countries

English Beurla

Other Countries

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] I must admit that I don't have much interest in travelling. But I would really love to go to the north-east - because a blood test determined that some of my ancestors came from Stavanger in Norway. That means I'm related to the Vikings who came across to Scotland in their longships hundreds of years ago.

I would enjoy hearing the Norwegian language. And I'd carry on farther to the east too - to Sweden - because the Swedish people would be just as attractive as the Norwegians.

Perhaps I might take a look at the other side too - to the north-west. My father's sister went to Iceland, and she really liked it there although the environment was liable to change at any time - because of volcanoes!

And why wouldn't I look north-west of Iceland - to Greenland, the largest island in the world? I would also look down towards the east - to Denmark.

And while my thoughts are on Europe: my sister went to France a while ago. She went to Paris, a place she thought was so romantic. But she was disappointed that she was unable to find a boyfriend from the capital of France!

I took a trip myself once, south of France, to Spain. The Spanish people were really nice, and I learnt something about them that I hadn't known before. While we were in Barcelona the local people said they weren't Spaniards at all, but Catalans!

Now, having looked north, south, east and west, perhaps travelling wouldn't be as bad as I thought. In fact, I now believe that would really like to do a little travelling. But where to begin?

Look back

to the north-east
in Norway
the Norwegian language
to Sweden
the people of Sweden
to the north-west
in Iceland
to the east - to Denmark
to France
from the capital of France
to Spain
the people of Spain
to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.