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Everyday Conversation

Cabadaich Làitheil

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Cabadaich Làitheil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cabadaich Làitheil

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay) with Catriona Johnston

[ANGELA] Fàilte. Bheir sinn sùil air gnìomhairean nach eil ag obair san dòigh àbhaisteach.

Bidh fios agad, tha mi cinnteach, gu bheil a' mhòr-chuid de ghnìomhairean a th' againn sa Ghàidhlig gu tur riaghailteach. Bidh iad ag obair a rèir nan riaghailtean. Tha deich ann ge-tà, a bharrachd air a' ghnìomhair 'bi', nach eil a' leantainn nan riaghailtean cho dlùth. Is iad na Gnìomhairean Neo-riaghailteach.

Ged nach eil ann ach deich dhiubh, tha iad air an cleachdadh glè thric. Bidh iad feumail ann an suidheachaidhean cumanta, suidheachaidhean anns am bi thu gach latha. Mar sin, tha e cudromach gu bheil deagh eòlas agad orra. Coimheadaidh sinn orra an seo, a thaobh shuidheachaidhean a tha seachad, rudan a thachair - an Tràth Caithte. Èist ri seo, agus tha mi an dòchas gum faigh thu blasad dhiubh.

[ANGELA] Am faca tu na fir chlis a-raoir?

[CATRÌONA] Chan fhaca. Chaidh mise don taigh-dhealbh a-raoir.

[ANGELA] An deach? Dè am film a chunnaic thu?

[CATRÌONA] Chunnaic mi Tintin.

[ANGELA] Tintin! Am faca? Nach eil thu ro shean son a leithid?

[CATRÌONA] Oh, chan eil. Is fìor thoil leam sgeulachdan Tintin. Chaidh mi ann agus chunnaic mi e is chòrd e rium. Chan fhaca mi na fir chlis ged-tà. Cò ris a bha iad coltach?

[ANGELA] Bha sgoinneil! Bha iad cho math 's a chunnaic mi riamh iad. Cha robh iad ach geal an toiseach, dìreach mar sholais càir ach nuair sinn thàinig na dathan: purpaidh, orains, uaine bha e annasach. An deach duine eile còmhla riut chun na film?

[CATRÌONA] Cha deach. Bha Lorna a' dol a thighinn ach cha tàinig i. Thuirt i gun robh i ro thrang a' sgrìobhadh sgriobtaichean.

[ANGELA] Chan fhaca mise Lorna fad greis a-nis. Thug mi lioft dhi mu mhìos air ais.

[CATRÌONA] An tug?

[ANGELA] Thug.

[CATRÌONA] Càit' an robh i a' dol?

[ANGELA] Chan eil fhios 'am. Cha tuirt i smid rium fad an rathaid. Thug mise lioft dhi dhan bhaile, ach an uair sin dh'iarr i orm stad agus leum i a-mach às a' chàr, gun soraidh slàn no càil!

[CATRÌONA] Tha rudeigin air a bhith a' cur air Lorna bhochd fad mhìosan a-nis. An cuala tu gun robh i fhèin agus Iain air sgaradh-pòsaidh a dhèanamh?

[ANGELA] Cha chuala. Bha fios 'am nach robh iad còmhla tuilleadh, ach cha robh fios agam gun robh iad air an rud a dhèanamh gu h-oifigeil.

[CATRÌONA] Uill, rinn iad sin. Chuala mise aig Iain fhèin e.

[ANGELA] Tha sin truagh. Bha iad cho dòigheil còmhla beagan bhliadhnaichean air ais. Saoil dè thachair?

[CATRÌONA] Cò aige a tha brath, ach bha Iain daonnan air falbh ag obair.

[ANGELA] Tha cuimhne agam gun tug mi air Lorna tighinn chun an amair-shnàimh mu bhliadhna air ais. Cha robh i son tighinn, ach thug mi oirre. Is dòcha gun robh rudan a' dol ceàrr fiù 's cho fada air ais ri sin. Bha i fadalach tighinn an uair sin cuideachd agus nuair a ràinig i mu dheireadh cha robh deise-shnàimh aice no càil. Chan e sin idir an stoidhle aice.

[CATRÌONA] Feumaidh sinn dol a chèilidh oirre ge-tà.

[ANGELA] Fhuair mise dà thicead son na cuirm-ciùil an-ath-sheachdain. Fhuair mi mar dhuais iad, bhon obair agam, ach 's dòcha gum biodh e math an triùir againn dol còmhla. Dè do bheachd?

[CATRÌONA] Deagh bheachd. Cuiridh mise fòn thuice a-nochd fhèin.

Everyday Conversation

English Beurla

Everyday Conversation

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay) with Catriona Johnston

[ANGELA] Welcome. We'll take a look at verbs that don't work in the normal way.

You will know, I'm sure, that most of the verbs we have in Gaelic are completely regular. They work in accordance with the rules. However, there are ten, besides the verb 'to be', that don't fully comply with the rules. These are the Irregular Verbs.

Although there are only ten of them, they are used very frequently. They will be useful in common situations, situations in which you will find yourself every day. As a result it is important to be familiar with them. We will take a look at them here in terms of situations that have passed, things that have happened - the Past Tense. Listen to this, and I hope you will get a sense of them.

[ANGELA] Did you see the Northern Lights last night?

[CATRIONA] No, I didn't (see). I went to the cinema last night.

[ANGELA] Did you (go)? Which film did you see?

[CATRIONA] I saw Tintin.

[ANGELA] Tintin! Did you (see)? Aren't you too old for things like that?

[CATRIONA] No, no I'm not. I really like the Tintin stories. I went there and I saw it and I enjoyed it. But I didn't see the Northern Lights. What were they like?

[ANGELA] They were amazing! They were the best I've ever seen them. They were just plain white at first, just like the lights of a car, but then the colours came: purple, orange, green - it was remarkable. Did anyone else go to the film with you?

[CATRIONA] No. Lorna was going to come but she didn't (come). She said that she was too busy writing scripts.

[ANGELA] I haven't seen Lorna for ages now. I gave her a lift about a month ago.

[CATRIONA] Did you?

[ANGELA] Yes, I did.

[CATRIONA] Where was she going?

[ANGELA] I don't know. She didn't say a word to me all the way. I gave her a lift into town, but then she asked me to stop and leapt out of the car, without saying goodbye or anything!

[CATRIONA] Something has been bothering poor Lorna for months now. Did you hear that she and Iain had got a divorce?

[ANGELA] I hadn't heard. I knew they were no longer together, but I didn't know that they had made it official.

[CATRIONA] Well, they did that. I heard it from Iain himself.

[ANGELA] That's a shame. They were so happy together just a few years ago. Whatever happened?

[CATRIONA] Who knows, but Iain was always away at work.

[ANGELA] I remember that I persuaded Lorna to come to the swimming pool about a year ago. She didn't want to come, but I persuaded her to. Perhaps things were going wrong even that far back. She was late in arriving that time too and when she did finally arrive she didn't have her swimming costume or anything. That's not her style at all.

[CATRIONA] But we'll have to go and visit her.

[ANGELA] I got two tickets for the concert next week. I got them as a prize, from my work, but perhaps it would be nice if the three of us went together. What do you think?

[CATRIONA] Good idea. I'll phone her tonight (lit. this very night).

Cabadaich Làitheil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cabadaich Làitheil

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay) with Catriona Johnston

[ANGELA] Fàilte. Bheir sinn sùil air gnìomhairean nach eil ag obair san dòigh àbhaisteach.

Bidh fios agad, tha mi cinnteach, gu bheil a' mhòr-chuid de ghnìomhairean a th' againn sa Ghàidhlig gu tur riaghailteach. Bidh iad ag obair a rèir nan riaghailtean. Tha deich ann ge-tà, a bharrachd air a' ghnìomhair 'bi', nach eil a' leantainn nan riaghailtean cho dlùth. Is iad na Gnìomhairean Neo-riaghailteach.

Ged nach eil ann ach deich dhiubh, tha iad air an cleachdadh glè thric. Bidh iad feumail ann an suidheachaidhean cumanta, suidheachaidhean anns am bi thu gach latha. Mar sin, tha e cudromach gu bheil deagh eòlas agad orra. Coimheadaidh sinn orra an seo, a thaobh shuidheachaidhean a tha seachad, rudan a thachair - an Tràth Caithte. Èist ri seo, agus tha mi an dòchas gum faigh thu blasad dhiubh.

[ANGELA] Am faca tu na fir chlis a-raoir?

[CATRÌONA] Chan fhaca. Chaidh mise don taigh-dhealbh a-raoir.

[ANGELA] An deach? Dè am film a chunnaic thu?

[CATRÌONA] Chunnaic mi Tintin.

[ANGELA] Tintin! Am faca? Nach eil thu ro shean son a leithid?

[CATRÌONA] Oh, chan eil. Is fìor thoil leam sgeulachdan Tintin. Chaidh mi ann agus chunnaic mi e is chòrd e rium. Chan fhaca mi na fir chlis ged-tà. Cò ris a bha iad coltach?

[ANGELA] Bha sgoinneil! Bha iad cho math 's a chunnaic mi riamh iad. Cha robh iad ach geal an toiseach, dìreach mar sholais càir ach nuair sinn thàinig na dathan: purpaidh, orains, uaine bha e annasach. An deach duine eile còmhla riut chun na film?

[CATRÌONA] Cha deach. Bha Lorna a' dol a thighinn ach cha tàinig i. Thuirt i gun robh i ro thrang a' sgrìobhadh sgriobtaichean.

[ANGELA] Chan fhaca mise Lorna fad greis a-nis. Thug mi lioft dhi mu mhìos air ais.

[CATRÌONA] An tug?

[ANGELA] Thug.

[CATRÌONA] Càit' an robh i a' dol?

[ANGELA] Chan eil fhios 'am. Cha tuirt i smid rium fad an rathaid. Thug mise lioft dhi dhan bhaile, ach an uair sin dh'iarr i orm stad agus leum i a-mach às a' chàr, gun soraidh slàn no càil!

[CATRÌONA] Tha rudeigin air a bhith a' cur air Lorna bhochd fad mhìosan a-nis. An cuala tu gun robh i fhèin agus Iain air sgaradh-pòsaidh a dhèanamh?

[ANGELA] Cha chuala. Bha fios 'am nach robh iad còmhla tuilleadh, ach cha robh fios agam gun robh iad air an rud a dhèanamh gu h-oifigeil.

[CATRÌONA] Uill, rinn iad sin. Chuala mise aig Iain fhèin e.

[ANGELA] Tha sin truagh. Bha iad cho dòigheil còmhla beagan bhliadhnaichean air ais. Saoil dè thachair?

[CATRÌONA] Cò aige a tha brath, ach bha Iain daonnan air falbh ag obair.

[ANGELA] Tha cuimhne agam gun tug mi air Lorna tighinn chun an amair-shnàimh mu bhliadhna air ais. Cha robh i son tighinn, ach thug mi oirre. Is dòcha gun robh rudan a' dol ceàrr fiù 's cho fada air ais ri sin. Bha i fadalach tighinn an uair sin cuideachd agus nuair a ràinig i mu dheireadh cha robh deise-shnàimh aice no càil. Chan e sin idir an stoidhle aice.

[CATRÌONA] Feumaidh sinn dol a chèilidh oirre ge-tà.

[ANGELA] Fhuair mise dà thicead son na cuirm-ciùil an-ath-sheachdain. Fhuair mi mar dhuais iad, bhon obair agam, ach 's dòcha gum biodh e math an triùir againn dol còmhla. Dè do bheachd?

[CATRÌONA] Deagh bheachd. Cuiridh mise fòn thuice a-nochd fhèin.

Everyday Conversation

English Beurla

Everyday Conversation

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay) with Catriona Johnston

[ANGELA] Welcome. We'll take a look at verbs that don't work in the normal way.

You will know, I'm sure, that most of the verbs we have in Gaelic are completely regular. They work in accordance with the rules. However, there are ten, besides the verb 'to be', that don't fully comply with the rules. These are the Irregular Verbs.

Although there are only ten of them, they are used very frequently. They will be useful in common situations, situations in which you will find yourself every day. As a result it is important to be familiar with them. We will take a look at them here in terms of situations that have passed, things that have happened - the Past Tense. Listen to this, and I hope you will get a sense of them.

[ANGELA] Did you see the Northern Lights last night?

[CATRIONA] No, I didn't (see). I went to the cinema last night.

[ANGELA] Did you (go)? Which film did you see?

[CATRIONA] I saw Tintin.

[ANGELA] Tintin! Did you (see)? Aren't you too old for things like that?

[CATRIONA] No, no I'm not. I really like the Tintin stories. I went there and I saw it and I enjoyed it. But I didn't see the Northern Lights. What were they like?

[ANGELA] They were amazing! They were the best I've ever seen them. They were just plain white at first, just like the lights of a car, but then the colours came: purple, orange, green - it was remarkable. Did anyone else go to the film with you?

[CATRIONA] No. Lorna was going to come but she didn't (come). She said that she was too busy writing scripts.

[ANGELA] I haven't seen Lorna for ages now. I gave her a lift about a month ago.

[CATRIONA] Did you?

[ANGELA] Yes, I did.

[CATRIONA] Where was she going?

[ANGELA] I don't know. She didn't say a word to me all the way. I gave her a lift into town, but then she asked me to stop and leapt out of the car, without saying goodbye or anything!

[CATRIONA] Something has been bothering poor Lorna for months now. Did you hear that she and Iain had got a divorce?

[ANGELA] I hadn't heard. I knew they were no longer together, but I didn't know that they had made it official.

[CATRIONA] Well, they did that. I heard it from Iain himself.

[ANGELA] That's a shame. They were so happy together just a few years ago. Whatever happened?

[CATRIONA] Who knows, but Iain was always away at work.

[ANGELA] I remember that I persuaded Lorna to come to the swimming pool about a year ago. She didn't want to come, but I persuaded her to. Perhaps things were going wrong even that far back. She was late in arriving that time too and when she did finally arrive she didn't have her swimming costume or anything. That's not her style at all.

[CATRIONA] But we'll have to go and visit her.

[ANGELA] I got two tickets for the concert next week. I got them as a prize, from my work, but perhaps it would be nice if the three of us went together. What do you think?

[CATRIONA] Good idea. I'll phone her tonight (lit. this very night).

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.