FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

What's the Time Again? (traditional)

Dè an Uair a tha e a-rithist? (siostam tradaiseanta)

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Dè an Uair a tha e a-rithist? (siostam tradaiseanta)

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e a-rithist?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Cha robh Calum idir math air matamataig, agus gu mi-fhortanach dhàsan, b' e sin an clas a bh' aige a-nis! Bha an uair ag ràdh sia mionaidean às dèidh a dhà. Sheall e a-mach air an uinneig agus thòisich e a' ruith 's a' leum na inntinn.

An uair a thàinig e thuige fhèin, bha e dà mhionaid dheug às dèidh a dhà. Mar sin, airson ùine a chosg, thòisich e a' tarraing dhealbhan air an leabharobrach aige.

An uair a bha e deiseil dhiubh ghabh e sùil dhòchasach air uaireadair - ach cha robh e fhathast ach naoi mionaidean deug às dèidh a dhà. Bha fios aige! Dhèanadh e itealan pàipeir! Sin a rinn e.

Nuair a bha e deiseil dhen itealan cha robh an uair fhathast ag ràdh ach còig mionaidean fichead às dèidh a dhà. Bha e ag iarraidh an t-itealan a chath, ach cha leigeadh an t-eagal leis.

An dèidh greis, fhuair e misneachd. Thilg e an t-itealan agus sheòl e a-null dhan an fhalt aig Shannon! Leig ise sgreuch aiste! Is sheall an tidsear air Calum.

Mun àm a fhuair i a-mach dè a rinn e, bha an uair ag ràdh còig mionaidean fichead gu trì. Agus bha i fhathast a' trod ris airson a bhith mì-mhodhail aig cairteal gu trì.

Ach cha robh seo a' cur dragh air Calum, fiù 's aig deich mionaidean gu trì, oir bha e a' sùileachadh gum faigheadh e a-mach às a chlas aice ann am beagan mhionaidean.

An uair sin, aig còig mionaidean gu trì, thòisich balach sa chlas ag ràdh gun robh gaol aig Calum air Shannon! Oh-o! Ged nach robh ach tiota ri dhol, ghabh Calum an cuthach 's chath e rubair air. Cha b' fhada gus an robh an tidsear a' trod ris a rithist. Ach nuair a chunnaic i cho coma co-dhiù 's a bha e, ghabh i seo gu dona.

Mar sin thuirt i ris gum feumadh e fantainn a-staigh aig amannan cluiche fad na seachdain agus na clàran aige a sgrìobhadh - ceud turas gach fear. Dòrainn!

Bha e a-nis trì uairean feasgar!

Sùil air ais

sia mionaidean às dèidh a dhà
dà mhionaid dheug às dèidh a dhà
naoi mionaidean deug às dèidh a dhà
còig mionaidean fichead às dèidh a dhà
còig mionaidean fichead gu trì
cairteal gu trì
deich mionaidean gu trì
còig mionaidean gu trì
trì uairean feasgar

What's the Time Again? (traditional)

English Beurla

What's the time again? (traditional system)

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Calum wasn't at all good at maths, and unfortunately for him, that was the class he had now! The time said six minutes past two. He looked out the window and started to run and jump in his imagination.

When he came back to himself, it was twelve minutes past two. So, to pass the time, he started drawing pictures on his workbook.

When he finished them he glanced hopefully at his watch - but it was still only nineteen minutes past two. He knew! He would make a paper plane! That's what he did.

When he finished making the plane the time was still only twenty-five minutes past two. He wanted to throw the plane, but was too scared.

After a while, he found the nerve. He launched the plane and it sailed over into Shannon's hair! She let out a scream! And the teacher looked at Calum.

By the time she found out what he had done, the time was twenty-five minutes to three. And she was still giving him a row for misbehaving at quarter to three.

But this didn't bother Calum, even at ten to three, because he expected that he would get out of her class in a few minutes.

Then, at five minutes to three, a boy in the class started saying that Calum loved Shannon! Oh-oh! Although there was only a moment to go, Calum lost his temper and threw a rubber at him. Before long, the teacher was giving him another row. But when she saw how indifferent he was, she took it badly.

So she said he would have to stay inside at playtime all week and write out his tables - a hundred times each. Boring!

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon!

Look back

six minutes past two
twelve minutes past two
nineteen minutes past two
twenty-five minutes past two
twenty-five minutes to three
quarter to three
ten minutes to three
five minutes to three
three o'clock in the afternoon

Dè an Uair a tha e a-rithist? (siostam tradaiseanta)

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e a-rithist?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Cha robh Calum idir math air matamataig, agus gu mi-fhortanach dhàsan, b' e sin an clas a bh' aige a-nis! Bha an uair ag ràdh sia mionaidean às dèidh a dhà. Sheall e a-mach air an uinneig agus thòisich e a' ruith 's a' leum na inntinn.

An uair a thàinig e thuige fhèin, bha e dà mhionaid dheug às dèidh a dhà. Mar sin, airson ùine a chosg, thòisich e a' tarraing dhealbhan air an leabharobrach aige.

An uair a bha e deiseil dhiubh ghabh e sùil dhòchasach air uaireadair - ach cha robh e fhathast ach naoi mionaidean deug às dèidh a dhà. Bha fios aige! Dhèanadh e itealan pàipeir! Sin a rinn e.

Nuair a bha e deiseil dhen itealan cha robh an uair fhathast ag ràdh ach còig mionaidean fichead às dèidh a dhà. Bha e ag iarraidh an t-itealan a chath, ach cha leigeadh an t-eagal leis.

An dèidh greis, fhuair e misneachd. Thilg e an t-itealan agus sheòl e a-null dhan an fhalt aig Shannon! Leig ise sgreuch aiste! Is sheall an tidsear air Calum.

Mun àm a fhuair i a-mach dè a rinn e, bha an uair ag ràdh còig mionaidean fichead gu trì. Agus bha i fhathast a' trod ris airson a bhith mì-mhodhail aig cairteal gu trì.

Ach cha robh seo a' cur dragh air Calum, fiù 's aig deich mionaidean gu trì, oir bha e a' sùileachadh gum faigheadh e a-mach às a chlas aice ann am beagan mhionaidean.

An uair sin, aig còig mionaidean gu trì, thòisich balach sa chlas ag ràdh gun robh gaol aig Calum air Shannon! Oh-o! Ged nach robh ach tiota ri dhol, ghabh Calum an cuthach 's chath e rubair air. Cha b' fhada gus an robh an tidsear a' trod ris a rithist. Ach nuair a chunnaic i cho coma co-dhiù 's a bha e, ghabh i seo gu dona.

Mar sin thuirt i ris gum feumadh e fantainn a-staigh aig amannan cluiche fad na seachdain agus na clàran aige a sgrìobhadh - ceud turas gach fear. Dòrainn!

Bha e a-nis trì uairean feasgar!

Sùil air ais

sia mionaidean às dèidh a dhà
dà mhionaid dheug às dèidh a dhà
naoi mionaidean deug às dèidh a dhà
còig mionaidean fichead às dèidh a dhà
còig mionaidean fichead gu trì
cairteal gu trì
deich mionaidean gu trì
còig mionaidean gu trì
trì uairean feasgar

What's the Time Again? (traditional)

English Beurla

What's the time again? (traditional system)

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Calum wasn't at all good at maths, and unfortunately for him, that was the class he had now! The time said six minutes past two. He looked out the window and started to run and jump in his imagination.

When he came back to himself, it was twelve minutes past two. So, to pass the time, he started drawing pictures on his workbook.

When he finished them he glanced hopefully at his watch - but it was still only nineteen minutes past two. He knew! He would make a paper plane! That's what he did.

When he finished making the plane the time was still only twenty-five minutes past two. He wanted to throw the plane, but was too scared.

After a while, he found the nerve. He launched the plane and it sailed over into Shannon's hair! She let out a scream! And the teacher looked at Calum.

By the time she found out what he had done, the time was twenty-five minutes to three. And she was still giving him a row for misbehaving at quarter to three.

But this didn't bother Calum, even at ten to three, because he expected that he would get out of her class in a few minutes.

Then, at five minutes to three, a boy in the class started saying that Calum loved Shannon! Oh-oh! Although there was only a moment to go, Calum lost his temper and threw a rubber at him. Before long, the teacher was giving him another row. But when she saw how indifferent he was, she took it badly.

So she said he would have to stay inside at playtime all week and write out his tables - a hundred times each. Boring!

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon!

Look back

six minutes past two
twelve minutes past two
nineteen minutes past two
twenty-five minutes past two
twenty-five minutes to three
quarter to three
ten minutes to three
five minutes to three
three o'clock in the afternoon

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.