FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Numbers 3

Àireamhan 3

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Àireamhan 3

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Àireamhan 3

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Ma choinnicheas tu ri daoine a tha nas sine na, can, ceathrad no caogad, 's dòcha nach bi fios aca dè th' ann an "ceathrad" no "caogad". Bhiodh iad na bu dualtaiche dà fhichead agus leth-cheud a ràdh.

Tha dà dhòigh ann airson cunntadh anns a' Ghàidhlig - an siostam deicheach a bhios clann ag ionnsachadh anns na sgoiltean, agus a thugadh a-steach airson matamataigs a dhèanamh na bu shìmplidh, agus an siostam traidiseanta. Leis an t-siostam thraidiseanta, bidh sinn a' cunntadh ann am ficheadan.

Tha an dà shiostam co-ionnan gu fichead, ach, tha iad ag atharrachadh às dèidh sin.

An àite trithead, canaidh sinn deich air fhichead leis an t-seann siostam.

Airson ceathrad - dà fhichead.

An àite caogad - leth-cheud.

Airson seasgad - trì fichead.

An àite seachdad - trì fichead 's a deich.

An àite ochdad - ceithir fichead.

Airson naochad - ceithir fichead 's a deich.

Leis an dà shiostam, canaidh sinn ceud airson ceud.

Bidh cuid a' cunntadh ann am ficheadan thairis air a' cheud. Mar eisimpleir, canaidh daoine seachd fichead an àite ceud is ceathrad. Canaidh cuid ceud is dà fhichead cuideachd.

'S e mìle a chleachdas sinn leis an dà shiostam.

Tha diofar dhòighean ann airson àireamhan a chleachdadh cuideachd.

Nuair a bhruidhneas sinn mu aoisean, canaidh sinn gu traidiseanta gu bheil daoine dà bhliadhna air fhichead seach fichead bliadhna 's a dhà. Canaidh tu sia bliadhna deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a sia.

Mothaichidh tu gu bheil "bliadhna" a' fuireach singilte. 'S e cleachdadh a tha sin anns a' Ghàidhlig. Tha an aon rud fìor mu dhaoine; canaidh sinn ceithir duine deug an àite ceithir daoine deug. Tha an t-ainmear singilte.

A-rithist, le nithean eile, tha thu a' cur an rud air a bheil thu a' bruidhinn eadar na h-àireamhan leis an t-seann siostam agus às dèidh nan àireamhan leis t-siostam ùr.

Mar eisimpleir, chanadh tu trì cearcan deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a trì cearcan. Chanadh tu dà fhichead bòrd 's a ceithir deug no leth-cheud bòrd 's a ceithir gu traidiseanta. Leis an dòigh ùir, 's e caogad 's a ceithir bùird a bhiodh ann.

Tha e feumail dha-rìribh a bhith eòlach air an dà shiostam - oir cluinnidh tu na dhà agus tha mòran dhaoine ann a tha dìreach eòlach air aonan dhiubh.

A-nis, bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na thuirt mi.

Bhiodh iad tòrr na bu dualtaiche dà fhichead agus leth-cheud a ràdh.

An àite trithead, canaidh sinn deich air fhichead leis an t-seann siostam.

An àite seachdad - trì fichead 's a deich.

Airson naochad - ceithir fichead 's a deich.

Mar eisimpleir, canaidh daoine seachd fichead an àite ceud is ceathrad.

Canaidh sinn gu traidiseanta gu bheil duine dà bhliadhna air fhichead seach fichead bliadhna 's a dhà.

Chanadh tu trì cearcan deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a trì cearcan.

Sin e ma-thà. Mar sin leat.

Numbers 3

English Beurla

Numbers 3

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] If you meet people who are older than, say, forty or fifty, they might not recognise the terms "forty" and "fifty". They will probably be more likely to say two score and half a hundred.

Two systems of counting are used in Gaelic - the decimal system that children learn in school, which was introduced to make mathematics less complicated, and the traditional system. Under the traditional system, we count in twenties (scores).

The two systems are identical until you reach twenty, but they change after that.

Instead of thirty, we say one score and ten under the old system.

For forty - two score.

Instead of fifty - half a hundred.

For sixty - three score.

Instead of seventy - three score and ten.

Instead of eighty - four score.

For ninety - four score and ten.

In both systems, we say one hundred for a hundred.

Some people count in twenties beyond one hundred. For example, people say seven score rather than one hundred and forty. Some people would say one hundred and two score too.

We use one thousand under both systems too.

There are different ways of using numbers too.

When talking about ages, traditionally we would say that someone is two years over twenty rather than twenty years and two. You would say sixteen years over twenty instead of thirty and six.

You will have noticed that "bliadhna" remains singular. That is normal Gaelic usage. The same is true of people; we say fourteen person rather than fourteen people. The noun remains singular.

Again, with other objects, you place the object you are talking about between the numbers under the old system and after the numbers under the new system.

For example, you would say thirteen chickens and twenty rather than thirty and three chickens. You would say two score tables and fourteen or half a hundred tables and four traditionally. Using the new method, it would be fifty and four tables.

It is extremely useful to be familiar with both systems - because you will hear both and there are many people who are only familiar with one of them.

Now, we'll take a look at some of what I said.

They will probably be more likely to say two score and half a hundred.

Instead of thirty, we say one score and ten under the old system.

Instead of seventy - three score and ten.

For ninety - four score and ten.

For example, people say seven score rather than one hundred and forty.

Traditionally, we would say that someone is two years over twenty rather than twenty years and two.

You would say thirteen chickens and twenty rather than thirty and three chickens.

That's all, then. Goodbye.

Àireamhan 3

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Àireamhan 3

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Ma choinnicheas tu ri daoine a tha nas sine na, can, ceathrad no caogad, 's dòcha nach bi fios aca dè th' ann an "ceathrad" no "caogad". Bhiodh iad na bu dualtaiche dà fhichead agus leth-cheud a ràdh.

Tha dà dhòigh ann airson cunntadh anns a' Ghàidhlig - an siostam deicheach a bhios clann ag ionnsachadh anns na sgoiltean, agus a thugadh a-steach airson matamataigs a dhèanamh na bu shìmplidh, agus an siostam traidiseanta. Leis an t-siostam thraidiseanta, bidh sinn a' cunntadh ann am ficheadan.

Tha an dà shiostam co-ionnan gu fichead, ach, tha iad ag atharrachadh às dèidh sin.

An àite trithead, canaidh sinn deich air fhichead leis an t-seann siostam.

Airson ceathrad - dà fhichead.

An àite caogad - leth-cheud.

Airson seasgad - trì fichead.

An àite seachdad - trì fichead 's a deich.

An àite ochdad - ceithir fichead.

Airson naochad - ceithir fichead 's a deich.

Leis an dà shiostam, canaidh sinn ceud airson ceud.

Bidh cuid a' cunntadh ann am ficheadan thairis air a' cheud. Mar eisimpleir, canaidh daoine seachd fichead an àite ceud is ceathrad. Canaidh cuid ceud is dà fhichead cuideachd.

'S e mìle a chleachdas sinn leis an dà shiostam.

Tha diofar dhòighean ann airson àireamhan a chleachdadh cuideachd.

Nuair a bhruidhneas sinn mu aoisean, canaidh sinn gu traidiseanta gu bheil daoine dà bhliadhna air fhichead seach fichead bliadhna 's a dhà. Canaidh tu sia bliadhna deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a sia.

Mothaichidh tu gu bheil "bliadhna" a' fuireach singilte. 'S e cleachdadh a tha sin anns a' Ghàidhlig. Tha an aon rud fìor mu dhaoine; canaidh sinn ceithir duine deug an àite ceithir daoine deug. Tha an t-ainmear singilte.

A-rithist, le nithean eile, tha thu a' cur an rud air a bheil thu a' bruidhinn eadar na h-àireamhan leis an t-seann siostam agus às dèidh nan àireamhan leis t-siostam ùr.

Mar eisimpleir, chanadh tu trì cearcan deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a trì cearcan. Chanadh tu dà fhichead bòrd 's a ceithir deug no leth-cheud bòrd 's a ceithir gu traidiseanta. Leis an dòigh ùir, 's e caogad 's a ceithir bùird a bhiodh ann.

Tha e feumail dha-rìribh a bhith eòlach air an dà shiostam - oir cluinnidh tu na dhà agus tha mòran dhaoine ann a tha dìreach eòlach air aonan dhiubh.

A-nis, bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na thuirt mi.

Bhiodh iad tòrr na bu dualtaiche dà fhichead agus leth-cheud a ràdh.

An àite trithead, canaidh sinn deich air fhichead leis an t-seann siostam.

An àite seachdad - trì fichead 's a deich.

Airson naochad - ceithir fichead 's a deich.

Mar eisimpleir, canaidh daoine seachd fichead an àite ceud is ceathrad.

Canaidh sinn gu traidiseanta gu bheil duine dà bhliadhna air fhichead seach fichead bliadhna 's a dhà.

Chanadh tu trì cearcan deug air fhichead an àite trichead 's a trì cearcan.

Sin e ma-thà. Mar sin leat.

Numbers 3

English Beurla

Numbers 3

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] If you meet people who are older than, say, forty or fifty, they might not recognise the terms "forty" and "fifty". They will probably be more likely to say two score and half a hundred.

Two systems of counting are used in Gaelic - the decimal system that children learn in school, which was introduced to make mathematics less complicated, and the traditional system. Under the traditional system, we count in twenties (scores).

The two systems are identical until you reach twenty, but they change after that.

Instead of thirty, we say one score and ten under the old system.

For forty - two score.

Instead of fifty - half a hundred.

For sixty - three score.

Instead of seventy - three score and ten.

Instead of eighty - four score.

For ninety - four score and ten.

In both systems, we say one hundred for a hundred.

Some people count in twenties beyond one hundred. For example, people say seven score rather than one hundred and forty. Some people would say one hundred and two score too.

We use one thousand under both systems too.

There are different ways of using numbers too.

When talking about ages, traditionally we would say that someone is two years over twenty rather than twenty years and two. You would say sixteen years over twenty instead of thirty and six.

You will have noticed that "bliadhna" remains singular. That is normal Gaelic usage. The same is true of people; we say fourteen person rather than fourteen people. The noun remains singular.

Again, with other objects, you place the object you are talking about between the numbers under the old system and after the numbers under the new system.

For example, you would say thirteen chickens and twenty rather than thirty and three chickens. You would say two score tables and fourteen or half a hundred tables and four traditionally. Using the new method, it would be fifty and four tables.

It is extremely useful to be familiar with both systems - because you will hear both and there are many people who are only familiar with one of them.

Now, we'll take a look at some of what I said.

They will probably be more likely to say two score and half a hundred.

Instead of thirty, we say one score and ten under the old system.

Instead of seventy - three score and ten.

For ninety - four score and ten.

For example, people say seven score rather than one hundred and forty.

Traditionally, we would say that someone is two years over twenty rather than twenty years and two.

You would say thirteen chickens and twenty rather than thirty and three chickens.

That's all, then. Goodbye.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.