A selection of resources hand-picked especially for absolute beginners. Taghadh de ghoireasan gu sònraichte do luchd-tòiseachaidh.
Watch a randomly selected clip from BBC ALBA, fully transcribed and translated. Coimhead criomag bhidio bho BhBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh agus eadar-theangachadh.
A searchable online Gaelic dictionary, complete with sound clips. Faclair Gàidhlig air-loidhne aig a bheil faidhlichean-fuaime.
Find real world and online classes, tuition, discussion groups and even degrees. Lorg clasaichean, oideachadh, buidhnean còmhraidh no fiù ’s ceumannan.
Structured courses to learn Gaelic online. Suitable for absolute beginners and beyond, all completely free. Cùrsaichean air-loidhne airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh freagarrach do luchd-tòiseachaidh is air adhart, uile an-asgaidh.
View all in Learn Online An roinn Ionnsaich
Over 2,000 audio and video recordings of Gaelic, most with transcriptions and translations. Ideal to aid learning, or just sit back and enjoy. Còrr is 2,000 clàradh-fuaime is bhidio de Ghàidhlig, a’ chuid as motha le tar-sgrìobhaidhean is eadar-theangachaidhean nan cois.
View all in Watch & Listen An roinn Coimhead & Èist
Reference materials, including a searchable dictionary with sound files, easy to digest grammar guides, pronunciation help and more. Faclair air-loidhne aig a bheil faidhlichean-fuaime, iùilean simplidh gràmair, taic le fuaimneachadh is tòrr a bharrachd.
View all in Reference An roinn Reifreans
How do you learn Gaelic? Why would you even want to? Isn’t it a dying language? Find answers to these questions and more. Ciamar a dh’ionnsaicheas tu Gàidhlig? Carson a dh’iarradh tu? Nach e cànan marbh a th innte? Lorg freagairtean air na ceistean seo.
View all in How & Why An roinn Ciamar & Carson
How do the levels work? Fiosrachadh mu na h-ìrean | Browse all resources by level Seall na goireasan a-rèir ìre
Travelling to TireeA’ siubhal gu Tiriodh
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Am Fear Liath Mòr (2) The Big Grey Man (2)