Pathways - Evening classes Cuairtean - Clasaichean oidhche
Lots of people begin their Gaelic journey at an evening class.
You can learn Gaelic at an evening class. There are plenty of places to learn! There are classes taking places in schools, colleges and universities. There are also classes taking place in cafès and all sorts of places. Why not watch the video to find out how learners are getting on with their evening classes?
This learner sums up lots of people’s experience! “I decided to start a Gaelic night class and fortunately there was one starting at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu with Glasgow Life it was on Monday evening it worked quite well for me. it was relatively informal. Rocked up the first day with absolutely no Gaelic at all I think Uisge-beatha was the best I could’ve mastered at that point at that point.”
We have lots of evening classes listed in our course finder. These range from ones run at universities and colleges to more informal gatherings.
Technology means that there are more options now than ever before to to put you in touch with institutions and tutors.
There are many courses at colleges to get you learning Gaelic.
Many of Scotland's universities offer Gaelic as a degree or part of a course at all different levels.
Why not make learning Gaelic a family activity?
People learn Gaelic today for many reasons. Some want to connect with their culture and other people want to better understand place names of Scotland. People often learn Gaelic because they want to sing the beautiful songs of the language.
Unfortunately, many myths about Gaelic have become popular over the years, such as “Gaelic is dead,” or “I’m too old to learn Gaelic.”