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Further resources – Next steps (A2) Tuilleadh ghoireasan - Ath-cheumannan (A2)

Please note that LearnGaelic does not hold any responsibility for the content on these resources. Bi mothachail nach gabh LearnGaelic uallach sam bith airson susbaint nan goireasan seo.

BBC ALBA iPlayer BBC ALBA iPlayer
Gaelic programmes from BBC ALBA. Prògraman Gàidhlig bho BBC ALBA.
Verb blitz Verb blitz
An app which gives you an opportunity to do different tests on Gaelic verbs. App a bheir cothrom dhut measgachadh de dheuchainnean air gnìomhairean na Gàidhlig fheuchainn.
Gaelic4Parents Gaelic4Parents
This is a text-based course which takes a traditional approach to Gaelic learning. ’S e cùrsa stèidhte air teacsa a tha an seo, a’ leantainn modh ionnsachaidh traidiseanta.
Akerbeltz Akerbeltz
Various resources which are useful to learners at all levels. You’ll find detailed information on everything from Gaelic sounds, rhymes and verses to technological solutions to add Gaelic to your computer! Diofar sheòrsaichean ghoireasan a tha feumail do luchd-ionnsachaidh aig a h-uile ìre. Gheibhear fiosrachadh mionaideach air a h-uile rud bho fhuaimean na Gàidhlig, duan is rannan gu fuasglaidhean teicneolas airson Gàidhlig a chur air do choimpiutair!
Duolingo Duolingo
Lessons in basic Gaelic are available free of charge. Leasanan ann an Gàidhlig bhunaiteach rim faighinn saor ’s an-asgaidh.
Memrise Memrise
Games with cards that users create themselves. Geamannan le cairtean a chruthaicheas luchd-cleachdaidh iad fhèin.
Taic Taic
This is a text-based course which takes a traditional approach to Gaelic learning. ’S e cùrsa stèidhte air teacsa a tha an seo, a’ leantainn modh ionnsachaidh traidiseanta.
Mango Languages Mango Languages
Ten lessons in basic Gaelic are available free of charge. Tha deich leasanan ann an Gàidhlig bhunaiteach rim faighinn saor ’s an-asgaidh.
Beag air Bheag – Blasad Beag Beag air Bheag – Blasad Beag
This section is suitable for early stage learners. Tha an earrann seo freagarrach do luchd-ionnsachaidh sna tràth ìrean.
Ceumannan Ceumannan
A school course which is suitable for Gaelic learners. Cùrsa sgoile a tha freagarrach do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig.
Transparent Languages Transparent Languages
A course in basic Gaelic which is available free of charge through the library or, maybe, your work. Cùrsa ann an Gàidhlig bhunaiteach a tha ri fhaighinn saor ’s an-asgaidh tron leabharlann neo, ’s dòcha, tro d’ obair.
Go! Gaelic Go! Gaelic
A resource for teachers who teach Gaelic as part of the 1+2 initiative but there is plenty of vocabulary for beginners too. Goireas do thidsearan a tha a’ teagasg na Gàidhlig mar phàirt den iomairt 1+2 ach tha briathrachas gu leòr ann do luchd-tòiseachaidh cuideachd.
Scottish Gaelic Grammar Wiki Scottish Gaelic Grammar Wiki
An abundance of information about Gaelic grammar. Am pailteas fiosrachaidh air gràmar na Gàidhlig.