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Further resources – Expert (C2) Tuilleadh ghoireasan - Sàr-ìre (C2)

Please note that LearnGaelic does not hold any responsibility for the content on these resources. Bi mothachail nach gabh LearnGaelic uallach sam bith airson susbaint nan goireasan seo.

BBC Naidheachdan BBC Naidheachdan
Gaelic news service from the BBC. Seirbheis naidheachdan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig bhon a’ BhBC.
Dàna Dàna
An online Gaelic magazine. Iris Ghàidhlig air-loidhne
Steall Steall
A Gaelic magazine full of short stories. Iris Ghàidhlig a tha loma-làn sgeulachdan goirid.
Tobar an Dualchais air Stòrlann Tobar an Dualchais on Stòrlann
This is an education resource based on the Tobar an Dualchais archive. It’s a mix of stories, customs and ways of life. ’S e goireas foghlaim a tha seo stèidhichte air pìosan bhon tasglann aig Tobar an Dualchais. ‘S e measgachadh a th’ ann de bheul-aithris, dualchas agus dòighean-beatha.
Giglets ebooks Leabhraichean-d Giglets
The Giglets digital library is available through the Gaelic Books Council website. Your free subscription will give you access to more than 70 books. Tha leabhraichean didseatach bho Giglets rim faighinn tron làrach-lìn aig Comhairle nan Leabhraichean. Ma nì thu fo-sgrìobhadh an-asgaidh, gheibh thu barrachd air 70 leabhar.
Acair audio books Leabhraichean èisteachd Acair
Acair now has a great selection of Gaelic audiobooks, many of which are free! Tha deagh thaghadh de leabhraichean èisteachd aig Acair. Tha a' mhòr-chuid dhiubh saor an-asgaidh!
An Sgeulachd Ghoirid (The Short Story) An Sgeulachd Ghoirid
A supporting resource for pupils, students or other people who have an interest in short stories in Gaelic literature. Goireas taic airson sgoilearan, oileanaich neo daoine aig a bheil ùidh anns na sgeulachdan goirid ann an litreachas na Gàidhlig.
Tobar an Dualchais Tobar an Dualchais
A resource with folklore, songs and stories in Gaelic. Goireas le dualchas, òrain is sgeulachdan sa Ghàidhlig.
Gaelic online service. Seirbheis air-loidhne sa Ghàidhlig.
Radio nan Gàidheal Radio nan Gàidheal
Gaelic radio service. Seirbheis rèidio sa Ghàidhlig.
MacEdwards Leach and the Songs of Atlantic Canada MacEdwards Leach and the Songs of Atlantic Canada
A resource with folklore, songs and stories from Cape Breton. Goireas le dualchas, òrain is sgeulachdan à Ceap Breatainn.
Guthan nan Eilean Guthan nan Eilean
A resource with folklore, songs and stories in Gaelic. Goireas le dualchas, òrain is sgeulachdan sa Ghàidhlig.
Cainnt Mo Mhàthar Cainnt Mo Mhàthar
A resource with interviews from Cape Breton. Goireas le agallamhan à Ceap Breatainn.
Beag air Bheag Beag air Bheag
A radio programme for Gaelic learners. Prògram rèidio do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig.
Glossika Glossika
App airson do sgilean labhairt a chur gu deuchainn. An app to test your speaking skills.
University of Glasgow’s Gaelic Archive. Tasglann Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
The Gaelic Books Council Comhairle nan Leabhraichean
An organisation who sell Gaelic books. Buidheann a bhios a’ reic leabhraichean Gàidhlig.
BBC ALBA iPlayer BBC ALBA iPlayer
Gaelic programmes from BBC ALBA. Prògraman Gàidhlig bho BBC ALBA.