Scottish Gaelic vocabulary: musical instruments Briathrachas Gàidhlig: ionnsramaidean-chiùil
Here’s a list of words that could be useful on your language learning journey. Seo liosta de dh’fhaclan a dh’fhaodadh a bhith feumail air do shlighe ionnsachaidh.
Ionnsaich briathrachas Gàidhlig mu ionnsramaidean-chiùil, òrain is ceòl. Tha a h-uile duine measail air ceòl agus tha seo gu h-àraid fìor mu na Gàidheil. 'S dòcha gum bi feum agad innse do chuideigin gu bheil thu measail air ionnsramaid-chiùil sònraichte. Uaireannan, bidh thu ag innse do chàch gu bheil fonn math ann, no gu bheil rudeigin gu math a-mach à gleus! Dè an ionnsramaid as fheàrr leat fhèin? Learn Gaelic vocabulary for musical instruments, songs and music. Everyone loves music and this is especially true of the Gaels. You may need to tell someone that you love a particular instrument. Sometimes you tell others that there is a good tune, or that something is very out of tune! What’s your favourite instrument?
Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.
English | Gàidhlig | |
a musical instrument | ionnsramaid-chiùil | <)) |
an accordion | bogsa-ciùil | <)) |
a fiddle | fidheall | <)) |
a drum | druma | <)) |
a clarsach, harp | clàrsach | <)) |
a set of bagpipes | pìob mhòr | <)) |
a set of bagpipes | pìob-chiùil | <)) |
a chanter | feadan | <)) |
a tin whistle | fìdeag | <)) |
a piano | piàno | <)) |
a guitar | giotàr | <)) |
a trumpet | trombaid | <)) |
a flute | duiseal | <)) |
music | ceòl | <)) |
a singer | seinneadair | <)) |
a choir | coisir | <)) |
singing | a’ seinn | <)) | a song | òran | <)) |
a tune | fonn | <)) |
playing | a’ cluich | <)) |