Little by Little Beag air Bheag
A1 - Beginners : Unit 13 - An important cultural site in the Highlands
A1 - Luchd-tòiseachaidh : Aonad 13 - An important cultural site in the Highlands
Test yourself
What is the Gaelic for archaeology?
How would you ask somebody if there is a toilet in the building?
What is the Gaelic for tourists?
It's a beautiful sunny morning and you enter a visitor centre. What would you not say as an ice-breaker?
It is a beautiful day and you are greeted with "tha i brèagha". What is the best response?
A minister whom you know greets you on a noisy street, and asks you a question you do not hear properly. What is your best response?
You are in a noisy pub with close friends, and one of them says something which you do not catch. What would you not say?
What is the Gaelic for "the local people"?
- What is the Gaelic for "that would be very good"?
Which of the following is the Gaelic for "heritage"?
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