FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Little by Little Beag air Bheag

Beginners (A1)- Unit 26 - Shopping and using money
Luchd-tòiseachaidh (A1) - Aonad 26 - Airgead is anns a’ bhùth


Airgead is anns a’ bhùth

Money and shopping

ìm butter
reothadair freezer
aran bread
silidh jam
crogan jar
glasraich vegetables
càl cabbage
currain carrots
pònairean beans
peasraichean peas
cana can
ugh egg
uighean eggs
buntàta potato, potatoes
feòil meat
feòla of meat
organach organic
saor-raoineach free-range
na can guth don’t mention it
biadh nan crogan preserves

In conversation 1 you will learn how you might conduct a conversation in a shop, regarding purchasing and money. Ceitidh and Anna are shopping together.

Conversation 1

Listen to the conversation:

Càite a bheil an t-ìm anns a’ bhùth seo?
Where is the butter in this shop?
Anns an reothadair thall.
In the freezer over there.
Agus càite a bheil an t-aran?
And where is the bread?
Chan eil fhios a’m. Ach cha bhi e anns an reothadair.
I don’t know. But it won’t be in the freezer.
Agus tha mi ag iarraidh crogan silidh cuideachd.
And I also want a jar of jam.
Uill, bidh sin am measg biadh nan crogan.
Well, that will be among the food in [of the] jars [ie preserves]
A bheil sin faisg air an aran?
Is that near the bread?
Chan eil. Tha e faisg air na glasraich.
No. It’s near the vegetables.
O, uill, tha mi feumach air glasraich cuideachd.
Oh well, I also need vegetables.
Dè ’n seòrsa? Càl, currain...?
What sort? Cabbage, carrots?
Chan eil. Cha toigh leam càl. Agus tha currain gu leòr agam aig an taigh.
No. I don’t like cabbage. And I have enough carrots at the house.
Dè ’n seòrsa, ma-thà?
What sort, then?
Bu toigh leam pònairean is peasraichean.
I would like beans and peas.
Glè mhath. Ann an cana?
Very good. In a can?
Ist! Feadhainn ùra!
No way! [lit. be quiet!] Fresh ones!
Am faigh mise iad dhut, fhad ’s a tha thusa a’ faighinn silidh?
Will I get them for you, while you’re getting jam?
Gheibh. Mòran taing.
Yes. Many thanks.
Na can guth. Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn feadhainn dhomh fhìn co-dhiù.
Don’t mention it. I’m going to get some for myself anyway.


Airgead is anns a’ bhùth

Money and shopping

In Conversation 2, Anna goes to the vegetables where she asks for help from a young shop assistant. She then does some sums (for simple counting see Unit 8). Many of the prices in shops are just under a multiple of pounds eg £1.99, £3.95. Here’s how we talk about such prices in Gaelic:

Price How we say it in Gaelic Literal meaning
£0.99 nota ach sgillinn a pound except a penny
£1.99 dà nota ach sgillinn two pounds except a penny
£3.50 trì notaichean gu leth three pounds and a half
£4.95 còig notaichean ach còig sgillinn five pounds except five pence

Conversation 2

Listen to the conversation:

Gabh mo leisgeul. A bheil pònairean is peasraichean ùra agaibh?
Excuse me. Do you have fresh beans or peas?
Tha gu leòr. Sin iad – faisg air a’ bhuntàta.
Yes, plenty. There they are – near the potatoes.
Tapadh leat. A bheil na prìsean orra?
Thanks. Are the prices on them?
Tha. Cha chreid mi nach e nota gu leth a th’ air gach pacaid.
Yes. I think each packet costs £1.50.
Tha sin math gu leòr.
That’s good enough.
Ach ma cheannaicheas sibh trì dhiubh, gheibh sibh pacaid an-asgaidh.
But if you buy three of them, you’ll get one packet free of charge.
Trì pacaidean airson trì notaichean. ’S e sin dìreach nota gach pacaid.
Three packets for three pounds. That’s just a pound for each packet.
Tha e saor, nach eil?
It’s cheap, isn’t it?
Ge-tà, bhiodh cus phònairean agam.
However, I’d have too many beans.
Faodaidh sibh feadhainn a chur anns an reothadair.
You can put some in the freezer.
Ceart gu leòr. Fhad ’s a tha thu agam, càite a bheil an fheòil?
Okay. While I have your [attention], where is the meat?
Tha feòil fhuar thall an sin.
There is cold meat over there.
A bheil bargan sam bith agaibh? Tha an fheòil agaibh uabhasach daor.
Do you have any bargains? Your meat is very expensive.
Tha bargain againn. Tha cearcfheòil is muicfheòil shaor againn.
We have bargains. We have cheap chicken and pork.
Dè a’ phrìs a tha orra?
What price are they [is on them]?
Nota ach sgillinn air pacaid cearcfheòla agus dà nota ach còig sgillinn air pacaid muicfheòla.
£0.99 for [on] a packet of chicken meat and £1.95 for a packet of pork
Tapadh leat. Mus fhalbh thu, càite a bheil na h-uighean?
Thanks. Before you go, where are the eggs?
Timcheall an oisein seo. Seo iad.
Round this corner. Here they are.
Tha diofar sheòrsachan ann – mòr, meadhanach, beag.
There are different types – large, medium, small.
Tha, agus organach is saor-raoineach cuideachd.
Yes, and also organic and free-range.
O, dè gheibh mi?
Oh, what will I get?
Tha sin an urra ribh fhèin, tha eagal orm.
That’s up to you, I’m afraid.