FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Drinking and Driving. Not Allowed!

Dràibheadh agus Deoch làidir. Chan fhaod!

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Dràibheadh agus Deoch làidir. Chan fhaod!

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dràibheadh agus Deoch Làidir. Chan fhaod!

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Anns a' chliop seo, bidh sinn a' coimhead air mar a làimhsicheas sinn suidheachaidhean far a bheil cead againn rudeigin a dhèanamh agus suidheachaidhean far a bheil againn ri rudeigin a dhèanamh.

Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil sibh air daoine a chluinntinn ag ràdh leithid, "Feumaidh mi falbh," no fiù 's, "Am faod mi falbh?" Sin agaibh dà eisimpleir den rud air a bheil sinn a-mach an seo. An toiseach, bheir sinn sùil air feum.

Ann am Breatainn feumaidh sinn uile dràibheadh air an taobh chlì den rathad.

Feumaidh sinn a bhith bliadhna a dh'aois no nas sine mus fhaigh sinn deoch làidir ann an taigh-seinnse.

Feumaidh tu uighean, flùr, ìm agus siùcar airson cèic a dhèanamh.

Feumaidh tu an càr agad a thogail ann an dòigh air choreigin mus atharraich thu a' chuibhle.

Mas e gnìomhair a tha san rud a dh'fheumas tu dèanamh, bidh e ag obair mar a' chiad fhear: "Am feum sinn dràibheadh?" "Chan fheum. Feumaidh sinn coiseachd."

Uaireannan feumaidh sinn a bhith rudeigin. "Feumaidh sinn a bhith nar dùisg mus dràibh sinn, nach fheum?" "Feumaidh."

Aig amannan feumaidh sinn rud gus am bi e comasach dhuinn rudeigin a dhèanamh.

Feumaidh tu coimpiutair le ceangal chun an eadar-lìn son am post-d a chleachdadh.

An suidheachadh mu dheireadh air an toir sinn sùil le 'feum', 's e nuair a dh'fheumas tu rudeigin a dhèanamh.

"Feumaidh tu do làmhan a nighe mus dèan thu am biadh."

"Feumaidh tu na brògan seo a cheannach; tha iad fìor mhath."

Tha 'faod' ag obair air an aon dòigh, ach 's ann mu dheidhinn cead a tha seo. Ma tha cead agad rudeigin a dhèanamh, faodaidh tu a dhèanamh.

Faodaidh duine dràibheadh aig 17 bliadhna a dh'aois, ach chan fhaod iad deoch làidir a cheannach.

"Am faod mi am pìos pàipeir seo a chleachdadh?" "Faodaidh. Faodaidh tu am pìos sin a chleachdadh, "ach chan fhaod thu am pìos eile a chleachdadh; "'s e rud cudromach a th' air a sgrìobhadh air."

Anns an dealachadh, feuch an tuig sibh mar a tha 'feum' agus 'faod' san earrainn seo:

A-muigh air an dùthaich tha trioblaidean aig taighean-seinnse le deoch agus dràibheadh. Chan fhaod duine dràibheadh fo bhuaidh na dibhe, ach feumaidh iad dràibheadh mus fhaigh iad ann sa chiad dol a-mach!

Feumaidh tu cuideigin a tha air ainmeachadh mar dhràibhear ro làimh agus feumaidh esan no ise a bhith sòbarra; chan fhaod an deoch a bhith orra.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.


Leis an dà ghnìomhair seo, 'feum' agus 'faod', is dòcha gun do mhothaich sibh nach eil na tràthan uile ann. Mar eisimpleir, ma tha sibh airson bruidhinn mu dheidhinn rudeigin air an robh feum agaibh, feumaidh sibh gnìomhair eile a chleachdadh,

"B' fheudar". "B' fheudar dhomh falbh.";
"B' fheudar dhomh an taigh agam a reic."

An dòigh as fhasa air cead a làimhseachadh anns an Tràth Chaithte ged-tà, 's e a bhith a' cleachdadh structar eile, can:

"Cha robh cead agam falbh."
"Cha robh cead agam an taigh a reic."

Drinking and Driving. Not Allowed!

English Beurla

Drinking and Driving. Not allowed!

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] In this clip, we will look at how to handle situations where we have permission to do something and situations where we have to do something.

I am sure that you will have heard people saying things like: "I must go," or even, "May I go?" There you have two examples of what we're discussing here. First, we will take a look at must.

In Britain, we all must drive on the left-hand side of the road.

We must be 18 years of age or older before we can be served alcohol in a pub.

You need eggs, flour, butter and sugar to make a cake.

You must lift your car in some way before you change the wheel.

If whatever you need to do is a verb, it works as the first example: "Do we have to drive?" "No, we don't. We have to walk."

Sometimes we have to be something. "We have to be awake before we drive, don't we?" "Yes, we do."

At times, we need to have something to be able to do something.

You need a computer with a connection to the internet to use e-mail.

The final situation involving 'must' that we'll take a look at is when you must do something.

"You must wash your hands before you prepare the food."

"You must buy these shoes; they are fantastic."

'May' works in the same way, but this is about permission. If you have permission to do something, you may do it.

A person may drive at 17 years of age, but they cannot buy alcohol.

"May I use this piece of paper?" "Yes, you may. You may use that piece, "but you can't use the other piece; "it has something important written on it."

In parting, try to understand 'must' and 'may' in this section:

Out in the country, pubs have a problem with drinking and driving. People can't drive while under the influence of alcohol, but they have to drive before they can get there in the first place!

You need someone who is a designated driver beforehand and he or she must be sober; they cannot be drunk.

Goodbye for now.


With these two verbs, 'must' and 'may', perhaps you noticed that some of the tenses weren't included. For example, if you want to talk about something you needed, you have to use a different verb,

"B' fheudar". "I had to go.";
"I had to sell my house."

However, the simplest way to handle permission in the Past Tense is by using a different structure, say:

"I didn't have permission to go.";
"I didn't have permission to sell the house."

Dràibheadh agus Deoch làidir. Chan fhaod!

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dràibheadh agus Deoch Làidir. Chan fhaod!

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Anns a' chliop seo, bidh sinn a' coimhead air mar a làimhsicheas sinn suidheachaidhean far a bheil cead againn rudeigin a dhèanamh agus suidheachaidhean far a bheil againn ri rudeigin a dhèanamh.

Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil sibh air daoine a chluinntinn ag ràdh leithid, "Feumaidh mi falbh," no fiù 's, "Am faod mi falbh?" Sin agaibh dà eisimpleir den rud air a bheil sinn a-mach an seo. An toiseach, bheir sinn sùil air feum.

Ann am Breatainn feumaidh sinn uile dràibheadh air an taobh chlì den rathad.

Feumaidh sinn a bhith bliadhna a dh'aois no nas sine mus fhaigh sinn deoch làidir ann an taigh-seinnse.

Feumaidh tu uighean, flùr, ìm agus siùcar airson cèic a dhèanamh.

Feumaidh tu an càr agad a thogail ann an dòigh air choreigin mus atharraich thu a' chuibhle.

Mas e gnìomhair a tha san rud a dh'fheumas tu dèanamh, bidh e ag obair mar a' chiad fhear: "Am feum sinn dràibheadh?" "Chan fheum. Feumaidh sinn coiseachd."

Uaireannan feumaidh sinn a bhith rudeigin. "Feumaidh sinn a bhith nar dùisg mus dràibh sinn, nach fheum?" "Feumaidh."

Aig amannan feumaidh sinn rud gus am bi e comasach dhuinn rudeigin a dhèanamh.

Feumaidh tu coimpiutair le ceangal chun an eadar-lìn son am post-d a chleachdadh.

An suidheachadh mu dheireadh air an toir sinn sùil le 'feum', 's e nuair a dh'fheumas tu rudeigin a dhèanamh.

"Feumaidh tu do làmhan a nighe mus dèan thu am biadh."

"Feumaidh tu na brògan seo a cheannach; tha iad fìor mhath."

Tha 'faod' ag obair air an aon dòigh, ach 's ann mu dheidhinn cead a tha seo. Ma tha cead agad rudeigin a dhèanamh, faodaidh tu a dhèanamh.

Faodaidh duine dràibheadh aig 17 bliadhna a dh'aois, ach chan fhaod iad deoch làidir a cheannach.

"Am faod mi am pìos pàipeir seo a chleachdadh?" "Faodaidh. Faodaidh tu am pìos sin a chleachdadh, "ach chan fhaod thu am pìos eile a chleachdadh; "'s e rud cudromach a th' air a sgrìobhadh air."

Anns an dealachadh, feuch an tuig sibh mar a tha 'feum' agus 'faod' san earrainn seo:

A-muigh air an dùthaich tha trioblaidean aig taighean-seinnse le deoch agus dràibheadh. Chan fhaod duine dràibheadh fo bhuaidh na dibhe, ach feumaidh iad dràibheadh mus fhaigh iad ann sa chiad dol a-mach!

Feumaidh tu cuideigin a tha air ainmeachadh mar dhràibhear ro làimh agus feumaidh esan no ise a bhith sòbarra; chan fhaod an deoch a bhith orra.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.


Leis an dà ghnìomhair seo, 'feum' agus 'faod', is dòcha gun do mhothaich sibh nach eil na tràthan uile ann. Mar eisimpleir, ma tha sibh airson bruidhinn mu dheidhinn rudeigin air an robh feum agaibh, feumaidh sibh gnìomhair eile a chleachdadh,

"B' fheudar". "B' fheudar dhomh falbh.";
"B' fheudar dhomh an taigh agam a reic."

An dòigh as fhasa air cead a làimhseachadh anns an Tràth Chaithte ged-tà, 's e a bhith a' cleachdadh structar eile, can:

"Cha robh cead agam falbh."
"Cha robh cead agam an taigh a reic."

Drinking and Driving. Not Allowed!

English Beurla

Drinking and Driving. Not allowed!

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] In this clip, we will look at how to handle situations where we have permission to do something and situations where we have to do something.

I am sure that you will have heard people saying things like: "I must go," or even, "May I go?" There you have two examples of what we're discussing here. First, we will take a look at must.

In Britain, we all must drive on the left-hand side of the road.

We must be 18 years of age or older before we can be served alcohol in a pub.

You need eggs, flour, butter and sugar to make a cake.

You must lift your car in some way before you change the wheel.

If whatever you need to do is a verb, it works as the first example: "Do we have to drive?" "No, we don't. We have to walk."

Sometimes we have to be something. "We have to be awake before we drive, don't we?" "Yes, we do."

At times, we need to have something to be able to do something.

You need a computer with a connection to the internet to use e-mail.

The final situation involving 'must' that we'll take a look at is when you must do something.

"You must wash your hands before you prepare the food."

"You must buy these shoes; they are fantastic."

'May' works in the same way, but this is about permission. If you have permission to do something, you may do it.

A person may drive at 17 years of age, but they cannot buy alcohol.

"May I use this piece of paper?" "Yes, you may. You may use that piece, "but you can't use the other piece; "it has something important written on it."

In parting, try to understand 'must' and 'may' in this section:

Out in the country, pubs have a problem with drinking and driving. People can't drive while under the influence of alcohol, but they have to drive before they can get there in the first place!

You need someone who is a designated driver beforehand and he or she must be sober; they cannot be drunk.

Goodbye for now.


With these two verbs, 'must' and 'may', perhaps you noticed that some of the tenses weren't included. For example, if you want to talk about something you needed, you have to use a different verb,

"B' fheudar". "I had to go.";
"I had to sell my house."

However, the simplest way to handle permission in the Past Tense is by using a different structure, say:

"I didn't have permission to go.";
"I didn't have permission to sell the house."

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.