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Saying how you feel Ag innse ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn

How are you feeling?Ciamar a tha thu a' faireachdainn?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

ciamar a tha sibh a’ faireachdainn? how do you feel?

This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn? how are you feeling?

This is the informal way you use to speak to a friend or a child.

teth hot

Video is playing in pop-over.

Doctor Madainn mhath.
Ciamar a tha sibh a’ faireachdainn an-diugh?
Good morning.
How are you feeling today?
Male Patient Chan eil dona, tapadh leibh. Not bad, thank you.
Doctor Glè mhath. Very good.
Doctor Feasgar math. Good afternoon.
Male Patient Feasgar math. Good afternoon.
Doctor Agus ciamar a tha sibh a’ faireachdainn an-diugh? And how are you feeling today?
Male Patient Chan eil mi gu math idir. I’m not well at all.
Doctor Halò Eilidh.
Ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn an-diugh?
Hello Helen.
How are you feeling today?
Eilidh Tha gu math, tapadh leibh. I’m well, thank you.
Doctor Glè mhath. Very good.
Gran Halò, a ghràidh.
Ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn an-diugh?
Hello, dear.
How are you feeling today?
Boy Tha mi sgìth. I’m tired.
Gran Tha thu teth. You’re hot.