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Giving instructions A’ toirt seachad òrduighean

Do you want to go out?A bheil thu ag iarraidh a dhol a-mach?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

siuthad! go on!

This is the informal way you use to speak to a friend or a child.

siuthadaibh! go on!

This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

Other words of encouragement you could use:

cùm ort! keep going!

greas ort! hurry up!

feuch! try!

The sibh (plural/polite) forms are:

cùmaibh oirbh! keep going!

greasaibh oirbh! hurry up!

feuchaibh! try!

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man A bheil thu ag iarraidh a dhol a-mach a-nochd? Do you want to go out tonight?
Woman Chan eil.
A bheil thu fhèin?
Do you?
Man Chan eil. No.
Woman Tha film math air an telebhisean a-nochd. There’s a good film on the television tonight.
Man A bheil?
Dè an t-ainm a th’ air a’ film?
Is there?
What’s the name of the film?
Woman Casablanca.
An toigh leat Humphrey Bogart?
Do you like Humphrey Bogart?
Man Cha toil. No.
Woman A bheil thu ag iarraidh a dhol a-mach?
Ò, siuthad ma-thà.
Do you want to go out?
Oh, go on then.
Mother A bheil thu deiseil, a Nèill? Are you ready, Neil?
Niall Tha. Yes.
Mother Siuthadaibh, ma-thà. On you go, then.
Niall Tìoraidh. Cheerio.