FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Giving your address Ag innse do sheòladh

Where in...?Càite ann an...?

Giving more details

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

gabh mo leisgeul excuse me

càit ann an Glaschu? where in Glasgow?

anns a’ bhaile in (the) town

Baile can mean 'town' or 'village'.

ann am meadhan a’ bhaile in the town centre

faisg air a’ bhaile near the town

anns an dùthaich in the country

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man Rathad Granton. Granton Road.
Woman Sràid Mhontague Montague Street
Male Interviewer Gabh mo leisgeul.
Càite a bheil sibh a’ fuireach?
Excuse me.
Where do you live?
Woman Dùn Èideann. Edinburgh.
Male Interviewer Càite ann an Dùn Èideann? Where in Edinburgh?
Woman Sràid Parkside. Parkside Street.
Male Interviewer Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Male Interviewer Gabh mo leisgeul.
Càite a bheil sibh a’ fuireach?
Excuse me.
Where do you live?
Woman 2 Glaschu. Glasgow.
Male Interviewer Càite ann an Glaschu? Where in Glasgow?
Woman 2 Rathad Bhictoria. Victoria Road.
Male Interviewer Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Woman 2 Tapadh leat. Thank you.