Saying where you’re going Ag innse càit a bheil thu a’ dol
I'm going out tonightTha mi a' dol a-mach a-nochd
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
tha mi a’ dol a-mach I’m going out
tha mi a’ dol a-mach a-nochd I’m going out tonight
tha mi a’ dol gu dannsa I’m going to a dance
Discussing when things are happening.
cuin a tha sibh a’ dol ann? when are you going?
cuin a tha sibh a’ dol dhan sgoil? when are you going to (the) school?
Làithean na seachdaine / Days of the week
To say on a particular day (e.g. on Monday), just use the name of the day. You don’t need an additional word for on.
After dark - to talk about the nights of the week (e.g. Sunday night), just replace Là or Di (meaning 'day') with Oidhche (meaning 'night').
Oidhche Chiadain Wednesday night
Oidhche Ardaoin Thursday night
Oidhche Shathairne Saturday night
Oidhche Dhòmhnaich Sunday night
Oidhche na Sàbaid Sunday night
Oidhche is feminine and lenites words which begin with the following letters. Note how the sounds change:
Man | Tha film air an telebhisean a-nochd. | There’s a film on the television tonight. |
Man 2 | Mmm. Och, tha mi a' dol a-mach. | Mmm. Och, I’m going out. |
Man | Tìoraidh ma-thà. | Cheerio then. |
Female Staff | Halò, ciamar a tha sibh? | Hello, how are you? |
Female Customer | Tha gu math, tapadh leibh. | I’m well, thank you. |
Female Staff | Dè tha sibh ag iarraidh? | What do you want? |
Female Customer | Tha mi ag iarraidh blobhsa. Tha mi a' dol a-mach a-nochd. | I want a blouse. I’m going out tonight. |
Female Staff | Brèagha. Càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? | Nice. Where are you going? |
Female Customer | Tha mi a’ dol gu dannsa a-nochd. | I’m going to a dance tonight. |
Female Staff | Glè mhath. | Very good. |
Woman | Càit a bheil thu a’ dol a-nochd? | Where are you going tonight? |
Woman 2 | Tha mi a’ dol a-mach. | I’m going out. |
Woman | Càite? | Where? |
Woman 2 | A’ dol a chèilidh air Anna. | (I’m) going to visit Anna. |