FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Giving your address Ag innse do sheòladh

What's your phone number? (plural or polite)Dè an àireamh fòn a th' agaibh?

Thank you

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

neoni nil, zero

còig five

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman Operator Càite?
Man in phone booth Dà? Two?
Woman Operator Agus dè an àireamh fòn a th’ agaibh? And what’s your phone number?
Man Port Rìgh. a dhà, còig, còig, trì. Portree. two, five, five, three.
Woman Operator Dhà, còig, còig, trì.
Ceart ma-thà.
Two, five, five, three.
Ok then.
Man Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Female Householder Trì, trì, dhà. Neoni, ceithir, ceithir, aon.
Trì, trì, dhà. Neoni, ceithir, ceithir, aon.
Three, three, two. Zero, four, four, one.
Three, three, two. Zero, four, four, one.
Male voice Halò. Hello.
Female Householder Halò, Alasdair. Hello, Alexander.