Little by Little Beag air Bheag
Sàmhach an oidhch’
The whole song together is:
Sàmhach an oidhch’, naomh an oidhch’
Saoghal na chadal a-mach bho ar soills’
Moire is Iòseph an stàball fàs
Faire os cionn an Leinibh le gràdh,
Cadal gu nèamhaidh sèimh,
Cadal gu nèamhaidh sèimh.
Sàmhach an oidhch’, naomh an oidhch’
Buachaillean chunnaic an solas le boillsg’
Chual' iad an t-òran bho ainglean na Glòir,
Fada is farsaing an naidheachd ro-mhòr,
Crìosd am fear-saoraidh tha dlùth,
Crìosd am fear-saoraidh tha dlùth.
Sàmhach an oidhch’, naomh an oidhch’
Aon Mhac Dhè, saor bho fhoill,
Fàilt' air a’ ghràidh anns an aghaidh cho caoin,
Latha nan gràs nis air tighinn dhuinn dlùth,
A Shlànaigheir, bhon thàinig Thu nuas,
A Shlànaigheir, bhon thàinig Thu nuas.
Still the night, Holy the night,
Sleeps the world, hid from sight,
Mary and Joseph in stable bare,
Watch o'er the child, beloved and fair,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Still the night, Holy the night,
Shepherds first saw the light,
Far and near, the Angels song,
Heard resounding clear and strong,
Christ the Redeemer is here,
Christ the Redeemer is here.
Still the night, Holy the night,
Son of God, free from deceit,
Welcome the love in the peaceful face,
The day of grace now comes close to us,
Saviour since thou art born,
Saviour since thou art born.