FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Going to School

A' Dol dhan Sgoil

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

A' Dol dhan Sgoil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

A' Dol dhan Sgoil

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Abair gun tugadh cothrom sgoinneil dhomhsa an t-seachdain seo chaidh - fhuair mi a dhol dhan bhun-sgoil! Rinneadh sin airson gum faicinn ciamar a bhiodh neach-teagaisg a' treòrachadh chlasaichean oir bu toigh leam a bhith nam thidsear.

Dhealbhadh smuain nam cheann - gun cuirinn litir chun na sgoile a dh'iarraidh cead gus suidhe ann an clas beò. Thàinig litir air ais thugam a' toirt cuireadh dhomh sin a dhèanamh. Bha mi air mo dhòigh.

Air an latha a shònraich iad, chaidh mi gu doras na sgoile is bhrùth mi putan an dorais. Chuireadh ceist orm tron eadar-chom, dh'fhosgladh an doras agus leigeadh a-steach mi.

Thug rùnaire na sgoile sìos trannsa fhada mi. Is abair gun robh àrainneachd àlainn aca! Bha dealbhan na cloinne air na ballachan agus bha a h-uile rud dathach agus tarraingeach. Aidh, chòrd na chunnaic mi rium!

Ach nuair a stad an dithis againn aig doras a' chlas, chuala sinn fuaim uabhasach! Theab nach do dh'fhàgadh bodhar mise! Bha an neach-teagaisg aca air a dhol dhan taigh bheag, agus, bho nach robh tidsear gan coimhead, ghabhadh brath air an t-suidheachadh. Cha do chòrd am fuaim idir rium. Droch chomharra airson neach a tha ag iarraidh teagasg a dhèanamh.

Ach fhuaireadh diofar seallaidh air a' chloinn nuair a thill an tidsear, agus cha robh ise air a dòigh. Fhuair iad trod, is abair gun do rinneadh socair an uair sin iad! Bha iad a-nis coltach ri ainglean beaga: socair, sàmhach, ciùin.

An uair sin chuir an tidsear fàilte ormsa, is thugadh a-steach dhan t-seòmar mi. Chuireadh nam shuidhe mi aig bòrd an tidseir, agus choimhead mi air na bha a' dol. An sin chunnaic mi cho gleusta 's a bha an tidsear air rudan tarraingeach a chur suas air a' bhòrd-ghlic a bh' aca air a' bhalla. Is bha dòigh aice air a' chlann a stiùireadh a bha sgoinneil. Bha dòigh bheòthail, bhlàth aice air teagasg, agus abair gun do rinneadh an obair gu dìcheallach leis a' chloinn.

Faisg air deireadh a' chlas fhuair mi cead sùil a ghabhail air an obair sin a rinneadh leotha. Bha iad uile moiteil a' sealltainn an cuid obrach dhomh. Shaoil mi gun còrdadh e rium clann a mhisneachadh gus a bhith cho math 's a b' urrainn dhaibh san sgoil.

Seadh! Bu toigh leam a bhith nam thidsear.

Sùil air ais

abair gun tugadh cothrom sgoinneil dhomhsa
rinneadh sin airson gum faicinn
dhealbhadh an smuain nam cheann
chuireadh ceist orm
dh'fhosgladh an doras
leigeadh a-steach mi
theab nach do dh'fhàgadh bodhar mise
ghabhadh brath air an t-suidheachadh
ach fhuaireadh diofar seallaidh
rinneadh socair an uair sin iad
thugadh a-steach dhan t-seòmar mi
chuireadh nam shuidhe mi
rinneadh an obair gu dìcheallach

Going to School

English Beurla

Going to School

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] I was given a fantastic opportunity last week - I got to visit the primary school! That was done so I could see how the teacher led classes because I would like to be a teacher.

I came up with an idea - that I would write to the school to ask permission to sit in on a real class. A letter came back to me inviting me to do that. I was delighted.

On the day they had chosen, I went to the door of the school and pressed the doorbell. I was asked a question via the intercom, the door was opened and I was allowed in.

The school secretary took me down a long corridor. And what a beautiful environment they had! The children's pictures were on the walls and everything was colourful and interesting. Yes, I liked what I saw!

But when we both stopped at the classroom door, we heard an awful noise! It nearly deafened me! Their teacher had gone to the toilet, and, because there wasn't a teacher watching them, advantage was taken of the situation. I didn't like the noise at all. A bad sign for someone who wants to teach.

But a different side of the children was seen when the teacher returned, and she was not happy. They got a row, and they became very quiet after that! They were now like little angels: peaceful, quiet, calm.

Then the teacher welcomed me, and I was taken into the room. I was seated at the teacher's table and I watched what was happening. There I saw how skilled the teacher was at putting interesting things up on the smart board they had on the wall. And she had a great way of guiding the children. She had a lively, warm manner of teaching, and the work was completed diligently by the children.

Towards the end of the class, I was allowed to look at the work they had done. They were all proud to show me their work. I though I would enjoy inspiring children to perform to the best of their ability in school.

Yes! I would like to be a teacher.

Look back

I was given a great opportunity
that was done so that I could see
I came up with an idea
I was asked a question
the door was opened
I was allowed in
I was nearly deafened
the situation was taken advantage of
but a different side was seen
they were then made quiet
I was taken into the room
I was seated
the work was done diligently

A' Dol dhan Sgoil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

A' Dol dhan Sgoil

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Abair gun tugadh cothrom sgoinneil dhomhsa an t-seachdain seo chaidh - fhuair mi a dhol dhan bhun-sgoil! Rinneadh sin airson gum faicinn ciamar a bhiodh neach-teagaisg a' treòrachadh chlasaichean oir bu toigh leam a bhith nam thidsear.

Dhealbhadh smuain nam cheann - gun cuirinn litir chun na sgoile a dh'iarraidh cead gus suidhe ann an clas beò. Thàinig litir air ais thugam a' toirt cuireadh dhomh sin a dhèanamh. Bha mi air mo dhòigh.

Air an latha a shònraich iad, chaidh mi gu doras na sgoile is bhrùth mi putan an dorais. Chuireadh ceist orm tron eadar-chom, dh'fhosgladh an doras agus leigeadh a-steach mi.

Thug rùnaire na sgoile sìos trannsa fhada mi. Is abair gun robh àrainneachd àlainn aca! Bha dealbhan na cloinne air na ballachan agus bha a h-uile rud dathach agus tarraingeach. Aidh, chòrd na chunnaic mi rium!

Ach nuair a stad an dithis againn aig doras a' chlas, chuala sinn fuaim uabhasach! Theab nach do dh'fhàgadh bodhar mise! Bha an neach-teagaisg aca air a dhol dhan taigh bheag, agus, bho nach robh tidsear gan coimhead, ghabhadh brath air an t-suidheachadh. Cha do chòrd am fuaim idir rium. Droch chomharra airson neach a tha ag iarraidh teagasg a dhèanamh.

Ach fhuaireadh diofar seallaidh air a' chloinn nuair a thill an tidsear, agus cha robh ise air a dòigh. Fhuair iad trod, is abair gun do rinneadh socair an uair sin iad! Bha iad a-nis coltach ri ainglean beaga: socair, sàmhach, ciùin.

An uair sin chuir an tidsear fàilte ormsa, is thugadh a-steach dhan t-seòmar mi. Chuireadh nam shuidhe mi aig bòrd an tidseir, agus choimhead mi air na bha a' dol. An sin chunnaic mi cho gleusta 's a bha an tidsear air rudan tarraingeach a chur suas air a' bhòrd-ghlic a bh' aca air a' bhalla. Is bha dòigh aice air a' chlann a stiùireadh a bha sgoinneil. Bha dòigh bheòthail, bhlàth aice air teagasg, agus abair gun do rinneadh an obair gu dìcheallach leis a' chloinn.

Faisg air deireadh a' chlas fhuair mi cead sùil a ghabhail air an obair sin a rinneadh leotha. Bha iad uile moiteil a' sealltainn an cuid obrach dhomh. Shaoil mi gun còrdadh e rium clann a mhisneachadh gus a bhith cho math 's a b' urrainn dhaibh san sgoil.

Seadh! Bu toigh leam a bhith nam thidsear.

Sùil air ais

abair gun tugadh cothrom sgoinneil dhomhsa
rinneadh sin airson gum faicinn
dhealbhadh an smuain nam cheann
chuireadh ceist orm
dh'fhosgladh an doras
leigeadh a-steach mi
theab nach do dh'fhàgadh bodhar mise
ghabhadh brath air an t-suidheachadh
ach fhuaireadh diofar seallaidh
rinneadh socair an uair sin iad
thugadh a-steach dhan t-seòmar mi
chuireadh nam shuidhe mi
rinneadh an obair gu dìcheallach

Going to School

English Beurla

Going to School

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] I was given a fantastic opportunity last week - I got to visit the primary school! That was done so I could see how the teacher led classes because I would like to be a teacher.

I came up with an idea - that I would write to the school to ask permission to sit in on a real class. A letter came back to me inviting me to do that. I was delighted.

On the day they had chosen, I went to the door of the school and pressed the doorbell. I was asked a question via the intercom, the door was opened and I was allowed in.

The school secretary took me down a long corridor. And what a beautiful environment they had! The children's pictures were on the walls and everything was colourful and interesting. Yes, I liked what I saw!

But when we both stopped at the classroom door, we heard an awful noise! It nearly deafened me! Their teacher had gone to the toilet, and, because there wasn't a teacher watching them, advantage was taken of the situation. I didn't like the noise at all. A bad sign for someone who wants to teach.

But a different side of the children was seen when the teacher returned, and she was not happy. They got a row, and they became very quiet after that! They were now like little angels: peaceful, quiet, calm.

Then the teacher welcomed me, and I was taken into the room. I was seated at the teacher's table and I watched what was happening. There I saw how skilled the teacher was at putting interesting things up on the smart board they had on the wall. And she had a great way of guiding the children. She had a lively, warm manner of teaching, and the work was completed diligently by the children.

Towards the end of the class, I was allowed to look at the work they had done. They were all proud to show me their work. I though I would enjoy inspiring children to perform to the best of their ability in school.

Yes! I would like to be a teacher.

Look back

I was given a great opportunity
that was done so that I could see
I came up with an idea
I was asked a question
the door was opened
I was allowed in
I was nearly deafened
the situation was taken advantage of
but a different side was seen
they were then made quiet
I was taken into the room
I was seated
the work was done diligently

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.