FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Manners: Bus Trip

Modh: Cuairt Bus

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

Tha an Look@LearnGaelic ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Look@LearnGaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Modh: Cuairt Bus

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cuairt bus

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Madainn mhath agus fàilte oirbh uile air bòrd a' bhus mhòir, spaideil seo. Tha goireasan gu leòr air bòrd agus tha sinne seo airson cuideachadh sam bith a thoirt dhuibh. Bidh sinn a' cur cuairt air a' Ghàidhealtachd a h-uile seachdain agus chan eil math dhuinn a bhith bruidhinn ach Gàidhlig. Nach suidh sibh sìos ma-thà agus nach coimhead sibh a-mach air an uinneig?

Ma tha ceist sam bith agaibh, faodaidh sibh faighneachd dhuinne. Tha cuid agaibhse ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus tha sinne airson taic a thoirt dhuibh airson sin a dhèanamh. Seo agaibh liosta de dh'abairtean a bhios nan cuideachadh dhuibh.

Ma bhios am pathadh oirbh:

Am faigh mi deoch uisge?
Am faigh mi cupa tì?
Am faigh mi balgam ri òl?

Ma bhios sibh ag iarraidh stad:

Am faod sinn stad greis?
An stad sinn airson greis?
A bheil fad' againn ri dhol?

Ma bhios sibh ag iarraidh cuideachadh:

An cuidich sibh mi?

Ma bhios am baga agaibh ro throm:

An tog sibh mo bhaga?
An gabh sibh am baga bhuam?

Ma bhios an t-eagal oirbh gu bheil sibh a' dèanamh cus fuaim:

An cuir sinn dragh air duine?
An dùisg seo duine?

Ma bhios an t-acras oirbh:

Am faigh mi briosgaid?
An toir sibh dhomh greim a dh'itheas mi?
Nach stad sinn aig cafaidh air choreigin?

Ma dh'fhàsas a' chlann an-fhoiseil:

Am faigh mi dèideag dhan ghille bheag?
An leugh sibh sgeulachd dhan chloinn?

Ma bhios am bèibidh air dùsgadh:

Am faigh mi badan dhan bhèibidh?
Nach toir sibh dhòmhsa greis dhen bhèibidh?

Ma bhios sibh airson 'Aithris an Fheasgair' a chluinntinn:

Am faod mi an rèidio a chur air?
An cuir sibh air an rèidio?

Ma bhios sibh airson teagsa a chur gu cuideigin:

Am faod mi am fòn-làimhe agam a chleachdadh?

Ma bhios sibh a' faireachdainn toilichte:

An gabh mi òran dhuibh?
An cluich mi a' phìob dhuibh?
Nach gabh sibh port dhuinn?
Nach seinn sinn òran no dhà?

Ma bhios an t-àite a' fàs mì-sgiobalta:

An tog sibh sin far an ùrlair?
Nach sgioblaich sibh an t-àite?

Ma bhios biadh ceart a dhìth oirbh:

Nach stad sinn airson greim bìdh?
Nach gabh sinn greim ri ithe?

Ma chì sibh cuideigin a' strì rim bagaichean:

Nach cuidich mi sibh?
Nach tog mi na bagaichean sin dhuibh?

Ma tha sibh airson na suiteis a cheannaich sibh a roinn:

Nach gabh sibh suiteas?
An gabh sibh mìlsean?

Ma bhios cuideigin a' dol dhan bhùth dhuibh:

An ceannaich sibh am pàipear-naidheachd dhomh?
An toir sibh thugam deoch Coke?
Am faigh sibh briosgaidean dhomh?

Ma bhios an rèidio ro àrd:

An cuir sibh sìos an rèidio?
Nach tionndaidh sibh an rèidio sìos beagan?

Ma bhios sibh airson tighinn far a' bhus còmhla ri cuideigin eile:

An tig sibh dheth còmhla rium?
Nach tig sinn dheth còmhla?

Ma dh'fhàsas a h-uile duine sgìth:

Nach caidil sinn greiseag?

Siuthadaibh ma-thà! Nach buail sibh oirbh?

Manners: Bus Trip

English Beurla

Bus Trip

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Good morning and welcome to all of you aboard this big, fancy bus. There are plenty of facilities on board and we are here to help you in any way. We will take a tour of the Highlands every week and we should only speak Gaelic. Why don't you sit down, then, and why don't you look out of the window?

If you have any questions, you can just ask us. Some of you are learning Gaelic and we want to support you in doing so. Here is a list of phrases which will be of use to you.

If you are thirsty:

Could I have a drink of water?
Could I have a cup of tea?
Could I have something to drink?

If you want to stop:

Can we stop for a while?
Shall we stop for a while?
Do we have far to go?

If you would like any assistance:

Could you help me?

If your bag is too heavy:

Would you lift my bag?
Would you take my bag from me?

If you are concerned that you are making too much noise:

Would we bother anyone?
Will this wake anyone up?

If you are hungry:

Could I have a biscuit?
Could you give me a bite to eat?
Why don’t we stop at a café somewhere?

If the children grow restless:

Could I have a toy for the little boy?
Could you read a story for the children?

If the baby has woken up:

Could I have a nappy for the baby?
Won't you give the baby to me for a while?

If you want to hear 'Aithris an Fheasgair':

May I turn the radio on?
Could you turn the radio on?

If you want to send a text to someone:

May I use my mobile phone?

If you are feeling cheerful:

Shall I sing a song for you?
Shall I play the bagpipes for you?
Won't you give us a tune?
Shall we not sing a song or two?

If the place is getting untidy:

Would you pick that up off the floor?
Won't you tidy the place up?

If you are in need of a proper meal:

Shall we not stop somewhere for a meal?
Shall we not have a bite to eat?

If you see someone struggling with their bags:

May I help you?
Shall I carry the bags for you?

If you want to share the sweets you bought:

Won't you take a sweet?
Will you take a sweet?

If someone is going to the shop for you:

Would you buy the newspaper for me?
Would you bring me a drink of Coke?
Would you get me some biscuits?

If the radio is too loud:

Would you turn the radio down?
Won't you turn the radio down a little?

If you want to get off the bus with someone else:

Would you come off with me?
Why don't we both get off together?

If everyone becomes tired:

Shall we not sleep for a while?

Go on then! Why don't you get going?

Modh: Cuairt Bus

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cuairt bus

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Madainn mhath agus fàilte oirbh uile air bòrd a' bhus mhòir, spaideil seo. Tha goireasan gu leòr air bòrd agus tha sinne seo airson cuideachadh sam bith a thoirt dhuibh. Bidh sinn a' cur cuairt air a' Ghàidhealtachd a h-uile seachdain agus chan eil math dhuinn a bhith bruidhinn ach Gàidhlig. Nach suidh sibh sìos ma-thà agus nach coimhead sibh a-mach air an uinneig?

Ma tha ceist sam bith agaibh, faodaidh sibh faighneachd dhuinne. Tha cuid agaibhse ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus tha sinne airson taic a thoirt dhuibh airson sin a dhèanamh. Seo agaibh liosta de dh'abairtean a bhios nan cuideachadh dhuibh.

Ma bhios am pathadh oirbh:

Am faigh mi deoch uisge?
Am faigh mi cupa tì?
Am faigh mi balgam ri òl?

Ma bhios sibh ag iarraidh stad:

Am faod sinn stad greis?
An stad sinn airson greis?
A bheil fad' againn ri dhol?

Ma bhios sibh ag iarraidh cuideachadh:

An cuidich sibh mi?

Ma bhios am baga agaibh ro throm:

An tog sibh mo bhaga?
An gabh sibh am baga bhuam?

Ma bhios an t-eagal oirbh gu bheil sibh a' dèanamh cus fuaim:

An cuir sinn dragh air duine?
An dùisg seo duine?

Ma bhios an t-acras oirbh:

Am faigh mi briosgaid?
An toir sibh dhomh greim a dh'itheas mi?
Nach stad sinn aig cafaidh air choreigin?

Ma dh'fhàsas a' chlann an-fhoiseil:

Am faigh mi dèideag dhan ghille bheag?
An leugh sibh sgeulachd dhan chloinn?

Ma bhios am bèibidh air dùsgadh:

Am faigh mi badan dhan bhèibidh?
Nach toir sibh dhòmhsa greis dhen bhèibidh?

Ma bhios sibh airson 'Aithris an Fheasgair' a chluinntinn:

Am faod mi an rèidio a chur air?
An cuir sibh air an rèidio?

Ma bhios sibh airson teagsa a chur gu cuideigin:

Am faod mi am fòn-làimhe agam a chleachdadh?

Ma bhios sibh a' faireachdainn toilichte:

An gabh mi òran dhuibh?
An cluich mi a' phìob dhuibh?
Nach gabh sibh port dhuinn?
Nach seinn sinn òran no dhà?

Ma bhios an t-àite a' fàs mì-sgiobalta:

An tog sibh sin far an ùrlair?
Nach sgioblaich sibh an t-àite?

Ma bhios biadh ceart a dhìth oirbh:

Nach stad sinn airson greim bìdh?
Nach gabh sinn greim ri ithe?

Ma chì sibh cuideigin a' strì rim bagaichean:

Nach cuidich mi sibh?
Nach tog mi na bagaichean sin dhuibh?

Ma tha sibh airson na suiteis a cheannaich sibh a roinn:

Nach gabh sibh suiteas?
An gabh sibh mìlsean?

Ma bhios cuideigin a' dol dhan bhùth dhuibh:

An ceannaich sibh am pàipear-naidheachd dhomh?
An toir sibh thugam deoch Coke?
Am faigh sibh briosgaidean dhomh?

Ma bhios an rèidio ro àrd:

An cuir sibh sìos an rèidio?
Nach tionndaidh sibh an rèidio sìos beagan?

Ma bhios sibh airson tighinn far a' bhus còmhla ri cuideigin eile:

An tig sibh dheth còmhla rium?
Nach tig sinn dheth còmhla?

Ma dh'fhàsas a h-uile duine sgìth:

Nach caidil sinn greiseag?

Siuthadaibh ma-thà! Nach buail sibh oirbh?

Manners: Bus Trip

English Beurla

Bus Trip

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Good morning and welcome to all of you aboard this big, fancy bus. There are plenty of facilities on board and we are here to help you in any way. We will take a tour of the Highlands every week and we should only speak Gaelic. Why don't you sit down, then, and why don't you look out of the window?

If you have any questions, you can just ask us. Some of you are learning Gaelic and we want to support you in doing so. Here is a list of phrases which will be of use to you.

If you are thirsty:

Could I have a drink of water?
Could I have a cup of tea?
Could I have something to drink?

If you want to stop:

Can we stop for a while?
Shall we stop for a while?
Do we have far to go?

If you would like any assistance:

Could you help me?

If your bag is too heavy:

Would you lift my bag?
Would you take my bag from me?

If you are concerned that you are making too much noise:

Would we bother anyone?
Will this wake anyone up?

If you are hungry:

Could I have a biscuit?
Could you give me a bite to eat?
Why don’t we stop at a café somewhere?

If the children grow restless:

Could I have a toy for the little boy?
Could you read a story for the children?

If the baby has woken up:

Could I have a nappy for the baby?
Won't you give the baby to me for a while?

If you want to hear 'Aithris an Fheasgair':

May I turn the radio on?
Could you turn the radio on?

If you want to send a text to someone:

May I use my mobile phone?

If you are feeling cheerful:

Shall I sing a song for you?
Shall I play the bagpipes for you?
Won't you give us a tune?
Shall we not sing a song or two?

If the place is getting untidy:

Would you pick that up off the floor?
Won't you tidy the place up?

If you are in need of a proper meal:

Shall we not stop somewhere for a meal?
Shall we not have a bite to eat?

If you see someone struggling with their bags:

May I help you?
Shall I carry the bags for you?

If you want to share the sweets you bought:

Won't you take a sweet?
Will you take a sweet?

If someone is going to the shop for you:

Would you buy the newspaper for me?
Would you bring me a drink of Coke?
Would you get me some biscuits?

If the radio is too loud:

Would you turn the radio down?
Won't you turn the radio down a little?

If you want to get off the bus with someone else:

Would you come off with me?
Why don't we both get off together?

If everyone becomes tired:

Shall we not sleep for a while?

Go on then! Why don't you get going?

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.