Speaking our Language
Designed for the advanced learner, these episodes will consolidate what you have learned so far and take you through the more complex parts of the Gaelic language to expand your knowledge and enhance your confidence. Air an cur air dòigh don ionnsaiche adhartach, bidh na prògraman seo a’ daingneachadh na tha thu air ionnsachadh gu ruige seo, gad thoirt tro earrannan nas toinnte den chànan. Leudaichear do chuid eòlais agus bheirear piseach air do chuid misneachd.
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing pricesAg ràdh "dè a’ phrìs a bhiodh air?"
- Talking about currencyAg ràdh "dè tha sin ann an notaichean?"
- Talking about last-minute preparationsAg ràdh "thalla thus ’s cuir na tiogaidean air dòigh"
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The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about examsAg ràdh "a’ cheist as doirbhe a chunnaic mi riamh"
- Inviting people to a partyAg ràdh "an tèid agad air tighinn ann?"
- Talking about marriageAg ràdh "bu toigh leamsa pòsadh ann an eaglais mhòr bhrèagha"
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The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing windsurfingAg ràdh "cuir grèim air an t-seòl"
- Learning about building a stone wallAg ràdh "an tèid agad air a’ chlach mhòr a tha sina thoirt dhomh?"
- Learning about potteryA' faighneachd do chuideigin "carson nach dòirt sibh barrachd uisge air?"
- Learning to driveAg ràdh "ma chuireas tu do chas sìos, thèid an càr nas luaithe"
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The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing measurementsAg ràdh "Tha i sia troighean a dh'àirde"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing where to pitch tentAg ràdh "am b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an siud?"
- Discussing where new furniture could goAg ràdh "dh’fhaodamaid bòrd beag a cheannach"
- Discussing type of activity to do during dayAg ràdh "chan iarrainn a dhol a shreap a-rithist"
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The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing a car for saleAg ràdh "am biodh e trom air a’ pheatrail?"
- Discussing childhood memoriesAg ràdh "bhithinn gan dèanamh còmhla ri ar màthair"
- Discussing menu and standard of cookingAg ràdh "tha am biadh fada nas fheàrr"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing where to parkAg ràdh "faodaidh sibh an càr a phàirceadh an sin"
- Discussing locations for photosAg ràdh "seasabh air beulaibh na h-eaglaise"
- Discussing development of Gaelic community centreAg ràdh "bhiodh e os cionn meadhan a’ bhaile"
- Asking for help finding a placeAg ràdh "a bheil fios agaibh càit a bheil...?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing meals on menuAg radh "tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum biodh sibh toilichte leis an chilli con carne"
- Disagreement in hotelAg radh "bha dùil againn gum biomaid toilichte an seo"
- Discussing what to do togetherAg radh "nam biodh an t-acras ort, dh’fhaodamaid biadh a ghabhail an seo"
- Discussing possible causes of problemAg radh "an do choimhead thu air na plugaichean?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Scolding childrenAg ràdh "mura cuir thu dheth e, chan fhaigh thu bainne"
- Stating the conditions of somethingAg ràdh "dèan an rud a tha do mhàthair ag iarraidh Alasdair"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Offering help to carry bagsA' faighneachd do chuideigin "an cuidich mi sibh leis na bagaichean agaibh?"
- Asking for help with writing homeworkAg ràdh "feumaidh mi sgrìobhadh mu na saor-làithean, ach chan eil e furasta"
- Giving directions to stationAg ràdh "tha stèisean nam busaichean ri taobh stèisean nan trèanaichean"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Discussing what drink with what foodA' faighneachd "nise, dè dh’òladh tu còmhla ri seo?"
- Complaining about menu descriptionsAg ràdh "bu toigh leam menu a b’ urrainn dhomh a thuigsinn"
- Suggesting someone describe somethingAg ràdh "an innseadh tu dhomh dè th’ ann am “Pain au chocolat”?
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone if they know someoneA' faighneachd "an aithne dhut am fear sin?"
- Responding that you know someoneAg ràdh "’s aithne"
- Suggesting that someone might know someoneAg ràdh "’s dòcha gur aithne dhut mi?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking if something has happened and respondingA' faighneachd "Alasdair, a bheil thu air èirigh fhathast?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying something is almost or about to...Ag ràdh "tha sinn... a dh’aithghearr"
- Saying what will happenAg ràdh "tha sinn gu bhith..." Hoping something will happenAg ràdh "tha mi an dòchas gum..."
- Saying something must be doneAg ràdh "feumar barrachd airgid a chosg anns na h-Eileanan"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying what has been doneAg ràdh "tha i air an doras a ghlasadh"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking where someone comes fromA' faighneachd "cò às a tha thu?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying you usually dosomethingA' faighneachd "’s àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ ceannach a h-uile rud fada ron Nollaig"
- Saying that you told someone not to tellAg ràdh "thuirt mi riut gun facal a ràdh"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Describing how something used to be, and comparing that to how it is nowAg ràdh "b’ àbhaist do... ach tha mi air a..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile: