FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Giving instructions A’ toirt seachad òrduighean

Sit down Suidh sìos

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

deiseil ready

sìos down

suidhibh sìos! sit down!

This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

suidh sìos sit down

This is the informal way you use to speak to a friend or a child.

chan eil dona not bad

deoch a drink

fuirichibh mionaid! wait a minute! (plural / polite)

seallaibh! look! (plural / polite)

Note how the imperative verb always ends in an (a)ibh in the polite or plural form. This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Is mise Màiri NicDhonnchaidh.
Excuse me.
I’m Mary Duncan.
Female Office Worker À, Màiri NicDhonnchaidh.
Suidhibh sìos.
Ah, Mary Duncan.
Sit down.
Woman Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Mother Suidh sìos, a ghràidh.
Suidh sìos.
Sit down, dear.
Sit down.
Woman Halò.
Feasgar math.
Good afternoon.
Man Feasgar math.
Ciamar a tha sibh?
Good afternoon.
How are you?
Woman Chan eil dona, tapadh leibh.
A bheil sibh ag iarraidh deoch?
Not bad, thank you.
Do you want a drink?
Man Tha, tapadh leibh.
Uisge-beatha, mas e ur toil e.
Yes, thank you.
Whisky, please.
Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Uisge-beatha agus vodca is tonic, mas e ur toil e.
Excuse me. A whisky and a vodka and tonic, please.
Waitress Glè mhath. Very good.
Woman Suidhibh sìos. Sit down.
Man Tapadh leibh. Thank you.