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Outdoor activities Cur-seachadan a-muigh

Would it be worth it to put the tent up over there?Am b' fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

b’ fhiach … it would be worth …

cha b’ fhiach … it wouldn’t be worth …

am b’ fhiach …? would it be worth …?

… sin a dhèanamh … doing that

am b’ fhiach an teanta a chur suas? would it be worth putting the tent up?

b’ fhiach an teanta a chur suas it would be worth putting the tent up

cha b’ fhiach bodraigeadh it wouldn't be worth bothering

Video is playing in pop-over.

Niall Tha sinn car faisg air a’ mhuir, nach eil a Mhurchaidh?
Am b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud?
We are quite close to the sea, aren’t we Murdo?
Would it be worth putting the tent up over there?
Murchadh Cha b’ fhiach, a Nèill.
Tha a’ mhuir ceud slat bhuainn.
Bidh sinn ceart gu leòr an seo.
No, Neil.
The sea is a hundred yards from us.
We’ll be alright here.
Niall Chan eil fhios agam.
B’ fheàrr leam a bhith cinnteach.
Faighnichidh sinn do na h-igheanan.
A Fhlòraidh, a Dhoileag.
Trobhadaibh an seo dà dhiog.
Am b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud?
Nas fhaisge air an rathad.
I don’t know.
I’d rather be sure.
We can ask the girls.
Flora, Dolly.
Come here two seconds.
Would it be worth putting the tent up over there?
Closer to the road.
Flòraidh Carson? Why?
Niall A chionn ’s gu bheil sinn glè fhaisg air a’ mhuir an seo. Because we are very close to the sea here.
Doileag B’ fhiach, ma-thà.
Ma tha sinn ro fhaisg air a’ mhuir, b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas pìos air falbh.
Yes, then.
If we are too close to the sea, it’s worth putting the tent up a bit away.
Flòraidh Cha b’ fhiach bodraigeadh an-diugh.
Thèid agad fhèin agus Murchadh air a dhèanamh a-màireach.
It wouldn't be worth bothering today.
You and Murdo will be able to do it tomorrow.