Outdoor activities Cur-seachadan a-muigh
Would it be worth it to put the tent up over there?Am b' fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud?
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
b’ fhiach … it would be worth …
cha b’ fhiach … it wouldn’t be worth …
am b’ fhiach …? would it be worth …?
am b’ fhiach an teanta a chur suas? would it be worth putting the tent up?
b’ fhiach an teanta a chur suas it would be worth putting the tent up
Niall | Tha sinn car faisg air a’ mhuir, nach eil a Mhurchaidh? Am b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud? | We are quite close to the sea, aren’t we Murdo? Would it be worth putting the tent up over there? |
Murchadh | Cha b’ fhiach, a Nèill. Tha a’ mhuir ceud slat bhuainn. Bidh sinn ceart gu leòr an seo. | No, Neil. The sea is a hundred yards from us. We’ll be alright here. |
Niall | Chan eil fhios agam. B’ fheàrr leam a bhith cinnteach. Faighnichidh sinn do na h-igheanan. A Fhlòraidh, a Dhoileag. Trobhadaibh an seo dà dhiog. Am b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas thall an-siud? Nas fhaisge air an rathad. | I don’t know. I’d rather be sure. We can ask the girls. Flora, Dolly. Come here two seconds. Would it be worth putting the tent up over there? Closer to the road. |
Flòraidh | Carson? | Why? |
Niall | A chionn ’s gu bheil sinn glè fhaisg air a’ mhuir an seo. | Because we are very close to the sea here. |
Doileag | B’ fhiach, ma-thà. Ma tha sinn ro fhaisg air a’ mhuir, b’ fhiach an teant a chur suas pìos air falbh. | Yes, then. If we are too close to the sea, it’s worth putting the tent up a bit away. |
Flòraidh | Cha b’ fhiach bodraigeadh an-diugh. Thèid agad fhèin agus Murchadh air a dhèanamh a-màireach. | It wouldn't be worth bothering today. You and Murdo will be able to do it tomorrow. |