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Food and drink Biadh agus deoc

If someone said that this is food, you wouldn't believe itNan canadh duine riut gur e biadh a tha seo, cha chreideadh tu e

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

cha chreideadh tu e you wouldn’t believe it

To ask someone ‘what they would drink’ you use dè dh’òladh …?

dè dh’òladh tu? what would you drink?

Possible answers would be:

dh’òlainn … I would drink …

chan òlainn … I would not drink …

To ask someone ‘if they would drink’ you use an òladh …?

an òladh tu …? would you drink …?

an òladh tu uisge? would you drink water?

Possible answers to an òladh …? would be:

dh’òlainn yes (to an òladh…?)

chan olainn no (to an òladh…?)

sùbh-làir strawberry

blas an fhìon taste of the wine

Video is playing in pop-over.

Màiri Tha seo uabhasach bòidheach, nach eil?
Tha e coltach ri dealbh le Picasso, nach eil Eideird?
This is very pretty, isn’t it?
It’s like a painting by Picasso, isn’t it Edward?
Eideard Tha, gun teagamh.
Nan canadh duine riut gur e biadh a tha seo, cha chreideadh tu e.
Tha e cho bòidheach.
Dh’fhaodainn ithe.
Yes, certainly.
If someone told you this is food, you wouldn’t believe it.
It’s so beautiful.
I could eat it.
Màiri Nis, Eideird.
Innis dhomh a-rithist dè tha ann.
Now, Edward.
Tell me again what it is.
Eideard Innsidh.
Mar a chì thu, tha curran ann, tha càl ann, agus broccoli, sùbh-làir, agus iasg geal.
As you can see, there’s carrot, there’s cabbage, and broccoli, strawberry, and white fish.
Màiri Iasg agus sùbh-làir?
Tha sin inntinneach, nach eil?
Fish and strawberry?
That’s interesting, isn’t it?
Eideard Tha, a Mhàiri.
Uabhasach inntinneach.
Yes, Mary.
Terribly interesting.
Màiri Nise, dè dh’òladh tu còmhla ri seo? Now, what would you drink with this?
Eideard Dh’òlainn uisge. I’d drink water.
Màiri An òladh tu fìon idir? Would you drink wine at all?
Eideard Chan òladh.
Chan òlainn fìon còmhla ri seo idir.
Bhiodh blas an fhìon ro làidir.
I wouldn’t drink wine with this at all.
The taste of the wine would be too strong.
Màiri Agus, an òladh tu uisge sam bith, Eideird?
Chan òladh, chan òladh!
Dh’òlainn uisge Frangach còmhla ris.
Nan cuireadh duine uisge sam bith eile air a’ bhòrd, ruithinn air falbh.
And, would you drink any water, Edward?
Eideard No, no!
I’d drink French water with it.
If someone were to put any other water on the table, I’d run away.
Màiri An ruitheadh gu dearbh?
Uill, bhiodh e math seo fheuchainn, nach bitheadh?
Would you indeed?
Well, it would be good to try this, wouldn’t it?
Eideard Bhitheadh.
Chuireadh seo an t-acras air duine sam bith.
Math dha-rìribh.
This would make anyone hungry.
Absolutely wonderful.
Màiri Murt!
Cha chuirinn sin air beulaibh cù.
Bidh mise air ais an ath-sheachdain, ach cha bhi Eideard còmhla rium idir.
Oidhche mhath.
I wouldn’t put that in front of a dog.
I’ll be back next week, but Edward won’t be with me at all.
Good night.