Doing things A’ dèanamh rudan
Man | Feumaidh sinn clach mhòr a chur air uachdar nan clachan seo. An tèid agad air a’ chlach mhòr a tha sin a thoirt dhomh? | We need to put a large stone on top of these stones. Will you manage to give me that large stone? |
Boy | Thèid. Seo. | Yes. Here. |
Man | Tapadh leat. Ma chuireas mi a’ chlach seo orra mar seo, bidh am balla ceart gu leòr. | Thank you. If I put this stone on them like this, the wall will be alright. |
Boy | Carson nach cuir sinn clachan beaga air uachdar a’ bhalla? | Why don’t we put little stones on top of the wall? |
Man | Fuirich dà dhiog. Ma bhios clachan beaga air uachdar a’ bhalla, cha bhi e trom gu leòr. Agus bhiodh e uabhasach furasta am balla a leagail. Mar sin, ’s e na clachan as motha agus nas truime as fheàrr. Agus ma lìonas mi na tuill leis na clachan beaga, bidh e deiseil. | Wait two secs. If there are small stones on top of the wall, it won’t be heavy enough. And it would be awfully easy to to knock down the wall. So, the biggest and heaviest stones are the best. And if I fill in the holes with the small stones, it will be finished. |
Man | An tèid agad air crèadha a thoirt dhomh? | Will you manage to give me clay? |
Boy | Thèid. Tuilleadh? | Yes. More? |
Man | Tha gu leòr an sin. Tapadh leat. Ma chuireas mi seo air, ’s ma chuireas mi crèadha air, faodaidh sinn nis feuchainn ri soitheach a dhèanamh. | There’s enough there. Thank you. If I put this on it, and if I put clay on, we may now try and make a dish. |
Boy | Am faod mise a dhèanamh? | May I make it? |
Man | Fuirich dà dhiog. Feumaidh tu grèim a chumail air a’ chrèadha. Cuir do làmhan air. Tha e bog, nach eil? | Wait two seconds. You need to keep a hold of the clay. Put your hands on it. It’s soft, isn’t it? |
Boy | Tha. Tha e glè bhog. | Yes. It’s very soft. |
Man | Mar as buige, ’s ann as fheàrr. Ma dhòirteas mi beagan uisge air a’ chrèadha, chan fhàs e tioram. | The softer, the better. If I pour a little water on the clay, it won’t become dry. |
Boy | Carson nach dòirt sibh barrachd uisge air? | Why don’t you pour more water on it? |
Man | Bhiodh e ro bhog. Thèid againn air obair leis mar seo. Siuthad ma-thà. Dèan soitheach. | It would be too soft. We’ll manage to work it like this. On you go then. Make a dish. |