FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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I thought that we would be happy hereBha dùil againn gum biomaid toilichte an seo

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

… gum bithinn … that I would be

… nach bithinn … that I wouldn’t be

… gum bitheamaid … that we would be

… nach bitheamaid … that we wouldn’t be

bha sinn an dòchas gum bitheamaid toilichte we hoped that we would be happy

bha dùil agaibh gum bithinn brèagha you were expecting that I would be good-looking (plural/polite)

bha sibhse a’ smaoineachadh nach bitheamaid … you thought that we wouldn’t be … (plural/polite)

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Iain Seo sinn, ma-thà. Here we are, then.
Receptionist Gheibh mi am manaidsear.
Fuirichibh mionaid.
Na suidhibh sìos idir!
I’ll get the manager.
Wait a minute.
Don’t sit down at all!
Seonag Abair fàilte.
Bha dùil agam gum bitheamaid a’ faighinn glainne uisge-beatha no glainne seiridh, no rudeigin.
What a welcome.
I thought we would get a glass of whisky or a glass of sherry, or something.
Iain Cha robh mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh iad cho mì-mhodhail. I didn’t think that they would be so impolite.
Seonag Chan eil mi airson fuireach an seo. I don’t want to stay here.
Iain Seo mìos nam pòg againn, agus tha sinn a’ fuireach. This is our honeymoon, and we are staying.
Manager ’S mise manaidsear an taigh-òsta.
A bheil dad ceàrr an seo?
I’m the manager of the hotel.
Is there anything wrong here?
Iain Bha dùil againn gum bitheamaid toilichte anns an taigh-òsta seo. We expected that we would be happy in this hotel.
Manager Seadh. Ok.
Seonag Tha mi a’ tuigsinn a-nis.
Bha sibhse a’ smaoineachadh gum bitheamaid spaideil agus aodach pòsaidh oirnn.
Bha dùil agaibh gum biodh dreasa gheal orm.
I understand now.
You thought that we would be smart and wearing wedding clothes.
You expected me to be wearing a white dress.
Iain Agus bha dùil agaibh gum bithinn brèagha nam fhèileadh, nach robh? And you were expecting that I would be handsome in my kilt, weren’t you?
Manager Uill, a bheil sibh ag iarraidh obair an seo? Well, do you want to work here?
Seonag Seo mìos nam pòg againn. This is our honeymoon.
Iain Bha sinn an dòchas gum bitheamaid toilichte an seo, ach chan eil sinn toilichte idir. We hoped that we would be happy here, but we’re not happy at all.
Seonag Chan eil.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bitheamaid na b’ fheàrr ann an àite eile.
I think that we would be better in another place.
Iain Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bitheadh, a ghràidh. I think that we would, dear.
Seonag Thèid sinn gu àite far a bheil na daoine gasta agus modhail. We’ll go to a place where the people are friendly and polite.