FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Commenting on things about to happen A’ bruidhinn mu nithean a tha gus tachairt

The money will be given to the playgroupThèid an t-airgead a thoirt dhan chròileagan

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

For events which took place in the past, we know that chaidh followed by the infinitive is used. Similarly, for events taking place in the future thèid is used instead of chaidh.

thèid consairt a chumail a concert will be held

thèid an t-airgead a thoirt dhan chròileagan the money will be given to the playgroup

thèid tiocaidean a reic tickets will be sold

cròileagan a playgroup

cuirm a social event

bun-sgoil primary school

àrd-sgoil secondary school

an tèid a’ chuirm a chumail anns a’ bhun-sgoil? will the social event be held in the primary school?

To ask if something will happen, you use the structure an tèid …? with the infinitive.

Video is playing in pop-over.

Wife Bidh seo math. This will be good.
Husband Bithidh. Yes.
Wife Cha tuirt mi riut dè th’ ann fhathast.
Ach cluinn seo.
Thèid consairt a chumail feasgar Diardaoin ann an Talla a’ Bhaile aig ochd uairean.
I haven’t told you what it is yet.
But listen to this.
A concert will be held on Thursday evening in the Town Hall at eight o’ clock.
Husband Tha mi uabhasach toilichte. I’m terribly happy.
Wife A bheil fhios agad cò tha a’ gabhail pàirt anns a’ chonsairt? Do you know who is taking part in the concert?
Husband Chan eil.
Ach tha mi gu bhith a’ faighinn a-mach a dh’ aithghearr, tha mi cinnteach.
But I am about to find out soon, I’m sure.
Wife Clann na bun-sgoile, agus clann na h-àrd-sgoile. Primary children and secondary school children.
Husband Abair consairt. What a concert.
Wife Agus thèid an t-airgead a thoirt dhan chròileagan. And the money will be given to the playgroup.
Husband Glè mhath. Very good.
Wife Thèid tiocaidean a reic aig an doras. Tickets will be sold at the door.
Husband Math dha-rìribh. Fantastic.
Wife An tèid sinn ann? Will we go?
Husband Cuin a thèid an consairt a chumail? When will the concert be held?
Wife Tha mi dìreach air innse dhut.
Carson nach robh thu ag èisteachd?
Thèid consairt a chumail feasgar Diardaoin aig ochd uairean.
I’ve just told you.
Why weren’t you listening?
A concert will be held on Thursday evening at eight o’ clock.
Husband Taing do shealbh. Thank Heavens.
Wife Dè thuirt thu? What did you say?
Husband Chan urrainn dhuinn a dhol ann, a ghràidh.
’S e Diardaoin a th’ ann an-diugh agus tha an consairt gu bhith seachad.
We can’t go, dear.
Today is Thursday and the concert is about to finish.
Wife Nach eil sin uabhasach.
Cluinn seo ge-tà.
Isn’t that awful.
Listen to this though.
Husband Dè? What?
Wife Thèid cuirm eile a chumail feasgar Disathairne ann an Talla na h-Eaglaise.
Bellag NicPhàil a’ leughadh seann bhàrdachd à Earra-Ghàidheal.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun tèid sinn ann.
Another concert will be held on Saturday evening in the Church Hall.
Bella MacPhail reading old poetry from Argyll.
I think that we’ll go.