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Talking about the past A' bruidhinn mun àm a chaidh seachad

It is said that fish is good for peopleThathar ag ràdh gu bheil iasg math do dhaoine

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

sàrachadh sick and tired

gun teagamh without a doubt

Video is playing in pop-over.

Wife A bheil sibhse air ur sàrachadh a’ nighe nan soithichean?
Tha mise.
Tha mi air a bhith a’ còcaireachd, agus a’ nighe nan soithichean fad deich bliadhna.
Ach, cha bhi tuilleadh.
Tha mi air freagairt a lorg agus thèid mo thoirt air falbh bhon chidsin.
Uill, thathar ag ràdh gu bheil iasg math do dhaoine.
Are you sick and tired of washing the dishes?
I am.
I’ve been cooking, and washing the dishes for ten years.
But, no longer.
I’ve found an answer and I’ll be taken away from the kitchen.
Well, they say that fish is good for people.
Husband Tha i air ar riaghladh gun teagamh. She’s got us under control without a doubt.