Talking about the past A' bruidhinn mun àm a chaidh seachad
Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas
Consolidate what you have learnt in this episode of Càirdeas.
Murchadh | Thuirt mi riut, Eòghainn, chan urrainn dhomh dhol a-mach. | I told you, Ewan, I can’t go out. |
Ceit | Halò, a Mhurchaidh. | Hello, Murdo. |
Murchadh | Uill, a Cheit. Dè tha gad thoirt an seo? | Well, Kate. What brings you here? |
Ceit | Am faod mi tighinn a-steach? | May I come in? |
Murchadh | Chan fhaca mi thu o chionn greis. Ciamar a tha thu? | I haven’t seen you for a while. How are you? |
Ceit | Bha mi dìreach a’ dol seachad. | I was just going past. |
Murchadh | An robh gu dearbh? | Were you indeed? |
Ceit | Bha. Chuimhnich mi gun robh iuchraichean an taighe fhathast agam. Seo dhut, a Mhurchaidh. | Yes. I remembered that I still had the house keys. Here you are, Murdo. |
Murchadh | A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an toirt air ais dhomh? Tha, tha thu glè chinnteach. Uill, a Cheit, mar a chì thu, tha mi glè thrang. | Are you sure that you want to give them back to me? Yes, you are very sure. Well, Kate, as you can see, I am very busy. |
Ceit | Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh? | What are you doing? |
Murchadh | Tha mi a’ glanadh. Chan iarrainn an taigh fhàgail salach. Bha uair a bha an taigh seo a’ còrdadh rium, ach tha mi air mo shàrachadh leis a-nis. | I’m cleaning. I wouldn’t want to leave the house dirty. There was a time when I liked this house, but I’m sick of it now. |
Ceit | Dè? | What? |
Murchadh | Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh, a Cheit. Gu Tiriodh. Agus feumaidh mi cabhag a dhèanamh, tha eagal orm. Nach neònach gur ann an-diugh a thàinig thu? | I’m going home, Kate. To Tiree. And I have to hurry up, I’m afraid. Isn’t it strange that you came today? |
Seonag | Uill, dè do bheachd, Iain? | Well, what do you think, John? |
Iain | Tha e tràth fhathast, a Sheonag, ach tha mi cinnteach gun còrdadh e rium glan. | It’s early yet, Joan, but I am sure that I would enjoy it immensely. |
Calum | Nach tuirt mi riut an dèidh dhut an taigh-òsta fhàgail an oidhche eile? Thuirt mi ri Seonag gun dèanadh tu deagh nurs. | Didn’t I tell you after you left the hotel the other night. I said to Joan that you would make a good nurse. |
Seonag | Thuirt, Iain. | Yes, John. |
Iain | Chan eil fios agam a bheil mi airson a dhol dhan cholaiste. | I don’t know if I want to go to the college. |
Calum | Dh’innis Bill dhuinn mar a thachair do dh’Anna, ach tha colaistean eile ann. | Bill told us about what happened to Anne, but there are other colleges. |
Seonag | Agus chan eil mi airson a bhith cruaidh, Iain, ach bidh nighean eile ann uaireigin. | And I don’t want to be cruel, John, but there will be another girl sometime. |
Murchadh | Tapadh leat. | Thank you. |
Ceit | ’S fheàrr dhomhsa falbh ma-thà, a Mhurchaidh. | I’d better go then, Murdo. |
Murchadh | Ceart ma-thà. | Ok then. |
Ceit | Uill. | Well. |
Murchadh | Uill, sin agad sin. | Well, there you have it. |
Ceit | Tha mi an dòchas g... | I hope th... |
Murchadh | Seadh. | Yes. |
Ceit | Tha mi an dòchas gum bi thu ceart gu leòr, a Mhurchaidh. Air m’ onair. | I hope that you will be alright, Murdo. Honestly. |
Murchadh | Tha. A Cheit, tha mi an dòchas gum bi thusa ceart gu leòr cuideachd. | Yes. Kate, I hope that you will be alright too. |
Iain | Colaiste an Rìgh. Tha mi a’ fònadh feuch an innis sibh dhomh mun chùrsa agaibh mu nursadh. Uill, cuin a tha an ath-chùrsa a’ toiseachadh? As t-fhoghar. Seadh, agus dè cho fad ’s a tha e a’ dol? Trì bliadhna. Seadh. Tha, tha Highers agam. Dè na Highers a dh’fheumas mi? | King’s College. I’m phoning to see if you can tell me about your nursing course. Well, when does the next course start? In the autumn. Ok, and how long does it run? Three years. Ok. Yes, I have Highers. Which Highers do I need? |
Seonag | Bha thu glè laghach an-diugh airson Sgitheanach. | You were very kind today for a Skyeman. |
Calum | Cha robh thu fhèin cho dona airson ban-Uibhisteach. | You weren’t so bad yourself for an Uist lady. |
Seonag | Air m’ onair, bha Iain air a dhòigh nuair a dh’fhàg e seo. Chan eil fios agam dè thuirt thu ris, ach bha e cho sona ris an Rìgh. | Honestly, John was delighted when he left here. I don’t know what you said to him, but he was as happy as Larry. |
Calum | Thuirt mi ris gur e obair mhath a th’ ann, ged a tha cuid de nursaichean gu math fiadhaich. | I said to him that it’s a good job, although some of the nurses are quite fierce. |
Seonag | Thud. Co-dhiù, tha mi falbh. Chì mi a-màireach thu. | Tut. Anyway, I’m going. I will see you tomorrow. |
Calum | Chì. Tìoraidh, a ghràidh. | Yes. Cheerio, dear. |
Seonag | Murt! A Cheit, chuir thu eagal mo bheatha orm. | Heck! Kate, you frightened the life out of me. |
Ceit | Am faod mi bruidhinn riut, a Sheonag? | May I speak to you, Joan? |
Iain | Feumaidh mi Highers, ach tha ceithir agam co-dhiù. Chan fhaod a’ cholaiste dad a ràdh an-dràsta, ach tha mi cinnteach gum faigh mi a-steach. | I need Highers, but I have four anyway. The college can’t say anything just now, but I’m sure that I will get in. |
Bill | Meal do naidheachd, Iain. Tha thu airidh air. | Congratulations, John. You deserve it. |
Iain | Tha Anna marbh air sàilleabh cùrsa mar sin. Ma gheibh mi àite air a’ chùrsa seo, feumaidh mi a dhol air. | Anne is dead because of a course like that. If I get a place on this course, I must go on it. |
Bill | Ma thèid àite a thoirt dhut, gabh e, ach gabh e air do shon fhèin. | If you are given a place, take it, but take it for yourself. |
Iain | Agus airson Anna. A bheil fios agad Bill, tha gaol agam oirre fhathast agus tha mi ga h-ionndrainn gach latha. | And for Anne. Do you know Bill, I still love her and I miss her each day. |
Bill | Tha. | Yes. |
Iain | Ma thèid mi air a’ chùrsa, bidh i còmhla rium ann an dòigh. | If I go on the course, she will be with me in a way. |
Ceit | Tha Murchadh air falbh, a Sheonag. | Murdo has gone away, Joan. |
Seonag | Ach bha e seachad eadaraibh, nach robh? | But it was over between you, wasn’t it? |
Ceit | Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh. | I thought that it was. |
Seonag | A bheil thu ga iarraidh air ais ma-thà? | Do you want him back then? |
Ceit | Chan eil fhios agam dè tha mi ag iarraidh. Ach chaidh mi suas a bhruidhinn ris an-diugh agus cha robh dad agam ri ràdh. | I don’t know what I want. But I went up to speak to him today and I had nothing to say. |
Seonag | A bheil gaol agad air? | Do you love him? |
Ceit | Chan eil fhios agam, a Sheonag. | I don’t know, Joan. |
Seonag | Mura h-eil fios agad, tha e nas fheàrr gu bheil e air falbh. | If you don’t know it’s better that he has left. |
Ceit | Chan eil ge-tà. | It isn’t though. |
Seonag | Carson nach eil? | Why not? |
Ceit | Air sàilleabh...air sàilleabh ’s nach fhaigh mi fear eile gu bràth. Cha bhi duine gam iarraidh. | Because...because I will never get another man. No one will want me. |
Seonag | Nise, nise a Cheit. Tha thu àlainn. Gheibh thu fear eile gun teagamh sam bith. Carson nach fhaigheadh? | Now, now, Kate. You are beautiful. You’ll get another man without any doubt. Why wouldn’t you? |
Ceit | Air sàilleabh ’s gu bheil leanabh gu bhith agam. ’S e Murchadh an t-athair. | Because I am going to have a baby. Murdo is the father. |