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If you had taken another road, this wouldn't have happenedNam biodh tu air an rathad eile a ghabhail, cha bhiodh seo air tachairt

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

nam bithinn … if I were …

nam bitheamaid … if we were …

nad àite in your place

nam bitheamaid nad àite if we were in your place

nam biodh tu air an rathad eile a ghabhail if you had taken the other road

nam bitheamaid air an rathad eile a ghabhail if we had taken the other road

nam bithinn nad àite if I were in your place

ola oil

plugaichean plugs

Video is playing in pop-over.

Passenger Feumaidh mi a bhith aig a’ phort-adhair aig leth-uair an dèidh trì.
Tha e trì uairean a-nis.
I need to be at the airport at half past three.
It’s three o’ clock now.
Taxi driver Tha mi coma.
Bidh a h-uile càil ceart gu leòr.
Tha sinn glè fhaisg air a’ phort-adhair.
Dh’fhaodadh sibh coiseachd ann.
I don’t care.
Everything will be alright.
We are very close to the airport.
You could walk there.
Passenger Nam biodh tu air an rathad eile a ghabhail, cha bhiodh seo air tachairt. If you had taken the other road, this wouldn’t have happened.
Taxi driver Nam bithinn air an rathad eile a ghabhail, bhitheamaid fhathast ann am meadhan a’ bhaile. If I had taken the other road, we would still be in the town centre.
Passenger Nam bitheamaid air an rathad eile a ghabhail, bhiodh am poileas ann agus bhiodh càraichean eile ann.
Dh’fhaodadh dràibhear eile cuideachadh a thoirt dhuinn.
If we had taken the other road, the police would be there and other cars would be there.
Another driver could have helped us.
Taxi Driver Cuiridh mi seo ceart ann an còig mionaidean. I’ll fix this in five minutes.
Passenger An do choimhead thu air an ola? Did you look at the oil?
Taxi Driver Tha ola gu leòr ann. There’s enough oil.
Passenger An do choimhead thu air an uisge? Did you look at the water?
Taxi Driver Tha an t-uisge làn. The water’s full.
Passenger An do choimhead thu air na plugaichean? Did you look at the plugs?
Taxi Driver Tha na plugaichean ùr.
Chuir mi ann an-dè iad.
The plugs are new.
I put them in yesterday.
Passenger An do choimhead thu air an diesel? Did you look at the diesel?
Taxi Driver Diesel! Diesel!
Passenger Na can rium nach eil diesel gu leòr ann! Don’t tell me that there isn’t enough diesel!
Taxi Driver Thugainnibh. Come on.
Passenger Nam bithinn nad àite, bhithinn a’ smaoineachadh air obair eile. If I were in your place, I would be thinking about another job.