FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Conditions and their consequence Cùmhnantan agus am buaidh

If they don't want to stay in, they can go outMura h-eil iad airson fuireach a-staigh, faodaidh iad a dhol a-mach

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

ogha a grandchild

oghaichean grandchildren

doile a doll

saighdear a soldier

’s math an airidh well deserved

Video is playing in pop-over.

Mother Mura bi sibh nas toilichte, chan fhaigh sibh a-mach airson seachdain. If you don’t cheer up, you won’t get out for a week.
Father Agus mura bi sibh modhail, gheibh sibh sgleog.
Tha iad an seo.
And if you aren’t well-behaved, you’ll get a slap.
They’re here.
Eilidh Mura bi rudeigin aca dhomh, chan fhuirich mi a-staigh idir. If they don’t have anything for me, I won’t stay in at all.
Alasdair Aidh, mura faigh mise rudeigin bhuapa, thèid mise a-mach cuideachd. Aye, if I don’t get something from them, I’ll go out too.
Grandmother Alasdair!
Ciamar a tha an t-ogha beag agam?
Agus, m’ ogha eile cuideachd!
Tha thu air fàs mòr, Eilidh, a ghràidh.
How’s my little grandchild?
And, my other grandchild too!
You’ve gotten big, Helen, dear.
Grandfather Dè tha ceàrr oirbh?
Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh sibh a-muigh air Oidhche Shathairne
What’s wrong with you?
I thought that you would be out on a Saturday
Alasdair Thuirt mamaidh is dadaidh gum biodh rudeigin agaibh dhuinn nam biomaid an seo. Mummy and daddy said that you would have something for us if we were here.
Father Alasdair, cha tuirt sinn sin idir. Alasdair, we didn’t say that at all.
Mother Cha tuirt. Mura h-eil iad airson fuireach a-staigh, faodaidh iad a dhol a-mach. No, we didn’t. If they don’t want to stay in, they can go out.
Grandfather On an robh iad airson a dhol a-mach, carson a chùm sibh a-staigh iad? Seeing as they wanted to go out, why did you keep them in?
Eilidh Bha sinn airson fàilte a chur oirbh. We wanted to welcome you.
Grandmother Nach eil sin gasta.
Mura h-eil mi ceàrr, tha rudeigin agam an seo dha na h-oghaichean agam.
Seo dhut, Alasdair. Agus seo dhutsa, Eilidh.
Isn’t that kind.
If I’m not mistaken, I have something here for my grandchildren.
Here you are, Alasdair. And here you are, Helen.
Grandfather Mura h-eil iad a’ còrdadh ribh, gheibh sinn rudeigin eile dhuibh. If you don’t like them, we’ll get something else for you.
Alasdair ’S toigh leam an saighdear. I like the soldier.
Eilidh Tha an doile a’ còrdadh riumsa glan.
Tha sibh gar milleadh!
I love the doll.
You’re spoiling us!