FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Dealing with money A’ dèiligeadh ri airgead

I only have seven pounds Chan eil agam ach seachd notaichean

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

If you are stuck for change, chan eil agam ach... could prove useful.

chan eil agam ach… I only have…

aon not deug eleven pounds

daor expensive

saor cheap

tha sin daor that is expensive

tha sin saor that is cheap

Video is playing in pop-over.

Male Voice Times! Evenin’ Times!
Times! Evenin’ Times!
Times! Evenin’ Times!
Times! Evenin’ Times!
Times! Evenin’ Times!
Times! Evenin’ Times!
Female Customer Tha mi duilich.
Chan eil agam ach còig notaichean.
I’m sorry.
I’ve only got a fiver.
Male Staff Tha sin ceart gu leòr. That’s ok.
Female Customer Dè na tha sin? How much is that?
Female Staff Aon not deug, mas e ur toil e. Eleven pounds, please.
Female Customer Tha mi duilich.
Chan eil agam ach cairt creideis.
I’m sorry.
I’ve only got a credit card.
Female Staff Glè mhath. Very well.
Girl Còig notaichean, sia notaichean, seachd notaichean, ochd notaichean, naoi notaichean, deich notaichean, aon not deug.
Chan eil agam ach aon not deug.
Five pounds, six pounds, seven pounds, eight pounds, nine pounds, ten pounds, eleven pounds.
I’ve only got eleven pounds.
Male Customer Gabh mo leisgeul.
Dè tha sin a’ cosg?
Excuse me.
How much does that cost?
Female Staff Ochd notaichean. Eight pounds.
Male Customer Ochd notaichean!
Tha sin daor!
Tha mi duilich.
Chan eil agam ach seachd notaichean.
Eight pounds!
That’s expensive!
I’m sorry.
I’ve only got seven pounds.
Man 1 A bheil airgead agad?
Chan eil agam ach aon not deug.
Do you have any money?
I’ve only got eleven pounds.
Man 2 Tha.
Tha not agam.
I’ve got a pound.
Man 1 Ceart ma-thà. Ok then.