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Arranging to go out A’ cur air dòigh a dhol a-mach

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas


Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tidsear trang a busy teacher

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Woman A Thormoid! Norman!
Ceit Halò, Anna. Hello, Anne.
Anna Haidh, a Cheit. Hi, Kate.
Ceit Anna, a bheil cuimhne agad air coinneamh na drama? Anne, do you remember about the drama meeting?
Anna A bheil coinneamh ann? Is there a meeting on?
Ceit Tha.
A-nochd aig seachd uairean.
Tonight at seven o’ clock.
Anna A-nochd? Tonight?
Ceit Anna,feumaidh sinn a bhith ann. Anna, we need to be there.
Anna Uill, chan urrainn dhomh. Well, I can’t.
Ceit Carson? Why?
Anna Tha mi a' dol gu film. I’m going to a a film.
Ceit Film? A film?
Anna Seadh, film. Yes, a film.
Ceit Agus a bheil am film sin fada? And is that film long?
Anna Och, a Cheit. Och, Kate.
Ceit Nach tig thu ann an dèidh làimh? Won’t you come afterwards?
Anna ’S dòcha. Maybe.
Ceit Och, Anna, feumaidh tu! Och, Anne, you have to!
Anna Ok, a Cheit.
Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh co-dhiù, a Cheit?
A bheil thu trang?
Ok, Kate.
What are you doing anyway, Kate?
Are you busy?
Ceit Tha.
Tha mi an seo fhathast anns an sgoil.
Bidh mi a' dol dhachaigh ann am mionaid.
I’m here still at school.
I’ll be going home in a minute.
Anna Agus a bheil talent san staffroom a-nochd idir? And is there talent in the staffroom tonight at all?
Ceit Chan eil.
Chan eil duine a-staigh an seo ach mi fhèin.
Uill, mi fhèin agus Torm... – Maighstir Mac a’ Phì.
There isn’t anyone in here but myself.
Well, me and Norm... – Mr MacPhee.
Anna Aidh, aidh.
A bheil esan san rùm còmhla riut?
Aye, aye.
Is he in the room with you?
Ceit Murt, chan eil.
Tha esan anns an rùm aige fhèin.
Heck, no.
He’s in his own room.
Anna Uill, feumaidh mi falbh.
Tha am film a’ tòiseachadh aig leth-uair an dèidh còig.
Well, I have to go.
The film starts at half past five.
Ceit Anna, feumaidh tu a bhith ann a-nochd.
Feumaidh sinn an dealbh-chluich a dhèanamh.
Anne, you have to be there tonight.
We need to do the play.
Anna Ok.
Ceit Nise, cò eile?
Chan eil Seumas a-staigh.
Bidh e anns a’ gharaids.
Now, who else?
James isn’t in.
He’ll be at the garage.
Tormod Tha thu trang, a Cheit. You’re busy, Kate.
Ceit Trang?
Bha latha dìreach ...agus an-dràsta tha mi a' feuchainn ri daoine fhaighinn airson coinneamh na dràma.
A Thormoid, tha mi sgìth.
My day was just...and now I’m trying to get people for the drama meeting.
Norman, I’m tired.
Tormod Tha, a Cheit.
Ach faodaidh tu a dhol dhachaigh a-nis.
Yes, Kate.
But you can go home now.
Ceit Dhachaigh?
A Thormoid, a Thormoid..dè tha ceàrr?
Am bi thu aig a’ choinneimh?
Norman, Norman...what’s wrong?
Will you be at the meeting?
Tormod Coinneamh? Meeting?
Ceit Coinneamh na dràma.
A’ tòiseachadh aig seachd uairean, agus an dèidh làimh, thig thu gu cofaidh còmhla rium fhìn mar as àbhaist.
The drama meeting.
Starting at seven o’ clock, and afterwards, you will come for a coffee with me as usual.
Tormod A Cheit. Kate.
Ceit A Thormoid, a bheil cuimhne agad nuair a thòisich sinn air an dràma?
Mi fhìn agus tu fhèin.
Norman, do you remember when we started on the drama?
Me and you.
Tormod Uill, tha a Cheit, ach... Well, yes Kate, but...
Ceit Am bi thu aig a’ choinneimh a-nochd? Will you be at the meeting tonight?
Tormod Feumaidh mi falbh an-dràsta, bidh iad a’ feitheam rium a-muigh. I need to go just now, they’ll be waiting for me outside.
Ceit Cò tha a' feitheamh riut? Who's waiting with you?
Tormod Tha mo bhean ’s mo chlann.
Sìne, ’s Deirdre ’s Fionnlagh.
My wife and my children.
Jane, and Deirdre and Finlay.
Ceit Ach chì mi a-nochd thu. But I’ll see you tonight.
Tormod Feumaidh mi falbh. I have to go.
Ceit Ach chì mi nochd thu.
A Thormoid!
But I’ll see you tonight.
Ceit Move that van will you!
I’ll be late for a meeting!
Move that van will you!
I’ll be late for a meeting!
Driver Nach i a bha fiadhaich! Wasn’t she furious!
Colleague Nach i a bha brèagha! Wasn’t she beautiful!