FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Telling people things Ag innse rudan do dhaoine

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

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Seumas ’S fheàrr dhomh falbh ma-thà, a Mhurchaidh. Choinnich mi ri cracker de bhoireannach a-raoir. I better leave then, Murdo. I met a cracker of a woman last night.
Murchadh O a Sheumais, innis dhomh ciamar a tha thu ga dhèanamh. James, tell me how you do it.
Seumas Tha e agad, no chan eil! You either have it, or you don’t!
Policeman May I see your license please sir? May I see your license please sir?
Seumas Certainly, officer.
Do I detect a Highland accent, officer?
Certainly, officer.
Do I detect a Highland accent, officer?
Policeman You do indeed. You do indeed.
Seumas Co às a tha sibh? Where are you from?
Policeman Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach. I’m from the Isle of Skye.
Seumas Seumas Dòmhnallach à Uibhist a Deas. James MacDonald from South Uist.
Policeman Uibhist a Deas?
Uill, bidh Gàidhlig mhath agad ma-thà.
South Uist?
Well, you will have good Gaelic then.
Seumas Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil. I hope so.
Policeman An innis thu seo dhomh ma-thà?
Dè a’ Ghàidhlig a chuireadh tu air: “Fifty miles an hour in a built-up area”?
Will you tell me then?
What is the Gaelic for: “Fifty miles an hour in a built-up area”?
Ceit Cha do dh’innis thu dhomh! You didn’t tell me!
Tormod Dè tha thu ag ràdh, a Cheit? What are you saying, Kate?
Ceit Cha do dh’innis thu dhomh mu dheidhinn Sìne. You didn’t tell me about Jean.
Tormod Thig a-steach, a Cheit.
Nise, dè mu dheidhinn Sìne?
Come in, Kate.
Now, what about Jean?
Ceit An leanabh, a Thormoid.
Cha do dh’innis thu dhomh mu dheidhinn an leanaibh.
The baby, Norman.
You didn’t tell me about the baby.
Tormod Leanabh?
Dè leanabh?
What baby?
Ceit An leanabh agaibhse.
Agad fhèin ’s aig Sìne.
Your baby.
Yours and Jean’s.
Tormod Dè tha thu ag ràdh, a Cheit?
Innis dhomh.
Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh?
What are you saying, Kate?
Tell me.
What do you mean?
Ceit A Thormoid, cha do dh’innis Sìne dhut? Norman, Jean didn’t tell you?
Tormod Dè a Cheit? What Kate?
Kate Tha dùil aig Sìne ri leanabh. Jean is expecting a baby.
Policeman And three bald tyres.
Well sir.
I make that ten points all together.
And three bald tyres.
Well sir.
I make that ten points all together.
Seumas Deich.
Ach tha mi ag obair ann an garaids.
Feumaidh mi càr airson m’ obair.
But I work in a garage.
I need a car for my job.
Policeman Uill, bu chòir dhut a bhith faiceallach.
Gu h-àraid mas e sin an obair agad.
Tha mise dìreach a’ dèanamh m’ obair fhìn.
Well, you ought to be careful.
Especially if that’s your job.
I am just doing my own job.
Ceit Tormod bochd.
Seall air.
Na shuidhe an sin mar leanabh beag le a cheann na làmhan.
Ciamar a b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith gad chreidsinn nuair a dh’innis thu dhomh na sgeulachdan agaibh?
Tormod bochd seo.
Tormod bochd sin.
Chan e Tormod bochd a th’ ann, ach Sìne bhochd.
Sìne bhochd.
Agus Ceit bhochd.
Ceit bhochd ghòrach.
Uill a Thormoid, meal do naidheachd.
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi sibh uile glè thoilichte.
Thu fhèin agus Sìne agus an teaghlach!
Agus bidh mise a’ feuchainn ri obair ùr fhaighinn ann an sgoil eile cho luath ’s as urrainn dhomh.
A Shìne!
Ò, a Shìne.
Poor Norman.
Look at him.
Sitting there like a little baby with his head in his hands.
How could I have believed you when you told me your stories?
Poor Norman this.
Poor Norman that.
It isn’t poor Norman, but it’s poor Jean.
Poor Jean.
And poor Kate.
Poor, foolish Kate.
Well, Norman, congratulations.
I hope that you will all be very happy.
You and Jean and the family!
And I will be trying to get a new job in another school as soon as I can!
Oh, Jean!