FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Asking about transport A’ faighneachd mu dhòighean siubhail

Say this Can seo

Here are the words and phrases that you have heard in this lesson.

càit am faigh …? where can … get?

dè cho fada ’s a tha e a’ toirt? how long does it take?

a bheil bus ann? is there a bus?

dè cho tric ’s a bhios bàta ann? how often is there a boat?

am bi am bus a’ stad gu Glaschu an seo? does the bus to Glasgow stop here?

an tàinig an trèan fhathast? has the train arrived yet?

thàinig yes

an do dh’fhalbh am plèan? did the plane leave?

dh’fhalbh yes

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Let’s listen, repeat and practise
how long does it take? – dè cho fada ’s a tha e a’ toirt?
Let’s say it together
how long does it take? – dè cho fada ’s a tha e a’ toirt?
Say it on your own
how long does it take? – dè cho fada ’s a tha e a’ toirt?
Let’s try another one
how often is there a boat? – dè cho tric ’s a bhios bàta ann?
Say it with me
how often is there a boat? – dè cho tric ’s a bhios bàta ann?
Say it on your own
how often is there a boat? – dè cho tric ’s a bhios bàta ann?
Let’s try another phrase
does the bus to Glasgow stop here? - am bi am bus gu Glaschu a’ stad an seo?
Practise with me
does the bus to Glasgow stop here? - am bi am bus gu Glaschu a’ stad an seo?
Practise on your own
does the bus to Glasgow stop here? - am bi am bus gu Glaschu a’ stad an seo?
Listen to me
has the train arrived yet? – an tàinig an trèan fhathast?
Repeat with me
has the train arrived yet? – an tàinig an trèan fhathast?
Your turn
has the train arrived yet? – an tàinig an trèan fhathast?