FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Doing things A’ dèanamh rudan

Keep hold of the sailCùm grèim air an t-seòl

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

greideal a griddle

stuth stuff

tana thin

mar as taine, ’s ann as fheàrr the thinner the better

nas tighe thicker

dh’fhaodadh tu … you could ...

… a dhol rud beag nas luaithe … go a little bit faster

chan fhaodadh tu … you couldn’t ...

sin a dhèanamh … do that

Video is playing in pop-over.

Boy Carson a tha seo? Why this?
Woman A’ ghreideal.
Tha i airson na pancakes a dhèanamh.
The griddle.
It’s for making the pancakes.
Boy Nach bi sibh gan dèanamh ann am pana? Don’t you make then in a pan?
Woman Uill, dh’fhaodadh tu ach cha bhi mise.
Bidh mi a’ dèanamh nan crepes ann am pana.
Well, you could but I don’t.
I make crepes in a pan.
Boy ’S e crepes agus pancakes an aon rud, nach e? Crepes and pancakes are the same thing, aren’t they?
Woman Chan e.
Seall seo.
Tha an stuth airson nan crepes tana agus bog.
Mar as taine agus as buige a tha an stuth seo, ’s ann as fheàrr.
Look at this.
The mixture for the crepes is thin and soft.
The thinner and the softer this mixture, the better.
Boy Ach tha an stuth airson nam pancakes bog cuideachd. But the mixture for the pancakes is soft too.
Woman Tha, ach tha e nas tighe.
Dh’fhaodadh tu pancakes a dhèanamh ann am pana, ach chan fhaodadh tu crepes a dhèanamh air greideal.
Yes, but it’s thicker.
You could make pancakes in a pan, but you couldn’t make crepes on a griddle.
Boy Carson? Why?
Woman Tha an stuth ro thana. The stuff’s too thin.