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If you knew what you wanted, I wouldn't be leaving at allNam biodh fios agad dè bha thu ag iarraidh, cha bhithinn a' falbh idir

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

nam … if …

nam biodh an t-acras ort if you were hungry

nam biodh tu ag iarraidh deoch if you wanted a drink

ma thogras tu if you want

tha mi coma I don’t mind

Video is playing in pop-over.

Eilidh A bheil an t-acras ort? Are you hungry?
Murchadh Tha, is chan eil. Yes, and no.
Eilidh Nam biodh an t-acras ort, dh’fhaodamaid biadh a ghabhail an seo.
Chan eil e daor idir.
If you were hungry, we could have food here.
It isn’t expensive at all.
Murchadh Ma thogras tu. If you want.
Eilidh Bhiodh e glè mhath. It would be very good.
Murchadh Cha toigh leam biadh Fraingeach. I don’t like French food.
Eilidh Uill, tha bàr aca shuas an staidhre.
Nam biodh tu ag iarraidh deoch, dh’fhaodamaid a dhol ann.
Well, they have a bar upstairs.
If you wanted a drink, we could go there.
Murchadh Tha mi coma. I don’t mind.
Eilidh Seall. Dh’fhaodamaid a dhol dhan taigh-dhealbh. Look. We could go to the cinema.
Murchadh Dh’fhaodadh. Yes.
Eilidh Nam biodh tu airson Braveheart fhaicinn, dh’fhaodamaid a dhol ann. If you wanted to see Braveheart, we could go there.
Murchadh Chunnaic mi an-dè e. Cha do chòrd e rium. I saw it yesterday. I didn’t enjoy it.
Eilidh Ò, bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh e math.
’S toigh leam Mel Gibson.
Oh, I thought that it would be good.
I like Mel Gibson.
Murchadh Och, ma thogras tu, thèid mi ann..a-rithist. Och, if you want, I’ll go...again
Eilidh Cha bhiodh sin glic.
Dè tha thu airson a dhèanamh, ma-thà?
That wouldn’t be wise.
What do you want to do then?
Murchadh Thuirt mi riut. Tha mi coma. I told you. I don’t mind.
Eilidh Nam biodh tu airson a dhol gu meadhan a’ bhaile, dh’fhaodamaid tagsaidh fhaighinn. If you wanted to go to the town centre, we could get a taxi.
Murchadh Chan eil meadhan a’ bhaile faisg ge-tà. The town centre isn’t near though.
Voice Eilidh! Helen!
Eilidh Haidh.
Ciamar a tha sibh?
How are you?
Mairead Tha gu math. Dè tha sibh a’ dèanamh? Good. What are you doing?
Eilidh Chan eil sinn cinnteach. We’re not sure.
Mairead Uill, tha sinn a’ dol gu partaidh.
Nam biodh sibhse airson tighinn còmhla rinn, bhiodh e ceart gu leòr.
Well, we’re going to a party.
If you wanted to come with us, it would be alright.
Eilidh Bhiodh sin math, a Mhairead.
Dè do bheachd, a Mhurchaidh?
That would be good, Margaret.
What do you think, Murdo?
Murchadh Tha mi coma. I don’t mind.
Mairead Siuthad, a Mhurchaidh. Come on, Murdo.
Eilidh Thuirt thu gum biodh e ceart gu leòr nam biodh daoine eile còmhla ribh? You said that it would be alright if other people were with you?
Mairead Thuirt. Yes.
Eilidh Ceart ma-thà. Thig mi ann.
Uill, a Mhurchaidh, nam biodh fios agad dè bha thu ag iarraidh, cha bhithinn a’ falbh idir. Ach chan eil fios agad – oidhche mhath.
Right then. I’ll come along.
Well, Murdo, if you knew what you wanted, I wouldn’t be leaving at all. But you don’t know – good night.