Gaelic Sounds Fuaimean na Gàidhlig
Learn to pronounce Scottish Gaelic sounds with our video guide. These videos will help you learn many of the Gaelic sounds! Ionnsaich fuaimneachadh leis an iùl bhidio againn. Cuidichidh na bhidiothan seo gus cuid de ne fuaimean Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh.

We will cover both the short a and long à forms of the vowel a, with examples to get you used to the sound.

Let’s look at the sound the vowel e makes in Gaelic.

The short i in Gaelic has multiple distinct sounds, and a long ì sound with the grave accent.

The Gaelic o has three short and two long sounds.

Let’s look at the u sound in Gaelic, for which there is a short u and a long ù.

We are going to have a look at the Gaelic sound made by the letters ch.

The letter ‘v’ does not exist in the Gaelic alphabet, however mh is one letter combination in Gaelic that can create a ‘v’ sound.

Bh can be used to create a ‘v’ sound.

We are going to have a look at the Gaelic sound made by the letters dh.

We are going to have a look at the Gaelic sound made by the letters fh.

Let’s take a look at the Gaelic sound made by the letters gh.

The ph sound in Gaelic sounds similar to the sound of the letter ‘f’.

In Gaelic, the th sound is pronounced like the English ‘h’.

The sh sound in Gaelic is pronounced like the English h.

Let us now explore the vowel combination ia.

Let us now consider the sound made by the vowels ua in Gaelic.

Let's take a look at how to pronounce the vowels eu in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the vowels ai in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the vowels ei in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the vowels ui in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the vowels ao in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the vowels ea in Gaelic.

How to pronounce the variations of the broad L sound in Gaelic.

Look at the variations of the slender L sound in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at the non-slender L sound in Gaelic.

The broad N sound in Gaelic.

How to produce the slender N sound in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how N sounds at the end of a word in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the R sounds in Gaelic.

Let’s have a look at how to pronounce the R and RR sounds in Gaelic.

Learn how to pronounce the LL.

Learn how to pronounce the NN.

Learn how to pronounce the RD.

How the consonants rt are pronounced in Gaelic.

Learn how to pronounce NG.

Let’s have a look at how the consonants chd are pronounced.

Learn how to pronounce BL.

Learn how to pronounce the SGR.

How CN is pronounced.

How the consonants ghn are pronounced in Gaelic.